
DECADE I (1963-1970)
  • Wig N.N. How We Dream. Everyday Science. 1964; 9:6-9.
  • Wig N.N. Psychogenic Headache. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1964; 6: 18-21.
  • Verma H and Wig N.N. A Study of Extra-Cellular Fluid Volume in Depression and Response to Therapy. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1966; 8: 270-276.
  • Sanathan R.N. and Wig N.N. A Personality Study of Neurotics on Modified Hindi and Punjabi Version of M.P.I. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1967; 9: 49-53.
  • Wig N.N. and Singh G.A. Proposed Classification of Psychiatric Disorders for Use in India. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1967; 9: 49-53.
  • Wig N.N Psychosocial Aspects of Family Planning. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1968; 10: 229-35.
  • Wig N.N. A New Evaluation of Ghalib and his Poetry. Indian Literature. 1968; 11: 36-48.
  • Varma V.K. The Quest for Reliable Truths in Behavioural Sciences. Patna J. Med. 1969; 43: 536-542.
  • Wig N.N. Psychiatric Problems in General Practice. Patna J. Med. 1969; 43: 531-535.
  • Wig N.N. and Narang R.L. Hysterical Psychoses. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1969; 11: 93-100.
  • Varma V.K. Editorial. Social psychiatry: The Indian Perspective IJSP, 1969; 5: 1-3.
  • Wig N.N., Nagpal R.N. and Khanna H. Psychiatric Problems in University Students. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1969; 11: 55-62
  • Wig N.N. Shah D.K. and Varma H.C. Brain Damaged Child: A Clinical Study of 50 Cases. Ind. J. Men. Retard. 1969; 2: 15-20.
  • Wig N.N.,Verma H.C. and Shah D.K. Parental Deprevation and mental Illness: A Study of the Incidence of Parental Death in Childhood in 2000 Psychiatric Patients. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1969; 11: 1 – 6.
  • Brar H.S. Rorschach Content Repsonses of East Indian Psychiatric Patients. J. Proj. Tech & Pers Develop. 1970; 34: 88-94.
  • Kishore B, Verma H.C. and Shah D.K. Role of Stress in Criminal Mental Patients an Analysis of 380 Cases. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1970; 12: 117-119.
  • Moudgil A.C. Teaching Menstrual Hygiene to a Mentally Retard. Ind. J. Men. Retard. 1970; 3: 50-54
  • Shah D.K. and Teja J.S. Psychiatric Unit in a District Hospital Haryana Health Journal. 1970; 1: 33-36.
  • Shah D.K., Verma S.K. and Teja J.S. Differnetial Problems in Primary and Secondary Retardates. Ind. J. Ment Retard. 1970; 3: 25-39.
  • Teja J.S. Khanna B.C. and Subramanyam, T.B. Possession States in Indian Patients Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1970; 12: 71-87.
  • Teja J.S. and Narang R.L. A Double Blind Trial of Three Anti-Depressants (Go 29998, Go 2330 and Imipramine Hydrochloride). Ind. J. Psychiat. 1970; 12: 253-259.
  • Teja J.S. and Narang R.L. Pattern and Incidence of Depression in India. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1970; 12: 33-39.
  • Teja J.S. Shah D.K. and Verma S.K. A Comparative Study of Motor and Social Milestones and Their Relationship with the Intelligence Test Results in the Mentally Retardates. Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1970; 3: 75-79.
  • Verma S.K. Shah D.K. and Teja J.S. Brain Damaged Child: Psychometric Aspects. Ind. J. Ment Retard. 1970; 3: 87-121.
  • Wahi P.L., Wig N.N. Verma S.K. and Pershad D. Psychiatric Symptoms Following Mitral Surgery. Bulletin, PGI. 1970; 4: 41-44.
  • Wig N.N. Singh., Sahasi S. and Pershad D. Psychiatric Symptoms Following Vasectomy. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1970; 12: 169-176.
DECADE II (1971-1980)
  • Shah D.K. and Verma S.K. Child Guidance Services at Nehru Hospital Chandigarh. Haryana Health Journal. 1971: 2: 44-47.
  • Shah D.K., Wig N.N. and Akhtar S. Status of Post Partum Mental Illness in Psychiatric Neruobiology: A Study of 102 Cases. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1971; 13: 14-20.
  • Teja J.S. Proposed Classification of “Other Psychosis” for use in India. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1971; 13: 7-13.
  • Teja J.S., Narang R.L. and Aggarwal A.K. Depression across Cultures. Brit. J. Psychiatry. 1971; 119: 253-260.
  • Teja J.S. and Verma S.K. Symbiotic Psychosis: Review with a Case Report. Child Psychiatry. 1971; 4: 16-21.
  • Teja J.S., Verma S.K. and Shah D.K. A Comparative Study of Background Factors in Mentally Retarded and Emotionally Disturbed Children. Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1971; 4: 4-9.
  • Varma V.K. Effect of Chronic Administration of Chlorpromazine on Stage 1 Sleep of Hebephrenic Schizophrenics. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1971; 13: 261-265.
  • Varma V.K. Classification of Psychiatric Disorders for Use in India (Neurosis), Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1971; 13: 1-6.
  • Varma V.K. New Crutches for Old: Changing Pattern of Social Support and Cultural Defences in Rural India. Patna J. Med. 1971; 45: 269-273.
  • Verma S.K. Short Scale of M.P.I. Ind. Psychol. Rev. 1971; 8: 37-38.
  • Verma S.K. Intelligence Assessment in the Mental Retardates: Some Experiences Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1971; 4: 10-14.
  • Verma S.K. Disturbance of Body image in Psychiatric Patients: Manas. 1971; 18: 110-116.
  • Verma S.K. and Teja J.S. Back Ward Child. Bombay Hospital Journal. 1971; 13: 6-8.
  • Verma S.K. Shah D.K. and Verma H.C. The Body-image Concept of School Going Children in India: A Study of 295 Children. Manas. 1971; 18: 59-64.
  • Wig N.N., Nagpal R.N. and Khanna H. Psychiatric Problems in University Students. J. Ind. Med. Assoc. 1971; 57: 160-164.
  • Wig N.N. and Verma S.K. PGI Health Questionnaire-N-1 A Simple Neuroticism Scale in Hindi. Bull PGI. 1971; 5: 152-156.
  • Akhtar S. and Varma V.K. Guidelines for the Parents of Mentally Retarded Children. Ind. J. Ment. Retardation. 1972; 5: 75-88.
  • Chopra H.D. Relaxation Therapy. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1972; 14: 413-416.
  • Jain I.S. Gupta M.P. and Singh K. Evaluation of the Personality of the Blind Through Maudsley Personality Inventory. Ind J. Psychiatry. 1972; 14: 333-337.
  • Mehta S.K., Kaur S., Awasthi., G. Wig N.N. and Chuttani. P.N. Small Intestinal Deficit in Pellagra. Am. J. Clini. Nutri. 1972; 19: 545-549.
  • Moudgil A.C. and Pershad D. Psycho-social Survey of Tuberculosis Patient of a Sanatorium. Ind.J.Tuberculosis. 1972; 19: 34-38.
  • Papipha S.S., Roherts D.F., Wig N.N. and Singh S. Red Cell Enzymes Polymorphisms in Punjabis in North India. Am. J. Psys. Anthrop. 1972; 37: 293-300.
  • Pasricha S., Verma S.K. Mehta S. and Wig N.N. Relationship of Parents Education and IQ with IQ of Malnourished children: A Study in Nature- Nature Relathionship. Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1972; 5: 58-63.
  • Pershad D., Verma S.K., Wig N.N. and Wahi P.L. Measures of Neuroticism and Prediction of Psychiatric Disturbances in Patients Awaiting Cardiac Surgery. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1972; 14: 131-135.
  • Teja J.S. and Bhatia S.C. A Double-Blind Trial of lprindole and Imipramine in Depressives and Response to ECT in Refractory Cases. Ind. Ind J. Psychiatry. 1972; 14: 1-10.
  • Teja J.S., Malhotra H.K. andVerma S.K. The Child with Speech Problem Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1972; 14: 207-211.
  • Verma V.K. and Kulhara P. Phallic Symbols in Acute Functional Psychoses Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1972; 14: 153-161.
  • Verma V.K., Nekra B.R.S. and Singh S. Post-Febrile Organic Psychosis. Patna Journal of Medicine. 1972; 46: 153-158
  • Verma S.K. The Role of Non-congnitive Factor. Ind. J. Ment retard.1972; 5: 1-2.
  • Verma S.K. Pershad D. and Kaushal P. Gessell Drawing Tests as Measures of Intelligence in the Mentally Retarded Children. Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1972; 5: 64-68.
  • Verma S.K., Shah D.K. and Bhatia S.C. Enuresis in Children: Psychological Study, Child Psychiat. 1972; 5: 28-34.
  • Verma S.K., Wahi P.L. and Wig N.N. Disturbance of Body Image in Patients Awaiting Surgery. Ind. J. Appl. Psychol. 1972; 9: 44-46.
  • Verma S.K. and Wig N.N. Some Experiences with Pen. Psychol. Studies. 1972; 17: 11-14.
  • Verma S.K., Wig N.N. and Shah D.K. Validity of Bender Gestalt Test in Indian Psychiatric Patients. Ind. J. Appl. Psychol. 1972; 9: 65-67.
  • Wig N.N. and Nagpal R.N. Mental Health and Academic Achievement – A Comparison of Successful and Failed Students. Education and Psychology Review. 1972; 12: 31-39.
  • Wig N.N. and Nagpal R.N. Why Students Fail; A psychological Study of Low Achievers. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1972; 14: 381-388.
  • Wig N.N. and Singh S. Psychosomatic Symptoms Following Male Sterilization. Ind. J. Med. Res. 1972; 60: 1386-1392.
  • Pershad D., Verma S.K. and Duey B.L. Pathognomic Signs of the Rorschach: How Useful are They? The British J. Proj. Psychol. Pers. Study. 1972; 24: 27-29.
  • Akhtar S. and Varma V.K. Changing Corpro-Symbois in a Developing Country. Samiksha. 1973; 27: 47-55.
  • Benerji B.S. Misra A.K. and Singh S.N. Social Relationship of the Mentality Retarded. Ind. J. Ment Retard. 1973; 21: 737-742.
  • Broor S.L., Wig N.N. and Wahi P.L. A Study of Toxic Effects of Certain Psychotropic Drugs with Special Empahsis Their Cardio toxicity. J. Assoc. Physicians of India. 1973; 21: 737-742.
  • Chopra H.D. Treatment of Encopresis in a Mongol with Operant Conditioning. Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1973; 6: 43-46.
  • Issac R.P. Behaviour Problem among School Going Children. Role of Social Worker. Haryana Red Cross Patrika. 1973; 5: 4-7.
  • Malhotra H.K. Khanna B.C. and Verma S.K. Idiot Savant: Review with a Case Report. Ind. J.Psychiat. 1973; 15: 49-55.
  • Misra A.K. Camping for Mentally Retarded Children. Social Welfare. 1973; 19: 32-34.
  • Murthy R.S. and Ghosh A. Classification of Mental Retardation- An Evaluation. Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1973; 6: 67-74.
  • Nanivadekar A.S., Wig N.N. Khorana A.B., Roshan Master S. and Kulkarni S.S. A Multicentre investigation of Lorazepam in Anxiety Neurosis. Current Therapuetic Research. 1973; 61: 766-770.
  • Narang R.L., Chaudhury R.R. and Wig. N.N. Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy on The Antidiuretic Homone Level in The Plasma of Schizophrenic Patients. Ind. J. Med. Res. 1973; 15: 500-507.
  • Pershad D., Kaushal P. and Verma V.K. Neuroticism Scores of Mothers of Mentally Retarded and of Neurotic Children. Ind. J. Ment. Retd. 1973; 6: 24-27.
  • Pershad D. and Shukla T.R. Distribution of Socio-economic Factors Among Hospitalized Mental Patients. Ind. J. of Psychiatric Social Work. 1973; 2: 17-20.
  • Prasad M. and Pershad D. A Comparative Study of Short Term memory Span. Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1973; 6: 102-107.
  • Shah D.K. Wig N.N. and Chudhury R.R. Antiduretic Homone Levels in patients with Weight Gain After Chlorpromazine Therapy. Ind. J. Med. Res. 1973; 61:771-776.S
  • Shukla T.R. and Pershad D. Rehabilitation of Mentally Retarded Children India J Ment. Retard. 1973; 6: 28-31.
  • Teja J.S., Nakra B.R.S. and Akhtar, S. Depersonalization Symptom and Syndrome; A Phenomenological Study. Indian J. Psychiat. 1973; 15: 166-171
  • Varma V.K., Akhtar S., Kaushal P., Vasudev P, and Kulhara P. Measurement of Authoritarian Traits in India. Indian. J. Psychiat. 1973; 15: 156-165.
  • Varma, V.K. Suri A.K. and Kaushal P. Abstract Thinking in Schizophrenia. IndianJ. Psychiat. 1973; 15: 123-130.
  • Verma S.K. The Retardates and Their Families Indian J. Ment. Retard. 1973; 6: 49-50.
  • Wig N.N., Gupta A.N. and Logwney R. A Prospective Study of Psychiatric and Menstrual Disturbance Following Tubal Ligation. J. Family Welfare. 1973; 20: 62-66.
  • Wig N.N and Mohan V. A Controlled Double Blind Comparison of Lorazepam andDiazepam in Anxiety Neurosis. Current Medical Res. And Opinion. 1973; 1: 199-202.
  • Wig N.N. Pershad D. and Issac R.P. A Prospective Study of Symptom and Non-symptom Group Following Vasectomy. Ind. J. Med. Res. 1973; 61: 621-626.
  • Wig N.N. and Shah D.K. Psychiatric Unit in a General Hospital in India: Patterns of Inpatient Referrals. J. Ind. Med. Assoc. 1973; 60: 83-86.
  • Wig N.N and Verma S.K. PGI Health Questionnaire N-1: A Simple Neuroticism Scale in Hindi. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1973; 15: 80-88.
  • Wig N.N. and Verma S.K. PGI Health Questionnaire N-1: Further Data on The Patients Population. Psychol. Studies. 1973; 15: 363-366.
  • Wig N.N and Verma S.K. PGI Health Questionnaire N-1 Reply to Mr. Prabhu’s Letter. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1973; 15: 410-412.
  • Wig N.N and Verma S.K. A Cross Cultural Study of Psychiatry Patients on Cornell Medical Index. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1973; 15: 363-366.
  • Ghosh A. Mental retardation: Hisotological Aspects. Ind. J. Ment. Retrd. 1974; 7: 86-88.
  • Inam Shastri A.S. and Misra A.K. Assessment of Social Functioning of 56 Mental Retarded Children. Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1974; 7: 31-35
  • Khanna B.C., Wig N.N. and Pershad, D. Diagnostic Synonyms in Psychiatry. J. Clinic. Psychiat. 1974; 16: 211-220.
  • Malhotra H.K., Wig N.N. and Pershad. D. Diagnostic Synonyms in Psychiatry. J. Clinic. Psychiat. 1974; 2:83-86.
  • Pershad D and Wig N.N. Standardization of Visuo-motor Retention Test for Clinical use in India. New Trends in Educational Psychology. 1974;5: 15-22.
  • Prasad M. Verma S.K. and Pershad D. Inter-relationships Among Some Measures of Personality in Psychiatric Patients. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1974; 16: 244-251.
  • Menon D.K. Shukla T.R. and Menon R. Color Preference and Color Perception on Inkblots. Indian J. Clin Psychol. 1974; 1: 85-99.
  • Murthy R.S. Mental Retardation-scope for Prevention – 1, Nutrition. Ind. J. Ment. Retard. 1974; 49-57.
  • Murthy R.S. Ghosh A. and Kaul S. Dermatoglyphics in Manic Depressive Psychosis. PGI Bulletin. 1974; 8: 74-76.
  • Murthy R.S. Ghosh A. and Varma V.K. Behaviour Disorder of Children and Adolescence. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1974; 16: 229-237.
