8. Marfatia Award for best paper read at annual conference of IPS (Drs.N.N. Wig. P. Behere. H. Phookan, K.M. Wedhe, A.K. Mishra, R.S. Murthy, D. K. Menon, S.K. Khandelwal, H. Bedi, 1980).
WHO Fellowship in Child Mental Health Sept Oct. 1991, at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh, USA, and at Guy’s Hospital London, UK (S.Malhotra
Bhagwat Award of IPS (Dr. D. Basu, 1992).
Dr. G.C. Boral Award II of IASP (Drs. D. Basu, V.K. Varma, S. Malhotra, 1992).
Masserman award for World Accords and Human Welfare (Dr. V.K. Varma, 1992).
Somatic inkblot Series Research Award (Dr. D. Pershad, 1992).
Distinguished Alumni Award of Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi (Drs. S.K. Varma, D. Pershad, 1993).
Best Paper Award at 18th Annual Conference of IPS-North Zone (Drs. A. Avasthi, V.K. Varma, D.K. Arya, A. Mathur, 1993).
Best Paper Award at 3rd Annual Conference of North Zone Chapter of Urological Society of India (Drs. L. Nathan, S.K. Sharma, A. Avasthi, B. Singh, 1993).
Dr. S.C. Gupta best paper award at the Silver Jubilee Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist (Dr. D. Pershad, 1993).
Best paper award at Silver Jubilee Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologist (Drs. S. Vankatesh, M. Pal, V.K. Varma, S.K Verma, 1993).
Best paper award at the 18th Annual Conference of IPS-North Zone (Drs. A. Avasthi, V.K. Varma, D.K. Arya, A. Mathur 1993).
Bhagwat award at Annual Conference of IPS (Drs. A. Sharma, S. Malhotra, M. Raghunathan, A Malhotra, 1994).
Academic excellence award of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists during the Annual Conference of clinical psychologists (Dr S.K. Verma, 1995).
Dr. A.K. Kala Award of IPS – North Zone (Drs. A. Sharma, S. Malhtora, A. Malhtora, M.R. Raghunathan, 1995).
S.I.S. Research Award at 3rd International Conference of Somatic Inkblot Society (Dr S.K. Verma, 1995).
Poona Psychiatrists Association award I of Indian Psychiatric Society (Drs. S. Malhotra, P.J. Santosh, 1996).
Balint Award of IASP (Dr. D. Basu, 1996).
G.C. Bora Award II of IASP (Drs. N. Gupta, D. Basu, 1997).
Dr. G.C. Boral Award of IPS North Zone (Drs. P. Kulhara, A. Avasthi, N. Gupta, R. Nehra, G. Singh, 1997).
Dr. A.K. Kala Award for original research in Biological psychiatry at Annual Conference of IPS – North Zone (Drs. P. Kulhara, A. Avasthi, N. Gupta, 1997).
Marfatia Award of IACAM (Drs. N. Gupta, G. Singh, 1997).
Best Paper Award at the XXIInd North Zonal Conference of the IPS (Dr. A. Avasthi, 1997).
Marfatia Award of IPS (Drs. P. Kulhara, D. Basu, S.K. Mattoo, P. Sharan, R. Chopra, 1998).
Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (Dr. S. Malhotra, 1998)
Dr. Buckshey Award at the XXIIIrd North Zonal Conference of the IPS (Dr. A. Avasthi, 1998).
Poona Psychiatrists Association – I Award of the IPS for the best-published paper (Drs. A. Arora, A. Avasthi, P. Kulhara, 1999)
Poona Psychiatrists Association-II Award of the IPS for the best-published paper (Drs. S. Gupta, P. Kulhara, S.K. Verma, 1999)
Dr. Buckshey Award of the IPS – North Zone (Drs. P. Kumar, A. Avasthi, D.Basu, 1999).
Balint Award of the Indian Association of Social Psychiatry (Dr. P. Sharan, 1999).
The Psycho-Oration award at the National Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (Dr. A. Malhotra, 2000).
