ROI DA 13550 “Marihuana Abuse: Cognition, Neuro-imaging and Endocrines” ( NIH)
HIV-1C clade progression and neuro-AIDS (NIH)
Cross-cultural reliability and validity of intermediate measures (CIM-II) of the measurement of treatment research to improve cognition in schizophrenia (MATRICS) (NIH)
Enhancing HIV Medication Adherence in India (NIH).
Prevalence of common mental disorders in subjects with diabetes mellitus (WPA).
Psychiatric disturbances associated with cardiac surgery.
Effects of protein calorie malnutrition on mental development.
Psychiatric and menstrual disturbances following tubectomy.
A long-term follow-up psychosexual symptoms following vasectomy.
Levels of individual steroids in schizophrenic patients.
A prospective study of neo-natal neurological examination including electro-encephalograph in high-risk babies and its correlation with subsequent neurological and mental development.
RBC transport of dehydroepiandroasterone (DHEA) in schizophrenic males.
Standardization of Hindi adaptation of WAIS-R verbal scale.
Use of psychometric assessment in brain dysfunction cases.
Collaborative study on illness behaviour in patients presenting with pain and its relationship with psychological and clinical variables.
Compilation and standardized analysis of diagnostic and socio-demographic data of psychiatric patients at national level.
ICMR training Programme on extension of mental health services in the Community.
Development of a home-care programme for mentally retarded children.
Platelet monoamine oxidase activity in schizophrenic patients.
Severe mental disorder: A prospective 5-year follow-up study.
Efficacy of yogic techniques in the treatment of psychogenic headache.
Effect of yoga on the health of nurses.
Depression in schizophrenia: A study of phenomenology and predictive variables.
Coronary prone behaviour and coronary heart disease.
Psychosocial determinants of developmental psychopathology of school children.
A prospective study of psychiatric disorders in pregnancy and the first postnatal year.
Psychological aspects of infertility.
Role of yoga in the treatment of essential hypertension.
Differences in personality profile between yoga practitioners and controls.
Effect of yoga on cardio-vascular reactivity in anxiety neurotics.
Study of psychopathology in school children.
Community based follow-up and treatment of children identified to have psychiatric disorders.
Prevalence, characterization, and health-related risk behaviour in injecting drug users attending a de-addiction centre in northern India.
Acceptability of HIV Risk Reducing Strategies Among Indian Couples
A study of factors contributing to mental health and mental illness among schedule caste/schedule tribes in Chandigarh (MOHF&W).
Study of health habits in school going children of scheduled caste families (MOHF&W).
Molecular & Genetic Study of Schizophrenia (DST).
Thyroid dysfunction in patients on lithium prophylaxis (DST).
Development and implementation of a model Tele-psychiatry application for delivering mental healthcare in remote areas (using a medical knowledge based decision support system) (DST)
Molecular genetic studies of schizophrenia and bipolar disease (DBT)
A study of social psychological and behavioural aspects of sibling of handicapped children (ICSSR)
Translation and validation of BPHQ derived from PRIME-MD: A multi-centric research project(Pfizer)
A study of the effect of LY2216684, a Selective Nor-epinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (NERI), in the treatment of major depression.
A phase III randomised placebo control A phase III randomized, placebo-controlled, double-dummy study evaluating the safety and efficacy of oral ziprasidone vs haloperiodol and placebo in in-patients with acute manic episode (Pfizer)
Drug Trial-EMD 16, 923- an anxiolytic drug ( E. Merck)
A double blind, multi-centric, parallel group comparison of the efficacy and safety of ziprasidone and chlorpromazine in patients with schizophrenia who are refractory to standard therapy. (Pfizer).
Efficacy and safety of olanzapine versus haloperidol in schizophrenic patients in India. (Eli Lilly).
A prospective randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effectiveness and safety of Risperdal Consta augmentation in adult patients with frequently-relapsing bipolar disorder ( Janssen Medical Affairs)
Study of therapeutic efficacy of loading dose of impiramine in major depression.
Study of factors associated with relapse in treated alcoholics.
Development of a scale to assess attitudes towards drinking and alcoholism.
Sexual behaviour, knowledge and attitude in STD patients: A comparative study from north India.
Study of social burden and its correlates in patients on alcohol and drug dependence.
Interdependence of SIS variables with personality traits in psychiatric cases.
Knowledge and attitude towards condom use.
Abuse of codeine containing cough syrups: a report from Chandigarh.
Personality assessment of patients with and without significant memory deficit.
Body image disturbances in psychiatric cases.
Hindi translation of temperament and character inventory (TCI).
HIV-Risk behaviour, knowledge and attitude in opioids-users alcohol dependent patients.
Attitude towards drug taking behaviour.
Hindi adaptation of the scale of knowledge and attitude towards condom use (SKAC).
Assessment of needs of patients of schizophrenia.
Psychiatric morbidity in vitiligo.
Adaptation of the shortened scale of Malin’s Intelligence Scale for Indian Children.
Development of an indigenous scale for assessment of personality in Hindi.
A clinical and follow-up study of pervasive development disorders (PDD) of childhood.