  • Murthy R.S., Ghosh A. and Wig N.N. Treatment Acceptance Patterns in a Psychiatric Out Patient Clinic: Study of Demographic and Clinical Variables. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1974; 16: 323-329.
  • Pasricha S. Patterns of Personality in Normals, Anxiety Neurotics and Schizophrenics on Guilford’s Stdcr. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1974; 1: 29-33.
  • Pershad D. and Prasad M. Evaluation of Digit Span Test in Psychiatric Patients. J. Clinic. Psychiatry. 1974;2: 45-48.
  • Pershad D and Wig N.N. Standardization of Visuo-motor Retention Test for Clinical use in India. New Trends in Educational Psychology. 1974;5: 15-22.
  • Pershad D. and Wig N.N. Recognition of Common Objcts: A Clinical Test for Short Term memory. PGI Bulletin. 1974; 8: 196-200.
  • Pershad D. and Wig N.N. A visuomotor Retention Test for Clinical Use in India. Ind. J. Psychomet Educat. 1974: 6-66.
  • Verma S.K. A Correlational Study of the Lie Scale (Hindi) in Psychiatric Patients. Psychol. Studies. 1974; 19: 20-22.
  • Verma S.K. The Difficulty Levels of Some Personality Tests in Hindi. Ind. J. Psychol. 1974; 1: 15-18.
  • Verma S.K. Some Perceptuo-motor Disturbances on The Bender Gestalt Test as Affected by the Change in the Orientation of the Paper. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol.1974; 1: 61-63.
  • Verma S.K. The Myth of Construct Validity. Ind. J. clini. Psychol. 1974; 1: 121-122.
  • Verma S.K. Facts and illusions. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1974; 1: 1-2.
  • Verma S.K. and Wig N.N. Some Experiments with the Lie Sclae of E.P.I. J. Clin. Psychiatry. 1974; 2: 93-98.
  • Verma S.K. and Wig N.N. A Cross-cultural Comparison of Psychiatric Patients on Some of the Parameters of Comell Medical Index. Manas. 1974;21: 17-25.
  • Verma S.K., Wig NJ.N. and Pershad D. A Comparative Study of Medicine and Psychotic Patients in India on Comell Medical Index. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1974; 1: 104-108.
  • Verma S.K., Wig N.N. and Pershad D. A Comparative Study of Rural and Urban Population in India on Comell Medical Index. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1974; 1: 109-113.
  • Wig N.N. and Akhtar S. Twenty-five years of Psychiatric Research in India: A Reappraisal with Some Suggestions for the Future. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1974; 16: 48-64.
  • Wig N.N. Gupta A.N. and Logawany R. A Prospective Study of Psychiatric and Menstrual Disturbance Following Tubal ligation. The Family Welfare. 1974; 20: 62-66.
  • Wig N.N., Pershad D. and Verma S.K. The Use of Psychometric Tools in Indian Psychiatric Research: A Reappraisal. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1974; 1: 8-14.
  • Wig N.N. and Verma S.K. PGIHQN -1 Reply to Mr. Prabhu’s Rejoinder. Ind. J. Psychiatr. 1974; 16: 177.
  • Akhtar S., Pershad D. and Verma S.K. A Rorschach Study of Obsessional Neurosis, Indian J. clin. Psychol. 1975; 2: 139-143.
  • Akhtar S. Wig N.N. and Varma V.K. Obsessional Potential Schizophrenics. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1975; 17: 22-25.
  • Akhtar S., Wig N.N. Varma V.K., Pershad D. and Verma S.K. A Phenomenological Analysis of Symptoms in Obsessive Compulsive Neuorsis. British J. Psychiatry. 1975; 127: 342-348.
  • Arora M. Murthy R.S. and Varma V.K. Operant Conditioning are Symbiotic in Infantile psychosis. Ind. J. clin. Psychol. 1975; 2: 105-112.
  • Arora M. and Murthy V.N. Cognitive Style and Personality. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1975; 2: 39-44.
  • Chopra H.D. Family Psychiatric Morbidity, Parental Deprivation and Socio Economic Status in Cases of Mania. British J. Psychiat. 1975; 126: 191-192.
  • Dubey B.L. and Pershad D. An Evaluation of Wechsler Memory Scale in Non-psychiatric Aged Cases. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1975; 2: 57-62.
  • Malhotra H.K. and Wig N.N. Vignettes for Attitudinal Research of Psychiatry Ind. J. Psychiat. 1975; 17: 195-199.
  • Malhotra H.K. and Wig N.N. The General Physician and the Psychiatric Patient. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1975; 17: 191-194.
  • Malhotra H.K. and Wig N.N. Dhat Syndrome: A Culture Bound Sex Neurosis of the Orient. Achives of Sex Beh.1975; 4: 519-526.
  • Malhotra H.K., Wig N.N. and Verma S.K. A Simple Protective Techniques for Use in India; Initial Experiments. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1975; 2:123-127.
  • Mehta S., Teja J.S. Wig N.N. Thakural S. and Pasricha S. Protein Calories Malnutrition- A Follow up Study. Ind. J. Med. Res. 1975; 63: 576-582.
  • Mehndiratta S.S. and Wig N.N. Psychosocial Effects of Long Terms Cannabis Use in India. A Study of Fifty Heavy Users and Controls. Drug Aloch. Dep.1975; 1: 71-81.
  • Menon D.K. Wig N.N., Verma S.K. and Jain S. Preliminary Experience with PGI Achievement Value Index. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1975; 2: 177-178.
  • Menon D.K. Wig N.N., Verma S.K. and Jain S. PGI Locus of Control Scale Preliminary Data. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1975; 2: 179-181.
  • Murthy R.S. Unipolar and Bipolar Depression– Are They Different. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1975; 17: 159-160.
  • Murthy R.S. Anuradha, D., Pershad D. and Wig N.N. Psychiatric Disability Scale: Preliminary Report. Ind. J. clin Psychol. 1975; 2: 183-187.
  • Murthy R.S. Methodological Problem in the Study of Life Stress and Psychiatric Illness: A Review, Ind. J. Psychol. 1975; 50: 1-10.
  • Nagpal R. N. and Wig N.N. Non- Intellectual Two Factors Associated with Academic Achievement in University Students. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1975; 2: 151 -157.
  • Pasricha S., Wig N.N. and Verma S.K. Brief Communication: S.P.D. Scale (Hindi) Preliminary Data. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1975; 2: 95-96.
  • Pershad D. Chi- square and Low Cell Frequencies. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1975;2: 99.
  • Pershad D. Verbal Behaviour: A Reappraisal Through Memory Tests. Psycho-lingua. 1975; 5: 51-54.
  • Pershad D. and Dubey B.L. Some Experiences with a Memory Test on the Aged Cases. Ind. J. of Psychol. 1975; 49: 305-312.
  • Pershad D., Issac R.P. and Wig N.N. Some Experience with Hindi Translation of C.M.1- Health Questionnaire. J. Psychol, Res. 1975; 12: 37-40.
  • Pershad D., Issac R.P. and Wig N.N. Problems Associated with Hindi Translation of C.M.I. Health Questionnaire. J. Psycho. Res. 1975; 19-46.
  • Pershad D. and Verma. S.K. Evaluation of Boston Memory Scale, Indian, J. clin. Psychol. 1975; 12: 5-8.
  • Pershad D. and Wig N.N. A Recongnition Test for Clinical Use. Indian J. app. Psychol. 1975; 12: 5-8.
  • Shah M.S. and Pershad D. Evaluating the Studying Achievement (A Retrospective Study of Inter-Rater’s Reliability). Agra. Univ., J. Research (letters), 1975; 231: 185-88.
  • Teja, J.S., ShahK. And Wig N.N. Benzoctamine (Tacitin) Versus Placebo: A Double Blind Crossover Study in Anxiety Neurotics. Current – Therapeutic Research 1975; 18: 54-358.
  • Varma V.K. Distribution of Demographic Variables in a Clinical Catchment Area. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1975; 17: 295-296.
  • Verma S.K. The Control Population. Ind. J. clin. Psychol. 1975; 2: 100-101.
  • Verma S.K. and Wig N.N. Occupation and Neuroticism: Some Findings. Indian Psychological Review. 1975; 12: 17-21.
  • Verma S.K., Wig N.N. and Pershad M. Some Experiments with a Neuroticism Scale in Hindi. Ind. J. of Psychol. 1975; 50: 259-262.
  • Arora M. and Murthy R. Treatment of Winter’s Cramps by Progression from Paint Brush in Supinated Hand. J. Behaviour Therapy and Experiments psychiatry. 1976; 9: 1-13.
  • Arora M and Murthy R.S. Behaviour Therapy with Children. Child Psychiatry Quarterly. 1976; 9: 1-13.
  • Chhabra D.C. and Murthy R.S. Organization of General Hospital Psychiatry Occupational Therapy Unit. Initial Experiences Ind. J. Occup. Therapy. 1975;4: 14-19.
  • Garg K.L., Wig N.N. Chugh K.S. Verma S.K. and Menon D.K. Psychiatric Aspects of Haemodialysis. Jr. Assoc. Phys. India. 1976; 24: 483-489.
  • Khanna B.C. and Verma S.K. Socio-economic Status and its Measurement. Some Experiments with Kuppuswamy’s Scale. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1976;3(1): 59-61.
  • Malhotra H.K., Wig N.N. and Inam Shastri A.S. How Does the Public Manage Deviant Behaviour? Indian J. Psychiat. 1976; 18: 95-101.
  • Menon R. Sen Majumdar D.P. and Menon D.K. A Study of Retro-Active inhibition in Short-term Memory. Ind.J. clin. Psychol. 1976; 3: 73-78.
  • Mohan V., Varma V.K., Sawhney B.B. and Menon D.K. Cognitive Functions in Epileptics. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1976; 3: 85-86.
  • Mohan V., Varma V.K., Sawhney B.B. and Menon D.K. Relationship of Cognitive Functions of Epileptics with Clinical Variables. Neurology India. 1976; 24: 134-140.
  • Murthy R.S. and Arora M. Attitude Change in Medical Postgraduates. Following Short-Term Training in psychiatry. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol . 1976;3: 165-169.
  • Murthy R.S., Ghosh A. and Anuradha D. Patients who Refuse Psyhiatric Help- A Follow-up Study. Bulletin PGI. 1976; 10: 22-26.
  • Murthy R.S., Kuruvilla K., Verghese A. and Pulimood B.M. Psychiatric Illness at General Hospital Medical Clinic. J.I.M.A. 1976; 66: 6-8.
  • Pershad D. Interdependence of Memory and intelligence. Ind. J. Psychol. 1976; 50: 333-338.
  • Pershad D. and Wig N.N. A Recognistion Test for Clinical Use. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1976; 18: 1-7.
  • Pershad D. and Wig N.N. A Battery of Simple Tests of Memory for Use in India. Neurology India. 1976; 24: 86-93.
  • Murthy R.S. and Pershad D. Operant Conditioning in the Mentally Retarded Children. Sr. Roberts. Archives of Child Health. 1976; 18: 23-26.
  • Varma V.K. and Ghosh A. Psychotherapy as Practiced by the Indian Psychiatrists. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1976; 18: 177-186.
  • Varma V.K. Khanna B.C., Inam Shastri A.S., Kaul R. and Wig N.N. The Catchment Area of General psychiatric Clinic. PGI and its Sociao-Demographic Profile. Bull. PGI. 1976; 10(4): 198-205.
  • Varma, V.K. Khanna B.C., S. Inam and S.K. Verma. Distribution of Demographic Variables in A Clinic Catchment Area. Ind. J. Clin. Psychiat. 1976; 3: 51-57.
  • Varma, V.K. Mangahwedhe K.P. and Misra A.K. Comparison of Scio-Demographic, Treatment and Follow-up Variables of Mentally Retarded and Emotionally Distrubed Children. Child Psychiatry Quarterly. 1976; 9: 1 -10.
  • Varma S.K. Neuroticism Scale of MPI: Item Behaviour in the Clinic. Ind. Psychol. Rev. 1976; 13: 29-30.
  • Verma S.K. Further Experiments with the Lie Scale. J. Clin. Psychiat. 1976; 3: 41-45.
  • Verma S.K. and Khanna, B.C. Socio-Economic Status and its Measurement: A Critical Evaluation. Idn. J. Clin. Psychol. 1976; 3: 63-72.
  • Verma S.K. and Wig N.N. PGI Health Questionnaire. N-2: Construction and initial Tryouts. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1976; 3: 135-142.
  • Verma S.K. Wig N.N., Chopra H.D. and Malhotra H.K. PGI Health Questionnaire No. 2: A Cross-Cultural Study with the English Version of the Scale. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1976; 3: 79-83.
  • Wahi P.L., Wig N.N. Verma S.K. and Pershad D. Problems of Rehabilitation in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. The Indian Practitioner. 1976; 29: 355-360.S
  • Akhtar S., Wig N.N. and Varma V.K. Prognostic Indications in Obsessional Neurosis: A Follow-up Study of 44 Patients. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1977; 19: 32-35.
  • Arora M. and Murthy R.S. Behaviour Therapy with Children. J. Clin. Psychiat. 1977; 4: 37-46.
  • Bhakoo O.N., Kaur S., Narang A and Verma S.K. A Longitudinal Study of Variations in Development Quotients (D.Qs) in the First 30 months of Life Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1977; 4: 59-68.
  • Bhakoo O.N., Kaur S., Nueton S., Narng A, Verma S.K. Chopra J.S. and Gupta A.N. Neuonatal Neurological Examination, Perinatal Factors. Subsequent Development and Evolutin of a Prognostic Risk Score. Ind. Pediatrics. 1977; 14: 263-269.
  • Dubey B.L., Pershad D. and Sharma G.C. J. Rehab. Psychologists and Their Role in Dealing with the Handicapped in India. In Asia. 1977; 18: 26-29.
  • Ghosh A. Role of Clinical psychologist. A Psychiatrist Point of View. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1977; 4: 198-199.
  • Ghosh A., Wig N.N. and MurthyR.S. Prophylactic Value of View. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1977; 4: 198-199.
  • Kala A.K. and Wig. N.N. Cerebral Cysticercoosis Presenting in a Psychiatric Clinic: Three Case reports. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1977; 19: 48-50.
  • Murthy R.S. Rural Community Attitudes to Mental Disorders: Preliminary Findings. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1977; 4: 141-144.
  • Murthy R.S. Legislation for the Mentally Retarded Some Observations. Ment. Retard. Digest. 1977; 6: 20-24.
  • Murthy R.S. Reaching the Unreached. World Health, 1977, 22-27.
  • Murthy R.S., Gosh A. and Wig N.N. Drop Out From Psychiatric Walk-in-Clinic. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1977; 19: 11-17.
  • Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. Dermatoglyphic Study of Male Schizophrenics. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1977; 19: 11-17.
  • Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. Place of Mental Health in General Health Services in India. Swasth Hind. 1977: 362-365.
  • Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. Dermatoglyphics in Schizophrenia- Relevance of Positive Family History. Brit. J. Psychiatry. 1977; 130: 56-58.
  • Nakra B.R.S., Wig N.N. and Varma V.K. A Study of Male Potency Disorders. Ind. J. Psychiatry. 1977; 19: 13-18.
  • Pershad D. Professional Ethics in Psychological Testing. ISPT J. Research. 1977; 1: 65-68.
  • Pershad D. Construction and Standardization of a Clinical Test of memory in Simple Hindi. Asian J. Psychol. And Educat. 1977; 2: 53-54.
  • Pershad D. Pyshcological Testing as an Aid to the Evaluation of Organicity. Haryana Health J. 1977; 8:1-3.
  • Pershad D. and Dubey B.L. A Proposed Statistical Design for Rorschach Indices. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol., 1977, 4: 191-192.
  • Pershad D. and Verma S.K. Correlation Between Extraversion and Intraversion Scores of PEN and PTI. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1977; 4: 189-190.
  • Pershad D. and Wig N.N. PGI Memory Scale: A Normative Study on Elderly Subjects. Ind. J.Clin. Psychol.. 1977; 4: 6-8.