The best paper award of the Association of Clinical psychologists, Delhi (DACP) (Drs. A. Kohli. V.K. Varma, R. Nehra, 2000).
R. Kishore Young Clinical Psychologists Award of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (Dr. A. Nehra, 2000).
The Tilak Rao Venkoba Award of the ICMR (Dr. D.Basu, 2000).
Dr.D.L.N. Murty Rao Oration award of the IPS at the 52nd Annual Conference of the IPS held at Kochi (Dr. P. Kulhara, 2001).
Dr. J.C. Marfatia Best Paper Award at 6th Biennial conference of the IACAM (Drs. S. Malhotra, M. Changulani, S. Chakrabarti, G. Singh, 2001)
G.C. Boral-I Award at the 14th Annual Conference of IASP (Drs. A. Malhotra, S.K. Mattoo, D. Basu, R. Malhotra, 2001).
G.C. Boral Award at 26th Annual Conference of the IPS (North Zone) (Drs. D. Basu, S.K. Mattoo, S. Goswami, G. Singh, 2001).
G.C. Boral – II Award of IASP at the 14th Annual Conference (Dr. S. Malhotra, Dr. D. Basu, 2001).
Luke Clack Young Scientist Award at 6th Biennial Conference of the IACAM (Drs.G. Singh, A. Mohan, 2001).
N.N. De Oration Award at the 14th Annual Conference of the IASP (Dr. S. Malhotra, 2002)
S.C. Gupta Best paper Award of Indian Association of Clinical Psychology at the 28th National Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists at Chennai (Drs. A. Kohli, P. Kulhara, N. Gupta, R. Thapar, 2002).
Dr. Buckshey Award of the IPS (North Zone) (Drs P. Khurana, PSVN Sharma, A. Avasthi, 2002).
N.N. De Oration Award of the IASP (Members of the department won this award for starting a new service Mental Disability Clinic in the department from April 2003).
Kop’s Award of the Indian Society of Anesthetists at Annual Conference (Dr. D. Basu, 2003).
NIDA-INVEST International Research Fellowship by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA, under its International Visiting Scientists and Technical Exchange (INVEST) Program, for one year(Dr D. Basu , 2003).
Poona Psychiatrists Association-II award of the IPS for the best-published paper (Dr. S. Chakrabarti, Ms. S. Gill, 2004).
A.K. Kala Award of IPS-North Zone (Drs. S. Malhotra, N. Gupta, A. Bhattacharya, Ms. M. Kapoor, 2004).
Poona Psychiatric Association Oration Award of the IACAM for the paper titled “Autism: An Experiment of Nature” at the VIIIth Biennial Conference of IACAM (Dr S. Malhotra, 2005)
Luke Clack Award for the best paper titled, “A Comparative Study of Schizophrenia with Onset in Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood” at the at VIIIth Biennial Conference of IACAM (Dr S.Malhotra, P. Biswas, A. Malhotra, N. Gupta, 2005)
Bombay Psychiatric Society Silver Jubilee Year Award of the IPS for the best paper of the 57th Annual National Conference of the IPS-North Zone for the paper titled, “Study of Childhood onset Schizophrenia using SPECT and Neuropsychological Assessment”( Dr S. Malhotra, N. Gupta, M. Kapoor, 2005).
Fourth Decade Trust Oration award of S.M.S. Medical College Jaipur, on “Current Understanding and Management of Depression” (Dr A. Avasthi, 2005).
NHS International Fellowship by the National Health Service, Department of Health, Government of the United Kingdom, under its NHS International Fellowship Programme, (Dr D. Basu, 2006)
Second prize for Poster presentations at the Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology, for the paper titled “oesophageal dysmotility: effect of stress and relaxation” (Drs R. Shukla, U. Dutta , B. Nagi , S. Chakrabarti, R. Kochar, K Singh , 2006).