Factor structure and norms of Hindi adaptation of Temperament and Character inventory (TCI).
Assessment of coping strategies and its correlates in relatives of persons with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorders.
Detection of memory impairments during ECT- usefulness of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE).
Neuropsychological profile in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Assessment of the psychological variables in post-traumatic joint stiffness.
Life events, social support and social dysfunction in psychiatric patients.
Social support and lithium prophylaxis.
Psychological aspects of burns.
Burden of care of manic-depressive psychosis and lithium prophylaxis.
Burden of care of haematological malignancies.
Burden of care of children with haematological malignancies.
Outcome of schizophrenia: role of social variables.
A study of loading doses of fluoxetine in patients with major depression.
Study of long-term course and outcome of acute and transient psychoses.
Study of stress in relation to long term course and outcome in acute and transient psychotic disorders.
A clinical and follow up study of childhood onset schizophrenia.
A neurobiological (SPECT) study of childhood onset schizophrenia.
To study patterns of recurrence in acute and transient psychotic disorders with special emphasis on seasonality.
Construction & Standardization of Sex Knowledge and Attitude Test
A psychosocial study of treatment – adherence in psychiatric patients
Somatic Pre-occupation in Patients with Sexual Disorder – before and after treatment
Study of Female Sexual Functioning : Relationship with Sex Knowledge and Attitude
A prospective study of seasonality of affective disorders: Socio clinical characteristics
Dynamics of Psychosexual dysfunction versus Bronchial asthma – a psycho physiological paradigm
Quality of Life in Spouses of Psychosexual Dysfunctional Males
Follow-up Study of Seasonality in Affective Disorders
A study of knowledge and attitudes towards and patterns of condom use in patients attending STD clinic
A study of Defense Mechanisms and Personality traits in Psychiatric patients with drawing as a tool in psychological assessment of children with externalizing and internalizing disorders
Study of Temperament and Emotional disorders of childhood
Temperament and Emotional response to physical Illness in children
Study of Temperament of Mentally Handicapped Children
Measurement of Stress in the Emotionally Disturbed Children.
Temperament study of Children of Mentally Sick Parents
Psychological adjustment and family burden in children and families of children withcongenital heart disease
Marital adjustment of epileptic patients
Long-term follow-up study of child psychiatric disorders in the community
Distress associated with psychotic symptoms: The caregiver’s perspective.
Neuropsychological assessment and patterns of specific learning disabilities.
Assessments of cognitive functions in patients with first episode of bipolar affective disorder.
Psychological profile and correlates of patients with deliberate self-harm behaviour.
Rapid diagnosis of Common Mental Disorders by using PRIME- MD Patient Health Questionnaire.
Assessment and rehabilitation of persons with psychiatric disability’’
“Neuropsychological assessment and intervention in attention deficit hyperkinetic disorders (ADHD)”
A study of antidepressant-induced manic switch.
Comparative efficacy and safety of atypical antipsychotics versus haloperidol in patients of delirium.
Attitude of patients with mental illness and their caregivers towards psychotropic medications.
Assessment of needs of schizophrenia and bipolar patients.
Neuropsychological impairments among patients with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder and their unaffected relatives.
Translation and validation of Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ), a measure of caregiver-burden.
Revalidation of Illness Behaviour Questionnaire in Neurotic and Hypertensive.
Dexamethasone Suppression Test in Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis and Schizophrenia.
Applicability of Maternal Attitude and Maternal Adjustment Questionnaire in India.
Diagnostic Criteria and Outcome of Schizophrenia.
Inter-rater reliability of various definitions of Schizophrenia.
Distinction between Negative and Depressive Symptoms in Schizophrenia and Depression.
Follow-up Study of Positive and Negative Subtypes of Schizophrenia.
Efficacy of Electroconvulsive Therapy in the Treatment of Schizophrenia.
HLA Antigens in Schizophrenia.
Stress in residents
Magico-religious beliefs in patients with schizophrenia
Beliefs in supernatural in patients with psychoses in the United Arab Emirates
Prevalence and pattern of substance use in ‘dual diagnosis’ schizophrenia.
Factors affecting short-term compliance with lithium prophylaxis in bipolar disorders.
An examination of modifiable factors associated with disability in mental retardation.
Translation and evaluation of psychometric properties (reliability) of Hindi Version of Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire”
Neuropsychological impairments among patients with schizophrenia and their unaffected relatives.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) amongst female psychiatric out-patients – A study from India
Intimate partner violence (IPV) amongst substance use disorder patients
Prophylactic efficacy of valproate in bipolar illness: a comparison with lithium carbonate
Effectiveness and safety of risperidone, olanzapine and haloperidol in patients of delirium.
Clinical and psychosocial study of old-age depression.
Assessment of cognitive functions in patients with first episode of bipolar affective disorder.
Distress associated with psychotic symptoms: the caregiver’s perspective.
Clinical correlates of sexual dysfunction
Factors associated with treatment non-adherence in patients discharged from psychiatry in-patient unit-prospective 6 month follow up study
Prevalence and determinants of guilt in depression
Screening of common mental disorder with Psoriasis