  • Sharma S. and Dang R. A Study of Trait Anxiety in Relation to Types of Stressful Situations among Males and Females. Psychological Studies. 1977; 22: 49 – 54.
  • Varma V.K. Nurturing Guru-Chela Relationship in Places other than Ashrams. Ind. J. Med. Educat. 1977; 16: 166 -169.
  • Health Services for Rural India – A Point of View and A Plea. PGI Bulletin 1977; 11: 157-162.
  • Bhakoo O.N., Kaur S., Narang A. and Verma S.K. A Longitudinal Study of Variations in Development Quotients (D.Qs.) in the First 30 Months of Life Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1977; 4: 59 -68.
  • Bhakoo O.N., Kaur S., Neuton S., Narang A., Verma S.K., Chopra J.S. and Gupta A.N. Neonatal Neurological Examiination,Perinatal Factors. Subsequent Development and Evolution of a Prognostic Risk Score. Ind. Pediatrics, 1977; 14: 263-269.
  • N.N.Wig, V.K.Varma, R.S.Murthy, U.Rao and S.Gupta Training in Psychiatry for general physicians An experience. Bull. PGI. 1977; 11: 2124.
  • Akhtar S. Obessional Neurosis, Marriage, Sex and Fertility: Some Transcultural Comparisons. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 1978; 24: 164-166.
  • Akhtar S., Wig N.N., Varma V.K., Pershad D. and Verma S.K. Socio-cultural and Clinical Determination of Symptomatology in Obsessional Neurosis International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 1978;24: 157-162.
  • Balgir R.S., Ghosh A. and Murthy R.S. Qualitative Dermatoglyphics in Depressive Neurosis. Bull.PGI. 1978; 12: 187-191.
  • Balgir R.S., Ghosh A. and Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. Implications and Scope for Further Study have been discussed. Dermatoglyphics in Manic depressive Psychosis. Indian. Journal of Psychiatry. 1978; 21: 384-389.
  • Balgir R.S., Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. A Comparative Study of Dermatoglyphics in Depressive Neuorsis and Manic Depressive Psychosis Acta Anthropogenetica. 1978; 2: 33-40.
  • Bhatia S.C., Varma V.K. and Amma M.P.K. A Study of the Relationship Between Urinary 5-Hydroxyindoles and Depressive States. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 1978, 20: 6-14.
  • Chopra H.D., Malhotra H.K. and Verma S.K. Neuroticism Scores of Psychotic Patients. ISPT Journal of Research. 1978; 2: 41 -43.
  • Dhir A. and Shirali K.A. Effects of Psychiatric Education on Attitude of Medical Students Towards the Mentally Ill. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1978; 5: 173-178.
  • Dubey B.K. and Pershad D.Shift in the Clinical Significance of indices of the Rorschach when Controlled for Responses. Perspective in Psychological Researches. 1978; 1: 119-122.
  • Dubey B.K. and Pershad D. Validation of the Proposed Statistical Design for Rorschach Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1978;5: 89-91.
  • Garg KL, Wig NN, Chugh KS, Verma SK. Psychiatric aspects of chronic uremia.Indian J Psychiatry. 1978;20:43–47.
  • Kulhara, P. and Wig, N.N. The chronicity of schizophrenia in North West India: results of a follow-up study. British Journal of Psychiatry. 1978;132:186-190.
  • Ayyagari S., Kelia R. and Murthy R.S. Coping with Cancer- 1 The Psychosocial Aspects of Cancer. Bull. Radiation Oncology. 1979; 1(2): 30-39.
  • Balgir R.S., Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. Manic-Depressive Psychosis and Schizophrenia: A Study of Finger Dermatoglyphic Indices. Acta Anthropogetica. 1979; 3: 163-166.
  • Choudhary, R.K; Avasthi, A; Gupta, R. Dreams and their significance. Maharashtra Medical Journal. 1979;26(5)
  • Wig N.N. Varma V.K. and Dash R.J. Effect of Chlorpromazine on Human Growth Hormone. American J. Psychiatry. 1979; 136: 914-917.
  • Dubey B.L., Pershad D. and Vema S.K. Motivation to Continue on the Job. Some Psychological Correlates. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1979; 7: 21-26.
  • Dubey B.L. Pershad D. and Verma S.K. Rorschach of Different Types of Neurotics. J. Rajasthan Psychiat. Soc. 1979; 2: 29-32.
  • Gupta S. and Wig N.N. E.C.T. in Schizophrenia and Manic-Depressive Psychosis- A Comparison. Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1979; 2: 47-53.
  • Menon D.K. Interest in the Welfare of Children. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1979; 6: 93-94.
  • Murthy R.S. Community Medicine: Bandwagon or Commitment to medical Care for All? A Personal View. C.M.C. Alumni Journal 1979; 13: 7-14.
  • Pershad D. Balak Ke Prati Samaj Ke Kartavya. Haryana Children News Bulletin. 1979;5(4): 25-27.
  • Pershad D. Forgetting and New Learning Deficit in Elderly Subjects. J. Psycholog. Researches.1979;23: 72-75.
  • Pershad D., and Gupta L.N. Be the Youngest Child in the Family and be Cozy. Psyche: Care News. 1979
  • Pershad D., Varma S.K. and Randhawa A. Preliminary Report on a Performance Test of Intelligence on 4-8 years Old Children Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1979;6:125-130.
  • Pershad D. and Wig N.N. Relationship Between PGI Memory Scale and WAIS Verbal I.Q. Neurol. India. 1979;27: 69-72.
  • Pershad D. and Wig N.N. Relationship of PGI Memory Scale with Age and education Ind. J. Pers. Hum. Devel. 1979; 2: 48-60.
  • Purthy N. Dhir A. and Murthy R.S.; Rural Community Attitude to Epilepsy Neurol. India. 1979;27: 170-173.
  • Varma V.K. and Dang R. Non- Medical Use of Drugs Amongst School and College Students. Ind. J. Psychiat., 1979;21: 228-234.
  • Varma V.K., Ghosh A., Khanna B.C. and Misra A.K. General Hospital Psychiatric Adult Outpatients Clinic: Socio-Demographic Correlates. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1979;21: 348-354.
  • Verma S.K. I am Forgetful Psycho- Care News. Nov. 1979: 15-16.
  • Verma S.K. and Pershad D. A Psychiatric Study of Traditional Healers in Lucknow city (Letter to the ed.) Ind. J. Psychiat.1979 ;21(3): 14-15.
  • Verma S.K. and Pershad D. Study of Intelligent Quotient Medical Students (Letter to the ed.) Ind. J. Psychiat. 1979 ;21(3): 6-7.
  • Verma S.K. Pershad D. and Menon D.K. The Use of Repertory Grid Technique in The Assessment of Schizophrenic Thought Disorder (Letter to the ed.) Ind. J. Psychiat. 1979 ;21(3):8-9.
  • Verma S.K., Pershad D., and Menon R. Cross validation of Developments Screening Test (DST). Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1979;6: 17-20.
  • Verma S.K., Pershad D. and Wig N.N. Additional Data on PGI Health Questionnaire No. 2 Ind. Psycholog. Rev. 1979;6: 17-20.
  • Wig N.N. Mental Health and Population Growth. Ind. J. Psychiat.1979;1: 12-33.
  • Wig N.N. and Murthy R.S. Planning Community Mental Health Services in India: Some Observations. Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1979;2: 61-64.
  • Wig N.N., Murthy R.S. and Pershad D. Relationship or Disability with Psychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment Acceptance patterns. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1979;21: 355-358.
  • Harding T.W., Climent C.E., Colling R., Diop B.S.M., Giel R., Gueye M., Ibrahim M.M.H., Ladrido-Ignancio L. and Wig N.N. Mental Helath and Primary Health Care: First Result of a WHO Concerted Study. Psychopahologic Africane.1979;5: 5-28.
  • Menon D.K. Interest in the Welfare of Children. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1979;6: 93-94.
  • Agarwal R.K., Varma V.K. and Dang R. Inter-Relationship Between Drug Use, Anomie, Alienation and Authorianism Amongst University Students. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1980;22: 103-107.
  • Varma V.K., Seshadri M. Intervention Programmes for Parents of The Mentally Retarded Children. National Acad. Med. Sciences (India) 1980; 25: 208-209.
  • Arora M. and Varma V.K. A Psychoticism Scale in Hindi: 1 Construction and Initial Tryouts. Ind. J. Psychiatry, 1980;22: 225-229.
  • Arora M. and Varma V.K. A Psychoticism Scale in Hindi: II Standardization Ind. J. Psychiatry.1980;22: 230-234.
  • Balgir R.S., Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. Manic-Depressive Psychosis and Schizophrenia: A Dermatologlyphic Study. Brit. J. Psychiat. 1980;136: 558-561.
  • Choudhary, R.K; Singh, R; Avasthi A. Non-medical drug use among Interns and House Officers. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 1980; 22:301-303.
  • Climent C.E., Diop B.S.M., Harding T.W., Ibrahim H.H.A., Ladrido-Ignancio L. and Wig N.N. Mental health in Primary Health Care. WHO Chronicle.1980;4:231-236.
  • Deodhar S.D., Qamra S.R. and Varma V.K. Popular Attitudes of Patients Towards Western Vs IndiginousMedicine. PGI Bulletin.1980;14: 30-37.
  • Dubey B.L. and Verma S.K. Presently Study of Business Executives. P.U. Management Review.1980;3: 37-43.
  • Gupta S. and Murthy R.s. Genetic Study of MDP, Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1980;3: 41-44.
  • Harding T.W., De Arango M.V.,Baltazar J., Climent C.E., Ibrahim H.H.A. Ladrigo-Ignacio L., Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. Mental Disorders in Primary health Care: A Study of Their Frequency and Diagnosis Four Development Countries. Psychol. Med. 1980;10: 231-241.
  • Khandelwal S.K. and Murthy R.S. Drug Management of Depressive Disorders. Drugs Bulletin.1980;3: 1-14.
  • Malik A.K., Chopra J.S., Rao S, Sharma B.K., Murthy R.S. Central Pontine Myelinolysis. Neurology India. 1980;28:29-34.
  • Pershad D. Effect of ECT on Memory Functioning (Editorial). Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1980;7: 1-4.
  • Pershad D. and Verma S.K. Clinical Utility of Hooper’s Visual Organization Test (VOT): A Preliminary Investigation. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol.1980;7:67-70.
  • Pershad D. and Verma S.K. Education and Psychological Test Scores.Ind. J. of Psychiatry.1980;22: 179-181.
  • Pershad D., Verma S.K. and Radhawa A. Adoption of the Verbal Scale of WAIS-R. Psychol. Res. J. 1980;4(1):1-48.
  • Pershad D., Verma S.K. and Wig N.N. Education as a Variable in the Clinico Behavioural Researches. PGI Bulletin.1980;14(1):49-54.
  • Pershad D. and N.N. Wig. Normative Study of Visual Retention Test. Ind. J. Psychol. 1980;55(1 & 2):12-19.
  • Pershad D. and Wig N.N. Relationship of PGI Memory Scale with Age and Education. Ind. J. Psychol. 55;3-4, 157-168.
  • Smart R.G., Hughes P.H., Hohnston L.D., Amemonye A, Khanti V., Madrud. Education. Ind. J. Psychol.55;3-4:157-168.
  • Murthy R.S., Wig N.N. and Dhir A. Rural Community Attitude to Mental Retardation. Child Psychiat. Quart, 1980;13(3):81-83.
  • Suman C., Baldev S., Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. Helping the Chronic Schizophrenics and their Families in the Community- Initial Observation Ind. J. Psychiat. 1980;22: 96-102.
  • Varma V.K., Singh A. and Malhotra A. Extent and Pattern of Alcohol Use and Alcohal Related Problems in North India. Ind. J. Psychiat..1980;22: 331-337.
  • Varma V.K. and Dang R. Non Medical Drug Use Amongst Non-Student Youth in India. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.1980;5: 457-465.
  • Varma V.K., Wig N.N., Murthy R.S. and Misra A.K. Sociodemographic Correlates of Schizophrenia Affective Psychoses and Neurosis in a Clinic in India. Acta Psychiat. Scand. 1980;61: 404-412.
  • Verma S.K. Overselling the Half-truths and the Half-Cooked Solutions. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1980;7:89-91.
  • Verma S.K. Mind Pollution and positive mental health. PsychocareNews.1980;2: 31-32.
  • Verma S.K. The New Index for PGI Health Questionnaire N-2, Ind. Psychol. Rev. 1980;19: 52-53.
  • Verma S.K., Menon D.K., and Malhotra A. Response Tendencies in a Questionnaire Without Questions. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1980;7: 151-155.
  • Verma S.K. and Pershad D. Psychological Referrals in a Psychiatric Unit of a General Hospital. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1980;7:157-162.
  • Verma S.K., Pershad D. and Randhawa A. Are Indian Children Slow? (Report of an Enquiry with a Speed Measure of Intelligence). Child Psychiat. Quart..1980;13: 67-71.
  • Wig N.N., Suleimen M.S., Routledge R., Murthy R.S., Ladrido-Ignacio L., Ibrahim H.H.A. and Harding T.W. Community Reaction to Mental Disorders: A Key Informent Study in Three Developing Countries. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.1980;61: 111-126.
  • Wig N.N., Murthy R.S., Mani M. and Dhir A Psychatric Services Through Peripheral Health Centres. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1980;22: 311-316.
DECADE III (1981-1990)
  • Chadha S.S., Nijhawan H.K. and Pershad D. Construction and Standardization of a Two Way Classificatory System of Occupation J. Education and Psychology.1981;39: 148-155.
  • Chadha S.S., Nijhawan H.K. and Pershad D.Cational Aspiration of High School Adolescents. Psychological Research Jounral.1981;5: 33-37.
  • Dubey B.L., Pershad D. and Verma S.K. An Evaluation of Rorschach as a Clinical Tool. Indian Journal of Clinical psychology.1981;8:157-163.
  • Ghosh A., Varma V.K. and Amma M.K.P. Correlation Between Psychopathology and Urinary Steroid and Biogenic Amine Metabolites in Male Schizophrenics. Ind. J. Psychiat.1981;23:298-303.
  • Jiloha R.C. and Murthy R.S. An Epidemiological Study of Pyschiatric Problems in Primary School Children. Child Psychiat. Quarterly.1981;14:1-12.
  • Khandelwal S.K. Hysteria-some Practical Points of Management (A Brief Communicaiton).PGI Bulletin. 1981;15:69-71.
  • Khandelwal S.K., Khare C.B., Ragvan K.S., Murthy R.S. Stability of Serum Lithium Levels-Usefulness and Advance in Indian Condition. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1981;23: 251-253.
  • Khandelwal S.K., Sharma P.C. and Das K. Role of Walk-in-Clinic in General Hospital psychiatric Units. Ind. J. Psychiat.1981;4:119-121.
  • Khandelwal S.K., Varma V.K. and Gupta R. Auto-castration: Review with A Case Report. Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1981;4: 119-121.
  • Kumar S., Singh D.P.N. and Verma S.K. Expectations and Job Satisfaction of officers and Supervisiors in a Public Sectors undertaking.Ind. J. Industrial Relations.1981;16: 431-449.
  • Malhotra H.K., Inam A.S. and Chopra H.D. Do the Psychiatric Patients Reject Themselves? Ind. J. Psychiat, 1981;23: 44-48.
  • Malhotra S., Jindal S.K., Murthy R.S. and Sharma B.K. Unusual Parkisonian and Schizophmeiform Symptoms in Enteric Fever: A Report of 3 Cases. PGI Bulletin.1981;15:59-61.
  • Pershad D., Gudi S.P. and Arora M.M.L. Effect of Hearing Aid in the Development of I.Q. in Deal Children. Child Psychiat. Quart. 1981;14:55-57.
  • Randhawa A., Pershad D. and Varma S.K. Digit Span Test: A Comparison of Scoring Methods. Ind. J. Applied Psychol. 1981;18:27-30.
  • Uppal R., Garg S.K., Sharma P.K., Varma V.K. and Chaudhury R.R. Antipyrine Kinetics in Cannabis Smokers. Brit J. clin. Pharmacy. 1981; 11:522-523
  • Varma V.K., Bouri M. and Wig N.N. Multiple Personality in Inida: Comparison with Historical Possession State. Amr J. Psychotherapy.1981;35: 113-120.
