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The Journey of the Department

General information manual

Alumni Almanac

A collection in memoriam Prof. Vijoy K. Varma

Welcome Message by Head

The Department of Psychiatry is one of the earliest general hospital psychiatry units started in the country in 1963 by Prof. NN Wig in the PGIMER, an institute of national importance created under an Act of Parliament. This Department is the most prestigious and a coveted centre for training and research in mental health in the country offering specialty training in general psychiatry, and super specialty training in Addiction Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Consultation Liaison Psychiatry. The Department also offers PhD in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. The Department has been WHO centre for Research and Training in mental health for South East Asia Region, as well as a Centre of Excellence for De addiction and Treatment Services in the country.

The Department has the distinction of starting first DM course in Addiction Psychiatry in India, second DM course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , and the first post-MDFellowship in Consultation Liaison Psychiatry in the country. There is an intensive and pervasive research tradition contributing to a highly stimulating research environment. Ex-students and alumni of the Department hold highly prestigious positions and posts in academic centres in the country and abroad. The Department currently has 16 Faculty Members, 31 Junior Residents, 15 Senior Residents, and a large number of other professional staff such as psychologists, social workers, play therapist, vocational guidance instructor, counsellors and nurses.

The Department strives to achieve excellence in several super specialties of psychiatry and serve to set standards for psychiatric education, service and research in the country.

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