  • R-TMS


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    The Department has started the Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (r-TMS) service since 2016. This is a non-invasive treatment, and a painless procedure, where the patient comfortably relaxes while a train of magnetic waves are passed through his brain, which in turn generates a mild electric current in the brain. It is used for several conditions including depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, certain pain conditions, and in addictions as an adjunct therapy.

    • There will be a designated JR, and consultant I/C for rTMS services. The SR in room 205 of the OPD will be responsible for day-to-day guidance and optimum utilization of the services of the JR
    • Cases for rTMS will be referred to rTMS service from Department of Psychiatry as well as other Departments in the hospital
    • Tuesday is designated as the day on which patient referred for rTMS will be evaluated and treatment protocols decided and set up in the rTMS chamber
    • rTMS consent will be taken from the patient/patient‖s relative and to be signed by the consultant I/C of the service of the case
    • Proper administration of rTMS to be ensured by the JR and supervised by SR and consultant I/C whenever necessary
    • Regular evaluation of the patient with rTMS in terms of benefits and side effects will be done as per the proforma and rating scales
    • Proper functioning and maintenance of rTMS machine and other equipment to be ensured by JR posted in rTMS
    • Proper documentation of the rTMS session in the patient files, OPD card, rTMS Register and SPSS files to be done by JR posted in rTMS
    • In case a patient develops complication during rTMS, JR must inform the SR I/C immediately and seek supervision form the consultant I/C of the case

    About DDTC

    One of the major influences in my training as a psychiatrist was that of Dr. Robert A. Moore of the University of Michigan, USA. He was the Director of Residency Training while I trained there (1963-65).

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    Department of Psychiatry

    Sector 12, Chandigarh-160012

    Telephone: +91-172275-6801 / 6812 / 6818

    Email: psychiatryoffice.pgimer@gmail.com

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