  • Verma V.K., Kala R. and Deodhar S.D. Role of Health Professionals as Perceived by patients in India. Ind.. J. Clin. Psychol. 1981;23:343-350.
  • Varma V.K., Singh A., Malhotra A.K. Das K., and Singhs. Popular Attitude Towards Alcohol Use and Alcoholism. Ind. J. Psychiat.1981;23:343-350.
  • Verma S.K. Clinical Psychology Leisure.Asian J. Psychology and Education.1981;8: 1-24.
  • Wig N.N., Mehta S. and Verma S.K. Methodological Shortcoming. Of Previous Studies on Malnutrition and Mental Development. Asian J. Psychol. And Educat. 1981;8: 25-36.
  • Wig N.N., Murthy R.S Harding T.W. A Model for Rural Psychiatric Services – Raipur Rani Experiences. Ind. J. Psychiat.1981;23: 275-290.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. and Malhotra S Treatment Seeking Behaviour of Parents of Mentally Retarded Children. Indian. J. Clin. Psychol.1982;9(2):21-26
  • Dubey B.L., Uppal K.K. and Verma Need Hierarchical Status and Certain Personality Dimensions. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology.1982;9: 229-232.
  • Dubey B.L. and Verma S.K. Stability of Scores on SPD Scale. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry – India. 1982;6: 133-134.
  • Dubey B.L., Verma S.K. and Dwivedi P. Personality Profile of Successful Business Executives. Lok Udyog. 1982;16(2):21-24.
  • Dubey B.L., Verma S.K. and Dwivedi P. Induced Frustration Set. Neuroticism Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology.1982;9: 63-68.
  • Gupta L.N., Srivastva D. and Verma S.K. Infertile Couple and Neuroticism Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology.1982;9: 63-68.
  • Gupta L.N., Verma S.K., Pershad D and Mathur A.K. Hindi Wais-R (Verbal). The Bikaner Experience 1.J. Rajasthan Psychiatric Society. 1982, 5: 25-33.
  • Gupta R., Khandelwal S.K., Varma V.K., Wig N.N., Rao V. and Tripathi B.M. Depressive Symptoms – A Inter Centre Comparison. . Indian J. Psychiat 1982;24(4):380-382.
  • Kelkar D.K., Chaturvedi S.K. and Malhotra S. A Study of Emergency Referrals in A Teaching General Hospital. Indian J. Psychiat. 1982;24(4):366-369
  • Khandelwal S.K., Parhee R. and Murthy R.S. Depression inChildhood Review with Case Reports. Child Psychiatry Quarterly.1982;15(2):37-42.
  • Khandelwal S.K. and Varma V.K. Treatment of Mania. Drugs Bulletin.1982;5: 41-47.
  • Malhotra S., Murthy R.S., Varma V.K., Ghosh A. and Wig N.N. A General Hospital Psychiatric Unit Inpatient Facility. Social Psychiatry.1982;17: 155-159.
  • Malhotra S. and Randhawa A. A Schedule for Measuring Temperament in Children: Preliminary Data on Development and Standardization. Indian Journal clinical Psychology.1982;9: 203-210.
  • Malhotra S, Murthy R.S., Varma V.K., Ghosh A and Wig N.N. Readmission in a General Hospital Psychiatric Unit: Socio Economic and Clinical Correlates Indian J. Pscyhiat.1982;24: 37-41.
  • Malhotra, S., Murthy, R.S., Varma, V.K., Ghosh, A. and Wig, N.N. A general hospital psychiatric unit inpatient facility. Social Psychiatry.1982; 17:155159
  • Mehta M. and Verma S.K. Relationship of Psychoticism with Certain Socio-Economic Variables. Indian J. Psychiat.1982;24(2):164-168.
  • Menon D.K., Verma S.K., Malhotra A.K. and Dubey B.L. Hindi PEN Inventory Prelimanry Data on Normals and Psychiatric Patients. Indian Journal Clinical Psychology.1982;9:59-62.
  • Pershad D., Gudi S.P. and Arora M.M.I. Effect of Hearing Aid on the Functioning Intelligence in Deaf Children. Indian J. Clinical Psychology.1982;9: 53-57.
  • Pershad d. and Verma S.K. Some Data on The Validity on Hindi Adaptation of Wais-R Verbla Section. Journal of Education and Psychology.1982;4: 61-65.
  • Verma S.K., Malhotra A., Malhotra S., Das K., Khan H.A. and Khandelwal s. Development of Dysfuction Analysis Questionnaire (DAQ) D. Pershad, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry – India.1982;6: 168-180.
  • Sakhuja V., Murthy R.S., Dhir S.P., Anand I.S. and Deodhar S.D. Munchausen Syndrome: Case Report and Review of Literature. J. Assoc. Physicians India.1982;30;6: 383-386.
  • Sidana R.C., Pershad D. and Verma S.K. Usefulness of Psychodiagnostic Tests in Dificult Psychiatric Patients. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry – India.1982;6: 75-80.
  • Singh T.B., and Sharma R.G. EPQ in Hindi: Construction and Initial Try Out. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry – India. 1982;6: 116 -121.
  • Varma V.K. Linguistic Competence and Psychopathology: a Cross Cultural Model. Inidan J. Psychiat.1982;24: 107-114.
  • Varma V.K. Present State of Psycho-Therapy in India. Indian J. Psychiat, 1982;24: 209-226.
  • Verma S.K. The Field of Clinical Psychology in India. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology.1982;9:1-2
  • Verma S.K. Age of Creative Leisure. Ind.J. Clin. Psychol. 1982;9: 87-88.
  • Verma S.K. A Critical Anaysis of research in Clinical Psychology in India.Bombay Psychologist.1982; 4(1): 75-82.
  • Verma S.K. and Dubey B.L. Stability of the Reasons Choices of a Questionnaire Without Questions. Psycholingua. 1982; 12: 61-64.
  • Verma S.K., Dubey B.L. A Correlational Study of Two Locus of Control Scales- Initial Observations. J. Clin. Psychiatry India.1982;6: 127-129.
  • Verma S.K. Dubey B.L. and Khan H.A. The Cognitive Failure Scale (CFS) in Hindi: Some Initial experiences. Journal of Clinical psychiatry – India 1982;6: 205-210.
  • Verma S.K., Menon D.K., Malhotra Anil and Dubey B.L. A Study of Response Biases Through A Questionnaire Without Questions. Journal and Education and Psychology.1982;40: 74-84.
  • Verma S.K., Pershad D., Singh T.B. Effect of Job and Mass Media on Verbal Intelligence Test Scores. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry- India. 1982;6: 192-195.
  • Wig N.N. Psychiatric Research in India.Bulletin of Royal College of Psychiatrist. 1982;6: 102-104.
  • Wig N.N. Mangalwadhe K., Bedi H. and Murthy R.S. A Follow-up Study of Hysteria. Indian J. Psychiat. 1982;24: 120-125.
  • Wig N.N., Menon D.K. and Murthy R.S. Hindi Version of Present State Examination Problems of Translation and Application in Indian Setting.Indian J. Psychiat, 1982;24: 309-317.
  • Avasthi A., Murthy RS., Jiloha RC, Pershad D. Prevalence Study and Easy identification of Mental Retardation in Rural Children A Community Based Model. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1983;10: 263-274.
  • Avasthi, A; Sarkar, S; Grover, S. Approaches to Psychiatric Nosology: a view point Indian Journal of Psychiatry????
  • Chaturvedi S.K. and Malhotra S. Psychiatric Problems in Mental Retardation. Child Psychiat Unit. Ind. J. Psychol Med. 1983;6: 36-43.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. and Malhotra S. Psychiatric Problems in Mental Retardation. Child Psychiat. Quart. 1983;16(3): 96-101.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. and Malhotra S. Parental Attitudes Towards Mental Retardation. Child psychiatry Quarterly 1983;16 (3): 135-142.
  • Chaturvedi S.K., Varma V.K., Malhotra S., Kumar P. Hospital Stay of In-Patients in a General Hospital Psychiatric Unit. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1983, 25(4): 293-297.
  • Chawla P., Puri r. and Pershand D. Impact of Pre-school Supplementary Feeding on Mental Abilities. Ind. Ped., 1983:20:513-516.
  • Chaturvedi, S.K., Pardeep Kumar, Malhotra, S., Varma, V.K. Discharge Outcome in General Hospital Psychiatry Unit. Ind. Jr. Psychological Medical.1983; 6:36 43.
  • Das K., Pershad d., Khan H.A., Malhotra s. and Verma S.K. Dysfunction Analysis Questionnaire (DAQ): Assessment for Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Link.1983;3: 33-37.
  • Dubey B.L., Uppal K.K. and Verma S.K. Psychological Correlates of Striking and Non Striking Employees. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1983;10: 337-342.
  • Dubey B.L., Uppal K.K., Verma S.K. and Dwivedi P.D. Job Satisfaction and Need Hierarchy Among Bank Officers. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1983;10: 133-137.
  • Dubey B.L., Verma S.K., Uppal K.K. and Dwivedi P.D. Response Tendencies in Business Management Trainees: A Preliminary Investigation. Panjab University Management review.1983;6: 37-43.
  • Grover P., Varma V.K., Pershad D. and Verma S.K. Construction of A Scale for the Measurement of Attitude to Yoga (A Preliminary) Report.Ind. J. clin.Psychol. 1983;10: 373-378.
  • Gupta L.N., Verma S.K., Pershad D. and Singhal S. Hindi WAIS-R (verbal) Scale: The Bikaner Experience Ill (Complete ANOVA on The Toral and Subtest Scores). Journal of Rajasthan Psychiat Soc. 1983;6: 31-34.
  • Harding T.W., Client C.E., Diop M.B. Giel R., Ibrahim H.H.A., Murthy R.S., Suleiman M.A. and Wig N.N. The WHO Collaborative Study on Strategies for Extending Mental health Care-II: The Development of New Research Methods. An J. Psychiat.1983;140: 1474-1480.
  • Harding T.W., Arrigo Busnello E.D., Clement C.E., Diop M.B., Hakim A.E.L., Giel R., Ibrahim H.H.A., Ladrigo- Ignacio L. and Wig N.N. The WHO Collaborative Study on Strategies for Extending Mental Health Care ILL Evaluating Design and Illustrative Results. An. J. Psychiatry.1983;140: 1481-1485.
  • Khandelwal S.K., Chugh K.S., Sakhuja V., Khare C.B. and Murthy R.S. Renal Function in Long-term Lithium prophylaxis. Ind. J. of Med. Res. 1983;77: 107-111.
  • Khare C.B., Sankarnarayanan A., Goel A., Khandelwal S.K., and Murthy R.S. Saliva Lithium Levels for Monitoring Lithium prophylaxis of Manic Depressive Psychosis. International J. of clin.Pharma. Therapy and Toxycology, 1983, 21: 451-453.
  • Malhotra A.K. and Varma V.K. Drug Treatment of Alcoholism. Drug Bulletin.1983;6: 15-25.
  • Malhotra A.K. and Varma V.K. Extent of Alcohol and Drug Use in India. Ind. J. of Chemical Psychology.1983;10: 183-194.
  • Malhotra, S. Book Review: A manual of Child Mental Health & Psychological Development Part III and IV Indian Jr.Clinical Psychology.1983;10:5-19.
  • Malhotra, S. Letter to the Editor, Rutter’s Multiaxial Classification. Ind. Jr. Psychiatry .1983; 25:1.
  • Malhotra, S., Malhotra, A., Randhawa A. Children’s temperament: Factorial validity. Indian Jr. of Clinical Psychol. 1983; 10:399406.
  • Malhotra, S., Malhotra, A., Randhawa, A. Temperament as a Discriminating variable between emotionally disturbed and normal children. Indian J. Clinical Psychol.1983; 10:7983
  • Malhotra S and Randhawa A. Psychosocial Correlates of Childhood Emotional Disorders. PGI, Bulletin.1983;10: 163-166.
  • Malhotra S. and Randhawa A. Temperament and Emotional Disorders of Childhood: Applicability in Indian Population. Child Psychiat Quart.1983;16(2):59-67.
  • Malhotra S. and Chatruvedi S.K. Rutter’s Multiaxial System of Classification of Childhood Psychiatric Disorders. Child Psychiat Quart. 1983;16: 76-85.
  • Mattoo S.K., Varma V.K., and Bose S.M. Psychosocial Adjustment to Treat Cancer: Preoperative Assessment- Preliminary report. PGI Bulletin.1983;17: 121-125.
  • Murthy R.S. and Wig N.N. The WHO Collaborative Study on Strategies for Extending Mental Health Care, IV: A Training Approach to Enhacing the Availability of Mental Health Manpower in a Developing Country. Am. J. Psychiat.1983;140: 1486-1490.
  • Pershad D. and Kohli A. Estimation of Intelligence inChildren. Ind. J. Psychomet and Education.1983;14: 49-52.
  • Pershad D., Verma S.K., Malhotra A., Malhotra S., Dass K. and Khan A Further Validation of the Dysfuction Analysis Questionnaire. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1983;10: 445-50.
  • Seshadri M., Varma V.K., Verma S.K. and Pershad D. Impact of a Mentally Handicapped Child on the Family. Ind. Clin. Psychol. 1983;10: 473-478.
  • Sheshadri M. Malhotra S., Malhotra A. Temperament Correlates of I.Q. Ind. J. Clini. Psychol. 1983;10: 407-15.
  • Sing D.P.N., Singh C.D. and Verma S.K. Motivation to work in Graduate Engineers and Superintendents of Chelai, Durgapur, Rourkela and Bokaro Steel Palnt. Ind. J. Appl. Psychol. 1983;20: 67-72.
  • Singh D.P.N., Singh C.D. and Verma S.K. Job Satisfaction of Graduate Engineers and Superintendent in Bhelal, Durgapur, Rourkela and Bokaro Steel Paln. Lok Udyog.1983;16 (11): 21-35.
  • Varma V.K. Psychotherapy in India. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1983;25(1):4-5.
  • Varma V.K. Chaturvedi S.K., Malhotra a. and Chari P. Psychiatric Aspects of Chronic Intractable Pain. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1983;25:173-179.
  • Varma V.K. and Malhotra A.K. Role of Psychosocial Variables in the Acceptance of Family Planning. Ind. J. Med. Educat. 1983;22: 85-91.
  • Verma S.K. Leisure Activities and Handicapped Persons. Bombay Psychologists. 1983;5(1): 24-28.
  • Verma S.K. How do I Look ? What Do I Sure? Ind. J. Clin. Psychol, 1983;10:1-3.
  • Verma S.K. Staying Young with Age. Ind. Clin. Psychol.1983;10: 201-202.
  • Verma S.K. Being Aware of ones Biases. Psyche-Care: News.1983;5: 7-8.
  • Verma S.K., Dubey B.L. and Gupta D. PGI General Well Being Scale- Some Correlates. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol.1983;10: 299-304.
  • Wig N.N., Verma S.K. and Pershad D. Development of Psychological Tests in India: An Overview of the Current Situation. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol.1983;10: 429-437.
  • Chaturvedi S.K., Malhotra A, Varma V.K. and Michal. A. Alexithymia: Brief Review and a Study in Chronic Pain Patients. Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1984;7: 21-25.
  • Arya A. Pershad D. and Das K. Psychosocal Functioning in Amputees Asia. Rehabil J.1984;25: 31-36.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. and Malhotra S. A Follow up Study of Mental Retardation. Focussing on Parental Attitudes. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1984;26: 370-376.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. and Pant. V.L.N. Objective Evaluation of Body Image of Renal Transplant Recipients. J. Psychol. Res. 1984;28: 4-7.
  • Dubey B.L. Chawla A.S. and Verma S.K. A Personality Study of Striking and Non-Striking University Employees. J. Psychol. Res. 1984;28: 114-118.
  • Khandelwal S.K., Varma V.K. and Murthy R.S. Renal Function in Children receiving Long Term Lithium Prophyiaxis. Amer. J. Psychiat. 1984;141: 278-279.