Bhagwat Award of IPS for the year 2006 for the paper titled “Evoked Potential (P300) in opioid dependent males and their brothers” (Dr S. M. Singh)
D L N Murthy Rao Oration of the IPS (Dr S. Malhotra, 2007)
Major Amir Chand Memorial Research Award of PGIMER for Best Research Paper “A comparative study of soft neurological signs in schizophrenic patients with onset in childhood, adolescence and adulthood of the Institute (Dr P. Biswas, S. Malhotra, A.Malhotra, N. Gupta, 2006-2007)
Tilak Venkoba Rao Award of Indian Council of Medical Research to a psychiatrist younger than 40 years for the research paper titled “ Impact of psychiatric disorders on patients and caregivers” (Dr S. Grover, 2007)
Poona Psychiatrists’ Association Award I of the IPS for the Best Published Paper titled Cost of care of schizophrenia: a study of Indian outpatient attenders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2008; 112: 54-63 (Drs S.Grover, A. Avasthi, S. Chakrabarti, A. Bansali, P.Kulhara, 2008).
Young Psychiatrist Fellowship of the World Psychiatric Association at the XIV World Congress of Psychiatry, (Dr S. Grover, 2008)
Honorary Mention for the World Psychiatric Association ‘Ulysses Vienna Prize for Young Psychiatrists’ in developing countries (Dr S.Grover, 2008)
Dr K L Wig Oration Award of the National Academy of Medical Sciences for the paper titled “Rebuilding the brain with psychotherapy” National Academy of Medical Sciences Conference (NAMSCON) (Dr S. Malhotra, 2008-2009)
Luke Clack Award for paper Neuropsychological Deficits in Remitted Depressed Adolescents, at Xth Biennial Conference of IACAM (Dr S. Malhotra, A. Dutta, S. Chakrabarti, 2009).
Dr. V.S. Mani Oration Award of the Venad Guild Psychiatrists, (Dr P. Kulhara, 2010)
DLN Murthy Rao Oration Award of the IPS. (Dr Avasthi, 2010)
Tilak Venkoba Rao Oration Award of IPS for the paper titled “State of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in Indiacurrent status and vision for future”, Indian J Psychiatry 2011; 53:202-213. (Dr S. Grover, 2010).
Best Paper of the 11th Biennial Conference of the IACAM for the paper entitled “Development of a semi-structured diagnostic tool for child and adolescent psychiatric disorders for use in primary care through Telepsychiatry: preliminary results.” ( Drs S. Malhotra , S. Chakrabarti , A. Mehta , Aarzoo, R. Shah, B. Nithya , 2011)
Dr. Buckshey Award of the IPS- North Zone for the paper titled “Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in Unipolar Depression: an exploratory study” Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2012; 17: 15-24. (Drs M. Aggarwal, S. Grover, S. Chakrabarti, A. Dutt, A. Avasthi P. Kulhara, 2011).
Second prize for the best poster presented at AIDSCON, Chandigarh State AIDS Control Society, held at PGIMER, Chandigarh (Dr R. Nehra, S. Grover, Dr M. Kumar, S. Sharma, 2011).
Young Psychiatrist Fellowship of the World Psychiatric Association at the XV World Congress of Psychiatry, (Dr S. Grover S, 2011).
B.B. Sethi Oration of the Chhatrapati Sahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow (Dr P. Kulhara, 2011).
Venkoba Rao Oration award for the paper titled “Telepsychiatry: A feasible Option for Primary Care” at 18th Conference of IASP, (Dr S. Malhotra, 2011).
Poona Psychiatrist Association Award – II of India Psychiatric Society for the paper titled “A factor analytic study of the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 in untreated patients with delirium”. (Dr S. Grover, S. Chakrabarti, R. Shah, Kumar V, 2012).
Marfatia Award of the IPS for the paper titled “Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: a comparative study” (Drs. S. Grover , N. Nebhinani, S. Chakrabarti, S.K Mattoo, S. Malhotra, M. Aggarwal, A. Avasthi , P. Kulhara, D. Basu , 2012).
Asian Federation of Early Career Psychiatrists (AFECP) Fellowship in the 2nd training and educational fellowship program of Asian Federation of Early Career Psychiatrists (AFECP) (Dr S. Grover, 2012).