  • Khandelwal S.K. Varma V.K. Murthy R.S. and Khare C.B. Lithium Carbonate in the Treatment of Manic Depressive psychosis in Children. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1984;26:194-199.
  • Kulhara P. General HospitalPostgraduate Psychiatric Training Research.Ind. J. Psychiat.1984;26: 281-285.
  • Malhotra, S., Malhotra, A. Liaison Psychiatry in an Indian General Hospital.General Hospital. Psychiatry. 1984; 6(4):266270
  • Malhotra, S. Liaison Psychiatry in General Hospital. Indian Jr. of Psychiat 1984; 16(3):264273.
  • Pershad, D. Verma S.K. Malhotra S and Prabhakar S. Cognitive Rating in the Indentification of Organic Brain Dysfuction: A Psychometric Approach. PGI Bulletin.1984;18: 129-136.
  • Pershad, D., Verma, S.K., Malhotra, S., Prabhakar, S.K. Screening of organic Brain Dysfunction. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1984; 26 (4):349356.
  • Pershand D. Verma, S.K. Malhotra S. and Prabhakar S Cross-Validity of the Battery of Cognitive Tests for the Assessment of Brain Damaged Cases Ind. J. Psychol. 1984;59: 36-44.
  • Pershad D. Verma S.K., Malhotra S. Prabhakar s. and Khan H.A. Utility of Psychological Tests in the Diagnosis of Brain Dysfunction Cases. Ind. J. Appl. Psychol, 1984;1: 25-32.
  • Pershad D. Verma S.K., Shukla T.R., Khorana S. Misra M.N. Ojha K.N. and Gupta L.N. Some Experience on Wais-R Hindi Verbal Section with Ages Subjects. Ind. J. Appl. Psychol. 1984;21: 47-54
  • Puri R. Chawla P. Sharma M. and Pershad d. Impact of an On-going Supplementary Feeding Programme on the Mental Abilities of Children. Omd. J. Pediat. 1984;51:653-657.
  • Singh D.P.N. Singh C.D. and Verma S.K. Attitudes and Job Expectation of Graduate Engineers and Superintendents in Bhilai, Durgapur, Rourkela and Bokaro Steel Plant. P.U. Management Review.1984;7: 77-88.
  • Varma V.K. Nagpal S.C. and Dang R. Prevention and Control of Drug Abuse in the third World. Ind. J. Psychiat.1984;26: 175-177.
  • Varma V.K. and Verma S.K. General Hospital Psychiatry and Mental Health Legislation. Ind. J. Psychiat.1984;26: 274-280
  • Verma S.K. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology: The First Ten Years.Ind. J. of Clin. Psychol.1984;11: 11-20.
  • Verma S.K. and Pershad D General Hospital Psychiatry: Role in Clinical Psychology. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1984;26: 286-289.
  • Verma S.K., Pershad d. Gupta L.N. and Khorana s. Misra M.N. Ojha K.N. and Shukla T.R. Standardization of Hindi WAIS-R Verbal Short Scale. PGI, Bulletin.1984;18: 70-79.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. and Pant V.L.N. Psychiatric Aspects of Renal Transplantation. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1985;27: 77-81.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. and Pant V.L.N. Emotional Reaction and Long Term Emotional Adjustment in Rural Transplant Receipients. Ind. J. Psycholog. Med. 1985;8:3-9.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. Prasad G. Rao, Mathai P.J. Sarmukaddamand S. and GopinathR.S. Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia and Depression Ind. J. Psychiat. 1985;27:237-242.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. Varma V.K. and Malhotra A. Depression in Patients with Non-organic Chronic Intractable Pain. NIMHANS Jounral.1985;3:121-128.
  • Chaturvedi S.K. Varma V.K. and Malhotra a. Non- organic Intractable Pain. A Comparative Study. Pain.1985;9: 87-94.
  • Dubey B.L. and Verma S.K. A Study of Dissatisfaction index on a Questionnaire Without Questions. Ind. J. clin. Psychol. 1985;11:19-21.
  • Dubey B.L., Verma S.K., Uppal K.K. and Dwivedi P. Bank Officer’s Perception of Subordinates and Superiors. P.U. Management Review.1985;8:19-24.
  • Gopala Krishnan G. and Neki J.S. Dysmorphophobia- A Case Report.Ind. J. Psychiatry.1985;27: 91-94.
  • Gupta R Wig N.N, Chawla H. Khandelwal S. and Varma V.K. A Comparison of Neurotic and Psychotic Depression Using a Standardized Schedule. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1985;27: 145-148.
  • Khandelwal S.K. Murthy R.S. and Varma V.K. Neuro-psychiatric Complications of Anti-Rabies Vaccines: Review with Case Reports. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1985;27:163-166.
  • Kulhara P. Postgraduate Psychiatric Teaching Centres: Findings of a Survey. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1985;27: 221-226.
  • Kulhara P. and Varma V.K. Treatment of Schizophrenia. Drugs Bulletin, 1985, 8: 31-51.
  • Kulhara P. and Prasad Rao G. Obsessive- Compulsive Neurosis in North West India. A Phenomenological Study. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1985;27: 243-248.
  • Kulhara, P. and Varma, V.K. Phenomenology of schizophrenia and affective disorders in India: a review. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry.1985; 1:148-167.
  • Malhotra S.and Malhotra A. Culture Conflict and Psychopathology in Indian Children. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1985;1: 48-53.
  • Malhotra S. Sharma S. Avasthi A. and Sharma B.K. Cerebellar Damage in a Patient on Lithium Developing Enteric Fever. A Case Report Ind. J. Psychiat. 1985;27: 255-258.
  • Mattoo S.K. Varma V.K. and Bose S.M. Psychosocial Adjustments to Breast Cancer. Postoperative Assessment. PGI Bulletin.1985;19: 19-24.
  • Pant V.L.N. Chaturvedi S.K. and Varma V.K. Long-Term Life Adjustment in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1985;8: 10-14.
  • Pershad d. and Verma S.K. Problems of Measurement in Cross-cultural Studies Parachi J. of Psycho-cultural Dimensions, 1985;1: 17-24.
  • Prasad Rao G. and Kulhara P. Obessive Compulsive Neurosis: Some Socio-clinical Observations. Ind. J. Soc- Psychiat. 1985;1: 194-201.
  • Sankaranarayanan A. Goel A. and Pant V.L.N. Variation in the Relationship Between Serum and Saliva Lithium Levels. International J. of Clinical Pharmacology,Therapy and Toxicology.1985;23: 365-366.
  • Upadhyay A.K., Varma V.K, Sankaranarayanan A. and Goel A. Lithium in Prophylactic Therapy of Manic Depressive Illness: Biological Correlates of Response. Bio Psychiat.1985;20:202-205.
  • Varma V.K. The Indian Mind and Psychopathology. Integrative Psychiatry.1985;3:290-296..
  • Varma V.K., Agarwal R.K. Das K, and JilohaR.C. Linguistic competence and Psychopathology: Construction of Test of Linguistic Competence. Indian J. Psychiat. 1985;27: 183-191.
  • Varma V.K. Das K, and Jiloha R.C.. Correlation of Linguistic Competence with Psychopathology. Indian J. Psychiat. 1985;27: 193-199.
  • Varma V.K. and Malhotra A. Dependency and Psychotherapy of Drug Addiction. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1985;1:244-250.
  • Varma V.K. and Malhotra S.Diagnosis and Classification of Acute Psychiatric Disorders in the Developing World. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1985;1: 11-21.
  • Varma V.K, Malhotra A. and Dand R. An Alcohol and Drug Dependence Clinic in North India: Initial Five Years Experience. Ind. J. Clin. Psychology. 1985;11:51-61.
  • Varma V.K., Tripathi B.M. and Kulhara P. Psychiatric Clinic in a Rural Primary health Center. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1985;1: 121-132.
  • Verma S.K. Cultural Aspects of Mental Disorders: A Review of Recent Studies in India-1 Knowledge and Attitudes. J. Pers and Clin. Stud. 1985;1:1-5.
  • Verma S.K. Complaints About Pain. (eds. K.N. Sharma et al); 147-153.
  • Verma S.K. Khanna B.C. and Wig N.N. Construction of PGI Sentence Completion Tests (in Hindi). Mind. 1985;11:7-14.
  • Verma S.K. and Malhotra A. Applicablility of Behaviour Modification Techniques: review of Indian Studies in the Last Decade. D.E.I. Research J. of Educ. And Psychol. 1985;3:13-25.
  • Verma S.K. Pershad D, K.N. Ojha, Misra M.N.. S. Khorana, L.N. Gupta, T.R. Shukla and T.B. Singh. Hindi WAIS-R Verbal Scale: interpretation of Data in Difficult to Diagnose Cases. Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education.1985;16:57-64.
  • Chadda R. and Kulhara P.A Trial of Sodium Valproate in Tardive Dyskinesia. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1986; 28(1):79-82.
  • Chadda R. Kulhara P. Singh T. and Sehgal S. HLA Antigens in Schizophrenia.: A Family Study Brit. J. Psychiat. 1986;149: 612-615.
  • Gupta R, Wig N.N. Rao U. Chawla H, Khandelwal S. and Varma V.K. Symptom Comparison of Neurotic and Psychotic Depression Using SADD Schedule. Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1986;9: 22-25.
  • Kota S, Nagpal R, Malhotra A. and Mattoo S.K. Behavioural Management of a Case of Fetishism. DEI research Journal of Education in Psychology.1986;4: 21-22.
  • Kota S. Kulhara P, Joseph S. and Nagpal R.S. Inter-rater Reliability of the Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1986;28: 349-350.
  • Kulhara P. and Prasad Rao G. Life Events and Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1986;28: 221-224.
  • Kulhara P, Mattoo SK, Chandiramani K, Bhave S and Awasthi A.Diagnostic systems for schizophrenia. A cross-sectional study of concordance from India. Acta Psychiatrica Scadinavica.1986; 74:55-61.
  • Kulhara, P., Chandiramani, K., Mattoo S.K. and Avasthi A.A study of hallucinations in schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry.1986; 2:15-24.
  • Kulhara, P., Kota, S.K. and Joseph, S. Positive and negative subtypes of schizophrenia: a study from India. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.1986; 74:353-359
  • Kulhara, P; Chandiramani, K; Mattoo, S.K.; Avasthi, A. A phenomenological study of delusions in schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 1986; 28 (4):281-286.
  • Malhotra S, Verma V.K. and Varma S.K. Temparament as Determinant of Childhood Psychiatric Disorders. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1986;28: 263-276.
  • Moudgil A.c. Verma S.K. and Kaur K. PGI Quality of Life Scale (Revised Form) Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1986;13: 175-184.
  • Moudgil A.c. Verma S.K., Kaur K, and Pal M. PGI Well being Scale (Hindi version). Ind. J. Clin. Psychol.1986;13: 195-198.
  • Moudgil A.C. Verma S.K. Pershad D. and Kumar H. Construction and Standardization of Social-Emotional Support. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1986;2: 66-79.
  • Varma V.K. Cultural Psychodynamics in Health and Illness. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1986;28: 13-34.
  • Varma V.K. Some Implications of Cold War Psychology for us. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1986;2: 301-310
  • Varma V.K. The Behaviour Scientist and Social Issues. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1986;2: 139-147.
  • Varma V.K. and Malhotra A.K. Dependency and Psychotherapy of Drug Dependence. Alcoholism.1986;22: 93-98.
  • Varma V.K. Malhotra A, Chaturvedi S.K. and Chari P. Socio- Demographic Study of Patients with Chronic Pain. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1986;28:119-125.
  • Varma V.K, Malhotra A.K. and Chaturvedi S.K. Illness Behaviour Questionnaire (I.B.Q): Translation and Adaptation in India. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1986;28:41-46.
  • Verma S.K. Cultural Aspects of Mental Disorders: A Review of Recent Studies in India: Ill Psychotherapy and Psychological Measurement in Clinical Studies. J. Pers in Clini. Studies. 1986;2:77-78.
  • Verma S.K. Cultural Aspects of Mental Disorders: A Review of Recent Studies in India-II Culture Bound Syndromes, Classification, Phenomenology, Course and Outcome. J. Pers in Clini. Studies.1986;2: 1-12.
  • Verma S.K. and Pershad D. cognitive Dysfunctions in Psychiatric Population: Their Assessment and Awareness Advances in Psychol.1986;1: 1-7.
  • Abraham K.R. and Kulhara P. The Efficacy of Electro-Convulsive Therapy in the Treatment of Schizophrenia: A Comparative Study. Brit. J. Psychiat. 1987;151:152-155.
  • Bambery P, Malhotra S, U. Kaur, Chadda R and S.D. Deodhar Anorexia Nervosa in a Patient with SLE: Case Report Rheumatology Int. 1987;7:177-179.
  • Chadda R and Kulhara P., Prevalence of Various Depressive Symptoms in Major Depressive Disorders. Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1987;10: 1-5.
  • Chadda R and Kulhara P. Tardive Dyskinesia in Psychiatric Outpatients Clinic of a General Hospital – A Prospective Study. Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1987;10: 85-90.
  • Chadda R and Malhotra S. Problems of Developmentally Handicapped Children. Nursing J. of India, 1987;1: 245-246.
  • Chadda r. Malhotra S, Asad A.G. and Bambery P. socio-Cultural Factors in Anorexia Nervosa. Ind. J. Psychiat., 1987;29: 107-111.
  • Chandiramani K. and Varma V.K. Imagery in Schizophrenic Patients Compared to Normal Controls. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 1987;60: 335-341.
  • Grover P. Varma V.K, Verma S.K. and Pershad D. Relationship Between the Patient’s Attitude towards Yoga and the Treatment Outcome. Ind. J. Psychiat, 1987;29: 253-258.
  • Jiloha R.C. Intelligence in Richitic Children. J. of Person and Clin. Studies.1987;3: 127-129.
  • Joseph S. Kulhara P. and Dash R.J. Dexamethasone Suppression Test in Schizophrenic Patients: Report from India. Biol. Psychiat. 1987;22: 792-795.
  • Khandelwal S.K., Parhee E, and Murthy R.S. Depression in Childhood: Review with Case Reports.
  • Kulhara P. and Chadda R. A Study of Negative Symtoms in Schizophrenia and Depression. Comprehensive Psychiat, 1987;28: 229-235.
  • Kulhara P, Chandiramani K, Mattoo S.K. and Varma V.K. Pattern of Follow-up visit in a Rural Psychiatric Clinic. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1987;29: 189-195.
  • Kulhara P. Mattoo S.K. Avasthi A. and Chandiramani K. Psychiatric Manifestations of Catego Clas S+ Schizophrenia. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1987;29: 307-313.
  • Kulhara P., Mattoo S.K, Avasthi A. and Malhotra A. The Brief psychiatric Rating Scale in Positive and Negative Subtypes of Schizophrenia. Indian. J.of Psychiat. 1987;29: 213-220.
  • Kulhara P, Mattoo S.K; Avasthi, A; Chandiramani, K. Psychiatric Manifestations of CATEGO Class S+Schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Psychiatry.1987; 29:307-313.
  • Kulhara P, Mattoo SK, Avasthi A and Malhotra A. The brief psychiatric rating scale in positive and negative schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 1987; 29:213-220.
  • Kulhara, P. and Chadda, R. A study of negative symptoms in schizophrenia and depression. Comprehensive Psychiatry.1987; 28:229-235.
  • Kulhara, P., Chandiramani, K., Mattoo, S.K. and Varma, V.K. Pattern of follow – up visits in a rural psychiatric clinic. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 1987;29:189-195
  • Leff J. Wig N.N. Ghosh A, Bedi H, Menon D.K, Kuipers L, Korten a, Emberg G. Day R, Sartorius N. and Jablensky a. influence of Relative’s Expressed Emotion of the Course of Schizophrenia in Chandigarh. Brit. J. Psychiat. 1987;151: 166-173.
  • Malhotra S. and Chadda R. Specific Developmental Disorders in Children Attending Child Guidance Clinic. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1987; 29:343-347.
  • Moudgil A.C. Verma S.K. Kaur P, Ummat a. and Mehta R. Health Habits of School Going Children: A Study Swarth Hind.1987; 31:174-75
  • Nehra R. and Kulhara P. Development of a Scale for the Assessment of Social Support: Initial Try out in the Indian Setting Ind. J. soc. Psychiat. 1987;3:353-359.
  • Pershad D. Arithmetic Subtest of an Intelligence Scale: Measure of Power or Speed? J. of Psychological Researches.1987;31:26-29.
  • Pershad D. and Verma S.K. Cross-validation of Psychometric Evaluation of Organic Brain Pathology, J. Pers. & Clini. Stud. 1987;3:23-26.
  • Rao G.P., Verma S.K. and Kulhara P. Schizophrenic Rorschach Responses of Obsessive Compulsive Neurotic and Schizophrenic Patients. J. Pers & Clini. Studies. 1987;3:43-47.
  • Rao G.P, Kulhara P. and Dash R.J. Dexamethasone Suppression Test in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1987;29:165-67.
  • Singh R.A. Malhotra A, Avasthi A. and Pershad D. Sexual Knowledge and Attitude of Medical and Non-medical Students. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat.1987;3(1&2):126-136
  • Varma V.K. World Peace and Social Psychiatry: Perspective of the Developing Countries. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1987;3:317-27
  • Varma V.K., Nehra R, Malhotra A.K. and Dand R. Psychosocial Adjustment of Cannabis Users. Ind. Soc Psychiat. 1987:170-85.
  • Varma V.K. and Seshadri M. Intervention Programmes for Parents of the Mentally Retarded Children. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1987:328-242.
  • Wig N.N., Menin D.K, Bedi H, Leff J, Kuipers L, Ghosh A, Day R, Korten A. Emberg G,Sartorius N, and Jablensky A. Distribution of Expressed Emotion Component in Relatives of Schizophrenia Patients in Aarhus and Chandigarh. Brit. J. Psychiat. 1987;151:60-165
  • Wig N.N., Menin D.K. Bedi H, Ghosh A, Kuipers L., Leff J., Korten A, Day R, Sartorius N, Emberg G. and Jablensky A. Expressed Emotion and Schizophrenia in North India: 1 Cross-Cultural Transfer of Ratings of Relatives Expressed Emotion Brit. J. Psychiat. 1987;151:156-161.
  • Chandiramani K, Verma S.K. and Kulhara P., Contributions of Indian Journal of Psychiatry: Common Statistical and Other Deficiencies. Ind. J. Psychiat, 1988, 30: 241-245
  • Arya D.K. Avasthi A, Verma S.K., Varma V.K. Adaptation of Bonds Defence Style Questionnairs for Indian Population – Initial Try-out. Indian Journal. of Social .Psychiatry. 1988;4: 10-14.
  • Chavan B.S., Kulhara P. A. Clinical Study of Reactive Psychosis. Acta Psychiat. Scand. 1988; 77: 477-482.
  • Chavan B.S., Kulhara P. Outcome of Reactive Psychosis: A Prospective Study from India. Acta
  • Dubey B.L. Dwivedi P., Verma S.K. Some Observations about Business Executives on a Personality inventory. Indian J. clin. Pschol. 1988; 15:24-27.
  • Dubey B.L., Dwivedi P., Verma S.K. Construction and Standardization of A Quality of Life Scale for use with industrial Workers in India. Creative Psychologist 1988; 1: 75-83.
  • Grover P., Varma V.K, Pershad D., Verma S.K. Role of Yoga in the Treatment of Psychoneurosis. PGI Bulletin 1988; 22: 68-77.
  • Gupta R, Chavan B.S., Kulhara P. Psychosis NOS: A Retrospective Study. Indian Psychol. Med. 1988; 11: 113-118.
  • Gupta R.K, Kulhara P., Verma S.K. A Study of Hostility among Postgraduate Medical Students. Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies .1988; 4: 43-46.
  • Gupta R.K, Kulhara P., Verma S.K. Guilt and Hostility in Depression. Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies . 1988; 4: 127-132.
  • Gupta, R., Chavan, B.S., Kulhara, P.Psychosis NOS: a retrospective study of 70 cases. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 1988; 11:113-118.
  • Gupta, R., Kulhara, P. , Verma, S.K.. A study of hostility among postgraduate medical students. Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies.1988; 4:43-46.
  • Gupta, R., Kulhara, P., Verma, S.K. Guilt and hostility in depression. Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies1988, 4:127 – 133.
  • Kohli A., Verma S.K. Mother’s Estimate of Intelligence of their Mentality Handicapped Child. Child Psychiat. Quart. 1988; 21; 129-136.
  • Kota S., Kulhara P.A Clinical Study of Positive and Negative Subtypes of Schizophrenia. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1988; 30: 355-361.
  • Kulhara P, Ayyagari R, Nehra R. Psychosocial Aspects of Cancer Cervix. Ind. J. Psychol. Med.. 1988; 11: 79-83.
  • Kulhara P. Editorial Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1988; 4:1.
  • Kulhara, P. Chandiramani, K.. Outcome of schizophrenia in India using various diagnostic systems. Schizophrenia Research1988; 1:339-349.
  • Kulhara, P., Ayyagari, S., Nehra R., Psychological aspects of cancer cervix. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine,1988; 11(2): 79-83
  • Mahajan A., Pershad D., Verma S.K. Influences of Age, Education and Sex on Performance Test of Intelligence for Adults. Ind. J. of Psychomet and Edu., 1988; 19: 65-71.
  • Malhotra S, Varma V.K., Verma S.K., Malhotra A.Childhood Psychopathology Measurement Schedule: Development and Standardization. Ind. J. Psychiatry 1988; 30: 325-331.
  • Malhotra S. Stability of Temperamental Characteristics Over Time. Child Psychiat. Quart. 1988; 21: 43-49.
  • Mendiratta S., Varma V.K., Dang R, Malhotra A.K., Das K, Nehra R. Cannabis and Cognitive Functions: A Re-Evaluation Study. Brit. J. of Addictions. 1988; 83: 749-753.
  • Varma V.K. The Psychiatrist and Social Commitment. Andhra Pradesh Psychiat. 1988; 1:6-16.
  • Varma V.K. Culture, Personality and Psychotherapy. International J. Soc. Psychiat.. 1988; 34: 142-149.
  • Varma V.K. Malhotra A.K, Dang R, Das K, and Nehra R. Cannabis and Cognitive Functions: A Prospective Study. Drug Alcoh. Dep.. 1988; 21; 147-152.
  • Varma V.K., Malhotra A.K, Dang R, Das K, Nehra R. Cannabis and Cognitive Functions: A Prospective Study. Drug Alcoh. Dep. 1988; 21: 147-152.
  • Varma V.K., Malhotra A.K. The Management of Alcohol Related Problems in General Practice in North India. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1988; 30: 211-219.
  • Varma V.K., Malhotra A.K. Treatment of Neurotics Addiction. Drugs Bulletin. 1988: 11: 37-55.
  • Verma S.K, Pershad D. and Mahajan A. Cross-validation of Hindi PEN Inventory on Psychiatric Patients. Ind. J. of Academy of Appl. Psychol. 1988, 14: 9-11.
  • Verma S.K. Measurement of Positive Mental Health: Some Theoretical and Practical Considerations. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol. 1988; 15: 6-11.
  • Verma A, Mahajan A. and Verma A.K. Some Exercises with the Learned Helplessness Scale (LH Scale) in Hindi. Ind. J. Psychiat, 1988, 30, 333-338.
  • Verma A, Verma S.K. Inter-Relationship of Two Screening Inventories. Mind. 1989; 15: 7-13.
  • Verma A., Verma A.K. A Personality Study of Yoga Practitioners. Mind. 1989; 15:1-5.
  • Adhikari G.S., Adhikari S, Verma S.K. A Study of Self-Disclosure and Religiosity Among Girls of Different Training. Ind. Psychol. Rev., 1989;34: 11-16.
  • Bhatia S.C., Hseish H.H., Thessen, K.A., Kulhara P., Chadda R., Hu, W.H. International study of neuroleptic dose in patients with schizophrenia. Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series 1989; 899(392):2560.
  • Chatterjee S., Kulhara P., Symptomatology, Symptom Resolution and Short-term Course in Mania. Ind. J. Psychiat, 1989; 31: 213-228.
  • Grover P, Varma V.K., Verma S.K., Pershad D. Factors Influencing. Treatment Acceptance in Neurotic Patients Referred for Yoga Therapy- An Exploratory Study. Ind. J. Psychiat, 1989; 31: 250-257.
  • Gupta R, Kulhara P., Verma S.K. Guilt and Hostility in Depression Problems in Evaluation and Cross-Cultural Comparison. Andhra Pradesh J. of Psychol. Med.. 1989; 2: 64-71.
  • Gupta R, Mahajan A., Pershad D. Differential Diagnosis: Is Psychological Testing Useful? Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1989; 12: 21-26.
  • Gupta R, Verma S.K, Kulhara P., Kulhara P. Expression of Hostility on Rorschach Cards. J. Pers. & Clini. Stud. 1989; 5: 9-13.
  • Gupta, R., Kulhara, P., Verma, S.K. Guilt and hostility in depression: problems in evaluation and cross-cultural comparison. Andhra Pradesh Journal of Psychological Medicine.1989; 2:64-71.
  • Gupta, R., Verma, S.K., Kulhara, P. Expression of hostility on Rorschach cards. Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies. 1989; 5:9-13.
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Chadda R,Chandiramani K. Mattoo S.K. Kota S.K., Joseph S. Negative and Depressive Symptoms in Schizophrenia. Brit. J. Psychiat.. 1989; 154: 207-211.
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A., Chandiramani K. Prognostic Variables of Schizophrenia. Ind.J. Psychiat. 1989; 31: 51-62.
  • Malhotra S. Temperament Characteristics of Children with Conduct and Conversion Disorders. Ind. J. Psychiat 1989; 31: 168-172.
  • Malhotra, S. Temperament Characteristics of Children with Conduct and Conversion Disorders. Ind. J. Psychiat 1989;31 (2) 168‑172.
  • Pershad D, Kohli A, Verma S.K., Mahajan A, Self-Estimation of Intelligence and its Personality Correlates. J. of Psychomet, 1989; 2: 20-26.
  • Pershad D., Verma S.K. Illness and Therapueutic Intervention. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol, 1989; 16: 64-67.
  • Prabhakar S., Chopra J.S., Verma S.K., Grover P. Clinical and Socio-Demographic Correlates of Psychogenic Headache. J. Pers. & Clin. Study. 1989; 5: 175-182.
  • Rao A.V, Reddy T.K., Prabhakar E.R, Baskaran S, Swaminaathan T.S., Belinda C, Andal G, Verghere A, Kulhara P, Sharma S.D., Sathyavathi K, Prabhakaran N, Jayaraman J. Luthra O.K., Parhee R, Kumar N. Cognitive Disorder and Depression – An Analysis of The Casual Relationship and Suspectibility to Relapse. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1989; 31:201-207.
  • Singh S.P., Giridhar C., Avasthi A. Neuroleptic Maliganant Syndrome with Trifluperidol, Brit. J. Psychiat 1989; 155: 561-563.
  • Varma V.K. Concept and Psychogenesis of Schizophrenia. CME Programme 1989; 8: 13-31.
  • Varma V.K. Epistemology of Mental Phenomena. Ind. J. Psychiat 1989; 31: 3-21.
  • Varma V.K., Chandiramani K., Rao G.P., Bhave S., Kaur S, Assassination of Indira Gandhi: Impact on Psychiatric Patients. Amer. Psychotherapy 1989; 43: 77-86.
  • Varma V.K., Kulhara P. Open Drug Trial with Haloperidol Decanoate Injections in Schizophrenia. Ind. J. Psychiat., 1989; 31: 144-150.
  • Verma A., Mahajan A., Verma S.K. A Correlational Study of Two Well-being Scales. J. Pers. And Clin Stud. 1989; 5: 93-95.
  • Verma A., Mahajan A., Verma S.K. Some Experiences with PGI Well-being Scale. Creatie Psychologist 1989; 1: 101-105.
  • Verma S.K., Verma A, and Mahajan A. Quality of Life in University Students Mind. 1989, 15 (15-20).
  • Walia I.J., Mehra P., Grover P., Earnes C., Verma S.K., Sanjeev. Healthy Status of Nurses and Yoga: 11 Baseline Data. Nurs. India, 1989; 80: 256-258, 278.
  • Walia I.J., Mehra P., Grover P., Earnes C., Verma S.K., Sanjeev. Health Status of Nurses and Yoga. Baseline Data. Nurs. India. 1989; 80: 235-237.
  • Walia I.J., Mehra P., Grover P., Earns C., Verma S.K., Sanjeev. Health Status of Nurses and Yoga: III Yoga Package. Nurs. India., 1989; 80:287-290
  • Basu D, Varma VK, Malhotra AK. Buprenorphine dependence: A new addiction in India. Disabilities and Impairments 1990; 3(2): 142-146.
  • Basu D., Bhagat A., Giridhar C., Avasthi A., Kulhara P. Monosymptomatic Hypocondriacal Psychosis: A Clinico-Descriptive Analysis. Ind. J. Psychol. Med. 1990; 13: 147-152.
  • Basu D., Varma V.K., Malhotra A.K. Buprenorphine Dependence: A New Addiction in India. Disabilities and Impairments. 1990; 3: 142-146.
  • Dhand U.K., Chandrasekhar M., Chopra J.S., Pershad D. Treatment Global Amnesia with Persistent Non-Dominent Hemisphereic Cognitive Deficit Neurol India 1990; 38: 195-198.
  • Grover P., Verma S.K., Varma V.K. Yoga and Drug Addiction. Disabilities and Impairments 1990; 3: 89-97.
  • Jain A., Pershad D., Avasthi A. Psychosocial Dysfunctioning in Psychiatric Patients. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat 1990: 6: 10-16.
  • Kulhara P., Chandiramani K. Positive and Negative Subtypes of Schizophrenia: A Follow up Study from India. Schiz. Res. 1990; 3: 107-116.
  • Kulhara P., Editorial. A Year of Turmoil. Ind. J. Psychiat.1990; 6: 1-2.
  • Kulhara P., Verma S.C., Bambery P., Nehra R. Psychological Aspects of Haemotological Malignancies. Ind. J. Psychiat 1990; 32: 279-284.
  • Lokraj; Kulhara, P; Avasthi A. Social burden of positive and negative Schizophrenia. International Journal of Social Psychiatry1990; 37: 242-250 .
  • Mahajan A., Pershad D., Verma S.K. Validity of Hindi Shortened Version of PGI. Mind. 1990; 16: 14-18.
  • Mahajan A., Pershad D., Verma S.K. Personality Trait Inventory: An Evaluation J. Pers. Clin. Stud. 1990; 6: 134-138.
  • Malhotra S. A Parental Handing Questionnaire. Ind. J. Psychiat., 1990; 32: 265-272.
  • Malhotra, S.,Book review . Problems of behaviour in children a practical guide for healthy upbringing by P.K. Singhal and M.S. Bhatia. CBS Pub., Indian J. Medical Research 1990;103: 241-242
  • Malhotra S., Malhotra A. Psychological Adjustment of Physically Sick Children Relationship with Temperament. Ind. Ped., 1990; 27: 577-584.
  • Malhotra, S. A Parental Handling Questionnaire. Indian Jr. Psychiatry 1990;32 (3): 265‑272.
  • Malhotra, S.Temperament Characteristics of Mentally Retarded Children. Ind. J. Pediatrics 1990; 57: 213‑ 218.
  • Pershad, D; Avasthi, A. Psychosocial dysfunctioning in Psychiatric Patients. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 1990; 6: 10-16 .
  • Sarkar D., Chand R., Malhotra A., Malhotra S.,Sharma B.K. Perception and Attitude Towards Tobacco Smoking Among Doctors in Chandigarh. Ind. J. Chest Disease and Allied Sciences 1990; 32(1): 1-9.