A K Kala Award of IPS- North Zone for best paper on Biological Psychiatry titled “longitudinal study of change in prevalence of metabolic syndrome and metabolic disturbances 3 months after Clozapine therapy” (Drs. N Nebhinani, S. Grover, S. Chakrabarti, N Kate, A. Avasthi, 2012).
IAGMH-INTAS Award for the best paper presented by a fellow of Indian Association of Geriatric Mental Health Comparison titled “symptoms of delirium across various motoric subtypes in geriatric patients”. (Drs S. Grover, A. Avasthi , A. Sharma, 2012)
Second prize for the Young Researcher Award of the International Conference on Schizophrenia (ICONS-6) for the best paper by young researcher titled “Positive aspects of care giving & its correlates in caregivers of schizophrenia: A study from North India” (Drs N. Kate, S. Grover , P. Kulhara , R. Nehra, 2012)
G C Boral Award-1 of the IASP for the paper titled “Intimate partner violence (IPV) amongst female psychiatric out-patients – A study from India” (Drs S. Grover, A. Ghosh, A. Avasthi, N. Kate, S. Sharma , P. Kulhara, 2012)
BB Sethi Poster Award of IASP for the paper titled “Explanatory models in patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An Exploratory study” (Drs. B. Patra, S. Grover, M. Aggarwal, A. Avasthi, S. Chakrabarti , S. Malhotra, 2012)
Young Researcher Award at the 15th Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists Scientific Meeting at Seoul, Korea (Dr S. Grover, 2012).
Dr. Vidya Sagar Oration Award of the Punjab and Chandigarh State Branch of the IPS (Dr. P. Kulhara, 2012 )
Dr. Girindra Shekhar Bose Oration of Indian Psycho-analytical Society, Kolkata; IPS – West Bengal branch and Indian Association of Private Psychiatry –West Bengal. “Psychotherapy in Indian Context” (Dr A. Avasthi, 2012)
Early Career Psychiatrist Fellowship of Second Training and Educational Fellowship Program of Asian Federation of Early Career Psychiatrist, Kochi (Dr Subodh BN, 2012)
Early Career Psychiatrist Fellowship of World Psychiatric Association, Bali, Indonesia (Dr S.M.Singh, 2012)
Marfatia Award of IPS for the best original scientific paper (Drs D. Basu, D. Ghormode, R. Madan, S.K. Mattoo, R. Nehra, S. Pravakar, 2013).
Pune Psychiatric Association – I (PPA I) Award for best published research paper (Drs D. Basu, M. Agarwal, P.P.Das, S.K.Mattoo, P.Kulhara, V.K.Varma, 2013).
N. N. Dey Oration Award of the IASP (Dr. P. Kulhara, 2012-2013)
KC Dube Award of IPS for best poster titled, “Computerized System of Diagnosis and Treatment in Telepsychiatry: Development and Feasibility Study of Pharmacological Treatment Module” (Drs S. Malhotra, S. Chakrabarti, R Shah 2013).
Bhagwat Award of IPS for the year 2012 for the paper titled “ Care giving appraisal in schizophrenia: evaluating the stress appraisal coping model” (Dr N. Kate)
Bhagwat Award of IPS for the year 2013 for the paper titled “are the childhood externalizing disorder the harbinger of early alcohol dependence” (Dr A. Ghosh)
IAGMH-INTAS Award (2nd Prize) for the best paper presented by a fellow of Indian Association of Geriatric Mental Health Comparison titled “Incidence, prevalence and risk factors for delirium in elderly admitted to a coronary care Unit (Drs S. Grover, S. Lahariya, S. Bagga, A. Sharma, 2013).
International Lilly Travel Fellowship of the 10th Annual Conference of International Society of Bipolar Disorder, Miami, June 13-16, 2013 (Dr S. Grover)
Early Career Psychiatrist Fellowship of Asian Psychiatric Society, Colombo (S. Sarkar, 2013)