  • Sharma P.V.R., Dhand R., Malhotra A., Malhotra S., Sharma B.K. Pattern of Tobacco Smoking in North Indian Adults. Ind. J. Chest Disease and Allied Sciences 1990; 32(2): 83-93.
  • Singhi P.D., Goyal L., Pershad D., Singhi S., Walia B.N.S. Psychosocial Problems in Families of Disabled Children. Brit J. Med. Psychol. 1990; 63: 173-182.
  • Verma S.K., Pershad D., Mahajan A. Hindi Translatio of Personality Trait Inventory. Creative Psychologist, 1990; 2: 23-26.
  • Walia I.J., Verma S.K., Earnest C., Sanjeev, Grover P., Mehra P. ,Vandana. Yoga and Stress Management in Nurses. DEI Research Journal of Education and Psychology 1990; 8: 1-4.
DECADE IV (1991-2000)
  • Adhikari G.S., Adhikari S., Verma S.K. A Study of Self-Disclosure and Religiosity Among Girls of Different Training Ind. J. Appl. Psychol. 1991; 29: 70-73.
  • Avasthi, A, Khan M.K.R, ElRoey,A.M. Inpatient sociodemographic and diagnostic study from a Psychiatric Hospital in Libya. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 1991; 37: 267-279.
  • Banerjee S.T., Avasthi A., Kulhara P., Pal H. A Follow-up Study of Schizoaffective Psychosis: An Appraisal of Socio-clinical andDiagnostic Aspects. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1991; 33: 236-242.
  • Basu D., Avasthi A. Cotard’s Syndrome in Schizophrenia. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1991; 33:156-157.
  • Chavan B.S., Kulhara P., Varma V.K., Malhotra A. A Clinical and Treatment Outcome Study of Writers Cramp. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1991; 33:39-43.
  • Das K., Kulhara P. Maternal Attitude and Maternal Adjustment Development of a Scale of use in Indian Setting. Ind. J. Psychiat, 1991; 33: 193-199.
  • Dubey B.L., Verma S.K. Mental Efficiency as a Function of Time in the Elderly Rural Subjects. J. Pers. And Clin. Stud. 1991; 7:96-98.
  • Dubey B.L., Dwivedi P., Verma S.K. Further Data on Quality of Life Scale- Revised Perspect. In Psycholog. Res. 1991; 14: 28-29.
  • Dubey B.L., Dwivedi P., Verma S.K. Stability of Scores on Job-satisfaction Scale (revised). Perspect. In Psychology Res. 1991; 14: 26-27.
  • Dwivedi P., Verma S.K. Psychological Well-being in the Elderly Rural Subjects. Mind. 1991; 17:12-15.
  • Giridhar C., Avasthi A., Pal H. Reasons for Admission in General Hospital Psychiatric Unit: Are There Fulfilled? Iind. J. Psychiat. 1991; 33: 108-112.
  • Grover P., Varma V.K., Pershad D. , Verma S.K. Further Data on The PGI Yoga Attitude Scale. J. Prs. Clini. Stud., 1991; 7: 219-226.
  • Gupta M., Giridhar C., Kulhara P. Burden of Care of Neurotic Patients: Correlates and Coping Strategies in Relatives. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat, 1991; 7: 8-21.
  • Gupta, M., Giridhar, C. and Kulhara, P. Burden of care of neurotic patients: correlates and coping strategies in relatives. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry1991; 7:8-21.
  • Jatana A., Verma A., Verma S.K. A Study of Menstural Distress Before, During and After Menstruation Phases. Mind. 1991; 17: 10-12.
  • Jatana A., Verma A., Verma S.K. A Personality Study of Women with High Menstrual Distress. Dept. of Psychiatry Mind. 1991; 17: 20-22.
  • Kohli A., Banerjee S.T., Verma S.K. Adaptation of a Geriatric Depressive Scale in Simple Hindi. Ind. J. Clin. Psychol., 1991; 18: 63-64.
  • Kohli, A., Banerjee, S.T., Malhotra, S. (1991) Play room behaviour of children in a child psychiatry clinic. Indian J. Social Psychiatry 1991;7: 48‑54.
  • Kohli, A., Banerjee, S.T., Verma, S.K. and Nehra, R. A normative study of mental efficiency in old age. Indian Journal of Gerontology 1992; 6(3-4): 93-97.
  • Kulhara, P. Editorial: Disasters and Social Psychiatry. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry,1991; 7:1-2.
  • Mahajan A., Pershad D. and Verma S.K. Influence of Age, Education and Sex on Standard Progressive Matrics. J. of Psychomet. 1991; 4: 5-10.
  • Narang R.L., Pershad D., Gupta R., Garg D. Cognitive Dysfuctions in Alcholics. Ind. J. Psychiat, 1991; 33: 297-301.
  • Prabhakar S., Chopra J.S., Pershad D. Psysical Disability and Psychosocial Functioning in Neurological Disorders: A Follow-up Study. Neurol Ind. 1991; 39: 63-66.
  • Prabhakar S., Verma S.K., Grover P., Chopra J.S. Role of Yoga in the Treatment of Psychogenic Headache. Neurol. Ind. 1991; 39: 11-18.
  • Sharm R.C., Kulhara P. Cognitive Functions in Patients on Lithium Porophylaxis. Ind. J. Psychiat 1991; 33: 52-57.
  • Singh S.P., Kulhara P. Simple Schizophrenia: Patients in Search of a Diagnosis. Ind. J. Psychiat, 1991; 33: 266-270.
  • Varma V.K., Chaturvedi S.K., Malhotra A. ,Chari P. Psychiaric Symptoms in Patients with Non-organic Chronic intractable Pain. Ind. J. Med. Res. 1991; 94: 60-63.
  • Agrawal K, Ahuja N, Avasthi A et al. ICD-10 Field Trials in India – a report: WHO Sponsored Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry.1992; 34(3): 198-221.
  • Arya, DK, Avasthi A.K, Verma S.K, Mahajan A. Defence Styles in Postgraduates from different medical specialities. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 1992;8(1-2): 48-51.
  • Avasthi A., Marudkar M. Identification and Management of Hysteria in General Practice. Practitioner Update 1992; 2: 1, 45-47.
  • Avasthi A., Varma V.K., Nehra R., Das K. Construction and Standardization of a Sex Knowledge and Attitude Questionnaire (SKAQ) in Simple Hindi for North Indian Population. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1992: 34: 24-27.
  • Basu D., Varma V.K., Malhotra S. Alienation and Psychoactive Substance Use. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1992; 8(1-2): 24-36.
  • Chakrabarti S, Avasthi A, Giridhar C. Self- harm: an unusual presentation of delusional disorder. Indian Journal of Behavioural Sciences. 1992; 1: 39-41.
  • Chakrabarti S., Kulhara P., Verma S.K. Extent and Determinants of Burden Among Families of Patients with Affective Disorders. Acta Psychiat Scand. 1992; 86: 247-252.
  • Giridhar C., Kulhara P. , Varma V.K. Linguistic Competence in Positive and Negative Subjects of Schizophrenia. Ind. J. Psychiat. 1992; 34( 4): 311-320.
  • Jatana N., Verma A., Verma S.K. Downward Extension of Norms on PGI Health Questionnaire J. Psychometry, 1992; 5( 1) 12 -15.
  • Kohli A., Banerjee S.T., Verma S.K., Nehra R. Mental Efficiency in Elderly Depressive. Ind. J. Geronto 1992; 6, 324: 93-97.
  • Kulhara P. Alienation and Psychosocial Problems: Challenge for Social Psychiatry. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat 1992; 8: 1-2.
  • Kulhara P. Socio-Political Changes in Indian and the 13th World Congress of Social Psychiatry. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat, 1992; 3-4: 1-2.
  • Kulhara P., Basu D., Chakrabarti S. Insight and Psychosis: II A Pilot Study Comparing Schizohrenia and Affective Disorder. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1992; 8: 3-4, 45-48.
  • Kulhara P., Chakrabarti S. and Basu D. Insight and Psychosis: I An Empirical Study. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat. 1992; 8: 3-4, 40-44.
  • Malhotra S. and Chakrabarti S. Clinical Profile of Depression in Children. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat, 1992; 8: 3-4, 54-58.
  • Malhotra S., Kaur R, and Nehra R. Life Events in Psychiatrically Sick Children. Indi. J. Psychiat, 1992; 34(3): 222-230.
  • Malhotra, S., Chakrabarti, S. (1992) A clinical profile of depression in children. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 1992; 8 (3‑4): 54‑58.
  • Malhotra, S., Kaur, R., Nehra, R.Life events in psychiatrically sick children. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1992;34(3): 222-230.
  • Malhotra, S., Varma, V.K., Malhotra, A. (1992) Acute Nonorganic Psychotic States in India : Classification International. Journal of Mental Health .1992;16(4): 33.
  • Pershad D. Proposed Model for the Assessment of Psychosocial Dysfunctioning in Chronic Illnes. Mind. 1992; 18: 21-24.
  • Rao G. Prasad, Malhtora S., Marwaha R.K. Psychosocial Study of Leukemic Children and Their Parents. Ind. Paediat 1992; 29: 285-290.
  • Sharma S., Jndal S.K., Behera D., Verma S.K. Hindi Adaptation of an Instrument to Measure Hope: Some Preliminary Obervations. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat 1992; 8: 57-66.
  • Siddiqui R.S., Pershad D., Verma S.K., Prabhakar S. Cognitive Dysfunction in Epileptics with and Without CT Scan Lesion J. Personal and Clin. Stud. 1992: 8( 2): 121-124.
  • Siddiqui R.S., Verma S.K., Pershad D. Cognitive and Psychosocial Dysfunction in Chronic Schizophrenia. Ind. J. Dissability Rehabilitation, 1992; 6(1): 1-6.
  • Sikdar S., Avasthi S., Kulhara P. ECT in Clinical Practive. Practitioner Upadate, 1992; 2( 4): 43-46.
  • Singh R.A., Mattoo S.K., Malhtora A., Varma V.K. Cases of Buprenorphine Abuse in India. Acta Psychiat. Scand, 1992; 86: 46-48.
  • Varma V.K. Social Disadvantage, Mental Health and Social Justice. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat, 1992; 195-197.
  • Varma V.K. The Third World and International Accords. Social Psychiatry and World Accords. 1992; 8: 12-15.
  • Varma V.K. Transcultural Psychiatry. Postgraduate Pscyhiatry 1992; 45: 611-635.
  • Varma V.K., Avasthi A., Matthoo S.K., Jain A.K. Diagnostic and Socio-Demographic Data of Psychiatric patients at the National Level. Ind. J. Soc. Psychiat., 1992; 8: 22-34.
  • Varma V.K., Malhtora S,Jiloha R.C. Acutre Non Organic Psychotic States in India: Symptomatology. Ind. J. Psychiat, 1992; 34: 89-101.
  • Varma V.K., S.K., Kapoor P. Evaluation of Home Care Programme for the Mentally Retarded Children Trhough Training of the Mother. Ind. J. Medical Research 1992; 96: 29-36.
  • Varma V.K., Yadav R.V.S., Sharma K., Sarup S. Psychological Assessment of Blood Related Renal Donors. Ind. J. of Medical Research, 1992; 96: 182-185.
  • Verma S.K., Kohli A., Banerjee S.T. , Nehra R. A Normative Study of Mental Efficiency in Old Age. Ind. J. of Gerontology, 1992:;6(1-2): 20-27.
  • Walia I.J. Mehtra P., Grover P., Earnest C., Verma S.K., Sanjeev Health Status of Nurses and Yoga. V. Precision Matching. Nursing J. of Ind., 1992: 83: 209-210.
  • Walia I.J., Mehtra P., Grover P., Earnest C., Verma S.K., Sanjeev, Health Status of Nurses and Yoga – IV. Nursing J. of Ind., 1992; 83(2): 27-28.
  • Arun P, Vyas JN, Rai RR, Kanwal K, Sushil CS. Psychological and Socio-demographic Coorelates of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1993: 35, 193-196.
  • Arun P, Vyas Kanwal K, Sushil CS. Life Events and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Indan Journal of Clinical Psychology 1993, 20, 108-112.
  • Arya SK, Avasthi A, Verma SK, Mahajan A, Kaur R. Defence Styles and Choice of Nursing Careers Among Women. Nursing Journal of India, 1993, 84: 26-29.
  • Avasthi A. Book Review. A Handbook of Psychiatry. 3rd Ed. 1993. (ed. L.P. Shah & Hema Shah). Pub. Vohra Med. Pub. Bombay. Neurology India. 1994: 42, 157.
  • Basu D, Raj L, Mattoo SK, Malhotra A, Varma VK. The agoraphobic alcoholic: Report of two cases. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 35: 185-186.
  • Basu D, Varma VK, Malhotra S, Malhotra A. Sensation seeking scale – Indian adaptation. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1993; 35: 155-158.
  • Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P, Verma SK. Extent and determinants of burden among families of patients with affective disorders. International Monitor in Depression and Anxiety1993; 6: 26-27.
  • Chakraborti S, Avasthi A, Giridhar CP. Self-harm: An Unusual Presentation of Defusional Disorder. Indian Journal of Behaviour Sciences. 1993: 2, 39-41.
  • Chakraborti S, Kulhara P, Verma SK. The Pattern of Burden in Families of Neurotic Patients. Journal of Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 1993: 28, 172-177.
  • Chintalapudi M, Kulhara P, Avasthi A. Postpsychotic Depression in Schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience1993; 243 (2): 103-108.
  • Choudhary K, Sharma SD, Verma SK. Time Perception in Schizophrenics. A Pilot Study. Journal of Psychometry, 1993, 6(1), 14-19.
  • Malhotra A, Balaji M, Basu D, Mattoo SK, Varma VK, Sehgal S. HIV Screening and Risk Behaviour in Psychoactie Substance Users. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 1993: 97, 231-233.
  • Malhotra S, Basu D., Bhagat A, Malhtora A. Temperament of Children of Addicts: A Preliminary Report. Journal of Hongkong, College of Psychiatrists, 1993: 3, 5-8.
  • Malhotra S, Singh SP. Disintegrative Disorder of Childhood: An Appraisal and Case Study. Acta Paedopsychiatrica, 1993: 56, 553-556.
  • Malhotra S. Study of Life Stress in Children with Psychiatric Disorders in India. Journal of Hongkong College of Psychiatrists, 1993: 3, 28-38.
  • Malhotra S. Study of Life Stress in Children with psychiatric disorders in India. Journal of Hongkong College of Psychiatrists 1993; 3: 28‑38.
  • Mla C.,Kulhara P, Avasthi A. Post-psychotic Depression in Schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 1993: 243, 103-108.
  • Pershad D. Assessment of Degree of Mental Handicap for Certifcation. Indian Journal of Behavioural Sciences 1994: 1, 33-40.
  • Santosh PJ, Malhotra S, Raghunathan MR, Nehra YN. P-300 and Melancholic Depression: Correlation with Psychotic Features. Biological Psychaitry 1994: 365.
  • Sikdar S, Basu D, Malhtora AK, Varma VK, Mattoo S.K. Carisoprodolol Abuse: A Report from India. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1993: 88, 302-303.
  • Verma SK, Pershad D, Khanna R. Hooper’s Visual Organization Test: Item Analysis on Indian Subjects. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1993: 20, 5-10.
  • Verma SK, Pershad D, Khanna R. Item Analysis of Hooper’s Visual Organization est: Education and Diagnosis. Mind, 1993: 19, 10-14.
  • Wig NN, Varma VK, Mattoo SK, Bhere PB, Phookan HR, Misra AK, Murthy RS, Tripathy BM, Menon DK, Khandelwal SK, Bedi H. An Incidence Study of Schizophrenia in India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1993: 35, 11-17.
  • Avasthi A, Basu D, Kulhara P, Banerjee ST. Psychosexual Dysfuction in Indian Male Patients: Revisited After Seven Years. Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 1994: 23, 685-695.
  • Avasthi A, Marudkar M. Drug Therapy of Anxiety. Drugs Bulletin 1994; 18 (3): 37-59.
  • Basu D, Malhotra A, Varma VK. Cannabis Related Psychiatric Syndromes: A Selected Review. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1994: 36, 121-128.
  • Basu D, Mattoo SK, Arora A, Malhotra A, Varma VK. Pseudoaneurysm in Injecting Drug Abusers: Cases from India. Addiction, 1994: 89. 1697-1699.
  • Basu D, Varma VK, Malhotra S, Malhotra A. The Sensation-seeker who is also Alienated: Towareds a New Hypothesis for Genesis ofOpiate Addiction. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1994: 37, 17-22.
  • Grover P, Varma VK, Pershad D, Verma SK. Role of Yoga in the Treatment of Neurotic Disorders: Current Status and Future Directions. India Jounral of Psychiatry, 1994: 36, 153-162.
  • Kohli A., Verma SK, Pershad D. Visual-Constructive Ability in Healthy Elderly subjects. Journal of Psychometry, 1994: 7, 1-4.
  • Kulhara P. Outcome of Schizophrenia: Some Transcultural Obsrvations with Particular Reference to Developing Countries. European Archies of Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 1994, 244, 227-235.
  • Lal A, Kumar L, Malhotra S. Socio‑economic burden of childhood asthma. Indian Pediatric 1994; 31: 425‑432.
  • Pershad D, Dubey BL. Reliability and Validity of Somatic Inkblot Series in India. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health 1994; 1: 33-38.
  • Siddiqui RS, Verma SK, Pershad D, Prabhakar S, Suri S, Avasthi A. A Follow-up Study of Cognitive Functions in Epileptics with CT Lesions. Neurology India 1994; 42: 19-23.
  • Sikdar S, Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Singh H. Combined Chlorpromazine and Electro-convulsive Therapy in Mania. British Journal of Psychiatry 1994: 164, 806-810.
  • Varma VK, Basu D, Malhotra A, Sharma A, Mattoo S.K. Correlates of Early and Late Onset Alcohol Dependence. Addictive Behaviour 1994 19, 609-619.
  • Varma VK, Sapru RP, Verma SK, Pal M, Venkatesh S, Negi BS. Construction of Medication Attitude Scale: A Preliminary Rreport. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology 1994; 21: 51-56.
  • Varma VK, Sikdar S. The Relationship Between Dynamic and Social Psychiatry in India. Dynamic Psychiatry. 1994: 144-145. 67-83.
  • Varma VK. Type 1/Type 2 Dichotomy in Alcoholism: The Controversy Continues. Addiction, 1994, 89, 1064-1066.
  • Venkatesh S., Pal M, Negi B.S. Varma V.K., Sapru R.P., Verma S.K. A Comparative Study of Yoga Practitioners and Controls on Certain Pychological Variables. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1994: 21, 22-27.
  • Verma SK, Pershad D, Nehra R. Cross Validation of SIS-II in Psychiatric Population. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mentyal Health, 1994: 1: 15-18.
  • Avasthi A, Das MK. Somatoform Disorders- Diagnosis and Management. Journal of Internal Medicine 1995; Suppl. 11, 23-27.
  • Bhattacharya B, Marwaha RK, Malhotra S, Pershad D. Intellectual Functions in Childhood Malignant Disorders. Indian Paediatrics, 1995: 32, 869-875.
  • Deka K, Varma VK, Malhotra S. Assessment of coping behaviour in schizophrenia and affective disorder. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 1995; 11: 54-63.
  • Kak VK, Pershad D, Kumar H. Status of cognitive and Psychosocial Functioning Six Months after Head Injury. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1995: 22, 11-16.
  • Kamal PK, Avasthi A. Withdrawal from Tranquillizers. Current Medical Journal 1995; 1 (7): 24-28.
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A. Sexual dysfunction on the Indian subcontinent. International Review of Psychiatry 1995;7:231-239.
  • Kulhara P. Schizophrenia in general practices. Journal of Internal Medicine 1995; Supplement No.11: 74-78.
  • Lehl SS., Bambery P, Avasthi A, Dogra MR, Deodhar SD. SMV Retinitis and Dementia in an Indian with AIDS. Journal of Associations of Physicians of India, 1995: 43, 136-137.
  • Lok Raj, Avasthi A. Management of Alcoholism. Practitioner’s Update, 1995: 5, 10-12.
  • Pershad D, Verma SK. Diagnostic Significance of Content Analysis of SIS-II. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 1995: 2, 139-144.
  • Puri A, Singhi P, Pershad D, Walia BNS, Verma SK. A Normative Study of Development of Urban Middle Class Children Between 3 and 36 Months of Age. Journal of Clinical Psychology 1995: 22, 30-36.
  • Sharma S, Mitra S, Arora D, Pershad D, Sinigh H. A Controlled Study of the Effect of Balanced General Anaesthesia on Cognitive Functions in Hypertensives on Propranolol. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 1995, 102, 77-80.
  • Susser E., Varma V.K., Malhotra S., Conover S., Amador X.F. Delineation of Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorders in a Developing country Setting. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1995: 167, 216-219.
  • Varma VK, Das MK Mental Illness in India: Epidemiological Manifestation and Outcome. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 1995: 11, 16-25.
  • Varma VK, Sapru RP, Verma SK, Madanpal, Venkatesh S, Negi BS. Standardization of Medication Attitude Scale. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1995: 22, 37-40.
  • Varma VK. Editorial. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1995: 11, 1-11.
  • Verma SK, Pershad D, Kaur R, Nehra R. Diagnostic Signifiance of SIS II. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 1995, 2, 72-76.
  • Verma SK. Reliability and Validity of Somatic inkblot Series Tests. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 1995: 2, 67-71.
  • Avasthi A, Marudkar M. How feasible or Necessary is to Terminate Antianxiety Medication Within 6-8 Weeks? Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 1996: 11-13.
  • Avasthi A, Sharma A, Gupta N, Kulhara P, Varma VK. Seasonality and unipolar mania: preliminary findings from a retrospective study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1996; 38: 236-239
  • Avasthi A. Invited Article: Psychiatrists for AIDS. Practitioner Update 1996; 6 (3): 11-12.
  • Chakraborty S, Kulhara P, Verma SK. Family Burden of Neurosis: Extent and Determinants. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry, 1996; 6: 23-28.
  • Collins PY, Wig NN, Day R, Varma VK, Malhotra S, Misra AK, Schanzer B, Susser E. Psyhosocial and Biological Aspects of Acutre Brief Pyschosis in Three Developing Country Sites. Psychiaric Quarterly 1996: 67, 177-193.
  • Fernandes P, Avasthi A, Santosh PJ. Famillal Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1996: 38, 257-259.
  • Kulhara P, Chopra R. Social support, stressful life events and social dysfunction in neurotic patients. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1996; 38: 23-29.
  • Kulhara P. Schizophrenia: some conceptual issues. Archives of Indian Psychiatry 1996; 3: 40-48.
  • Malhotra S, Basu D, Mattoo SK. Alcoholism and Substance Abuse: Recent Trends in Intervention. NIMHANS Journal 1996; 15: 275-283.
  • Malhotra S, Das SK. Recent Advances in Management of Child Psychiatric Disorders. NIMHANS Journal 1996; 14: 285-293.
  • Malhotra S, Santosh PJ. Loading Dose Imipramine: New Approach to Pharmacotherapy of Melancholic Depression. Journal of Psychiatric Research 1996; 30: 1.
  • Varma VK, Malhotra S, Yoo ES, Jiloha RC, Finnerty MT, Susser E. Course and Outcome of Acute Non-organic Psychotic States in India. Psychiatric Quarterly 1996; 67: 195-207.
  • Verma SK, Pershad D, Bhagat K, Kaur R. Interdependence of SIS Variables with Personality Traits in Psychiatric Cases. SIS Journal of Projective Psyhology and Mental Health, 1996: 3, 51-58.
  • Verma SK, Pershad D. Self Help Groups and Cognitive Retraining in the Elderly, Help Age India: Research and Development Journal, 1996: 3, 34-38.
  • Verma SK, Puri A. Law and Clinical Psychology. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1996: 23, 79-86.
  • Verma SK. Clinical Psychology in India. Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 1996: 22, 1-10.
  • Verma SK.Editorial: Newer Trends in Inkblot Techniques. Editorial. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 1996: 3, 1-2.
  • Arora A, Avasthi A, Kulhara P. Subsyndromes of Chronic Schizophrenia: a Phenomenological Study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1997; 96: 225-229.
  • Avasthi A, Gupta S, Sharma A, Kulhara P, Varma VK. Lotteries and shares- an emerging psychosocial stressor: study of 9 cases from north India. Indian Journal of Behavioural Sciences 1997; 7: 31-34.
  • Avasthi A., Puneet, Das M.K. and Gupta s. Integrative approach to Management of Anorexia Nervosa: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1997: 39, 79-81.
  • Basu D, Malhotra A, Varma VK, Malhotra R. Attitudes toward drug taking behavior: a factor-analytic study. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology 1997; 23: 23-29.
  • Basu D. Colouring the Grey Canvas of Schizophrenia: A Personal Encounter (Balint Award Winning Paper). Indian Journal of Social psychiatry 1997: 13, 6-10.
  • Das M, Kulhara P, Verma SK. Life events preceding relapse of schizophrenia. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 1997;43: 56-63.
  • Dubey BL, Cassell WA, Pershad D. Somaic inkblot Series Video. Perspective in Psychological Researches 1996-67: 19-20 (combined issue), 1015.
  • Fernandes P, Avasthi A. Invited Article: Alcohol Dependence – psychiatric aspects. Current Medical Journal 1997; 2 (5): 33-37.
  • Gupta N, Basu D. Questionnaire for Ascertaining Age at Onset of Substance Dependence. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 1997: 13, 26-35.
  • Khurana H, Mattoo SK. Abuse of anti-anxiety drugs. Current Medical Journal 1997; 3: 53-58.
  • Kohli A, Verma SK. Old and Leisure Time. Research Development Journal, 1997: 24-27.
  • Kulhara P. Schizophrenia-the neglected lot: call for action. Presidential Address. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 1997; 2: 3-7.
  • Malhotra A, Basu D, Chintalpuri M, Mattoo SK, Varma V.K. Clonidine versus Withdrawal Using an Opioid in Inpatient Opioid Detoxification: A Preliminary Report From India. Europe Addiction Research 1997: 3, 146-149.
  • Malhotra A, Das SK, Basu D, Mattoo SK. Treatment of alcoholism. Drugs Bulletin 1997; 21: 1-10.
  • Malhotra A, Gupta N, Mattoo S.K. Volatile Substance Abuse: Current Status. Indian Journal of Social Psychaitry. 1997: 13, 18-25.
  • Malhotra A, Khurana H, Mattoo SK, Basu D. Practitioner Update 1997: 7: 6-11.
  • Malhotra A, Mattoo SK, Basu D. Cannabis- use and Health Effects. Indian Journal of Clinical Prtactice: Psychiatry Speciality 1997: 2, 30-32.
  • Malhotra S, KaurRP. Temperament Study on Children on Mentally III Parents. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry, 1997: 7, 39-45.
  • Mattoo SK, Basu D, Sharma A, Balaji M, Malhotra A. Abuse of Codeine Containing Cough Syrups: A Report from India. Addiction 1997: 92, 1783-1987.
  • Mattoo SK, Basu D. Clinical course of alcohol dependence. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1997; 39: 294-299.
  • Mattoo SK, Gupta N. Emergence of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Resolution Phase of Major Depression. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1997: 39, 336-337.
  • Mattoo SK, Suryakumar T, Balaji M. Clinical management of addiction of opium and opium-like drugs. Current Medical Journal 1997; 2, 49-55.
  • Misra AK, Mattoo SK, Malhotra R. Attitude of Nurses towards Treatment of Substance Abuse. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 1997: 23, 31-35.
  • Nehra A, Mann SBS, Reghunathan M, Nehru VIN, Verma SK. Degree and Duration of Acquired Hearing Loss and Psychological Parameters. PGI Bulletin 1997: 31, 133-136.
  • Nehra A, Mann SBS, Sharma SC, Verma SK. Assessment of Psychosocial Function in Acquired Hearingless Patients. Hearing International 1997: 6, 7.
  • Nehra A, Mann SBS, Sharma SC, Verma SK. Psychosocial Functions Before and after the use of Hearing Aids in Acquired Hearing Loss Patients. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1997: 24, 75-81.
  • Nehra A, Raghunathan M, Verma SK, Mann SBS. Recognition of Psychological Problems in Patients Suffering from Speech Defects with the Help of SIS-II. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 1997: 4, 145-151.
  • Nehra R, Kulhara P, Verma SK. Adaptation of Social Support Questionnaire in Hindi. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1997, 23, 33-39.
  • Pershad D, Verma SK, Bhagat K. Body Image Disturbances in Psychiatric Patients. SIS journal of Clinical Psychology, 1997: 4, 75-84.
  • Sharma A, Malhotra S, Raghunathan M, Malhotra, A. A Study of Event Related Potential – P300 Characteristics in Children of Alcoholics. Addiction Biology 1997: 2, 431-438.
  • Varma VK, Brown AS, Wig NN, Tripathi BM, Misra AK, Khar CB, Phookan HR, Menon DK, Susser ES. Effects of Level of Socio-Economic Development on Course on Non-Affective Psychosis. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1997: 171, 256-259.
  • Varma VK, Sapru RP, Verma SK, Grover P, Riar M. Effect of Yoga on Psychological Variables in Mild Hypertensives. Recent Research in Education and Psychology, 1997: 2, 91-97.
  • Varma VK, Wig NN, Phookan HR, Misra AK, Khare CB, Tripathi BM, Behre PB, Yoo ES, Susser ES. First Onset Schizophrenia in the Community: Relationship of Urbanization. With Onset. Early Manifestation and Typology. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 1997, 96, 431-438.
  • Verma SK, Nehra A. Quality and Quantity in Mental Health Assessment. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1997: 24, 191-193.
  • Verma SK. Am I or Am I Not? (IACP Academic Excellence Award Lecture) Indian Journal of Clinical Pyschology 1997: 24, 12-14.
  • Verma SK. Autogerontology. Perspectives in Psychological Researches 1996-97: 19-20 (Combined Issue) 1-4.
  • Verma SK. Beginning of Long Journey. Journal of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, 1997: 23, 1.
  • Verma SK. Editorial: A Secret Message and a Challenge. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 1997: 4, 1-2.
  • Verma SK. Yoga and Mental Health. Perspectives in Psychological Researches 1996-97: 19-20 (Combined issue) 5-9.
  • Avasthi A, Arora A, Kulhara P. et al. A study of sexually disordered patients attending a special clinic. Archives of Indian Psychiatry 1998; 4, 92-96.
  • Avasthi A, Sharan P, Kulhara P, Malhotra S, Varma VK. Psychiatric profiles in medical-surgical populations: need for a focused approach to consultation-liaison psychiatry in developing countries. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1998; 40 (3): 224-230.
  • Bajwa RJK, Pillal V, Mattoo SK. College Students’s Attitude to Drug Abuse. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1998: 25, 32-38.
  • Basu D, Kumar D. New drugs to prevent relapse in alcoholism: Post-disulfiram clinical update. Journal of Eastern Zonal Branch of the Indian Psychiatric Society 1998; 2(1): 15-19.
  • Basu D, Malhotra A, Varma VK, Malhotra R. Development of a scale to assess attitudes toward drinking and alcoholism. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1998; 40: 158-164.
  • Basu D, Mattoo SK, Malhotra A. Heroin use on the rise in England and Wales: lessons from drug abuse scenario in India (letter). Electronic British Medical Journal (eBMJ): 3 Sept. 1998.
  • Brown A, Varma VK, Malhotra S, Jiloha RC, Conover SA, Susser ES. Course of Acute Affective Disorder in a developing country setting. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 1998; 186 (4): 207-213.
  • Chakrabarti S. Psychosomatic aspects of medical illnesses. Practitioner November 1998.
  • Gupta N, Avasthi A, Kulhara P. Onset and Rate of Response to Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) in Depression: a prospective study. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 1998; 3(1-2): 17-24.
  • Gupta N, Avasthi A, KulharaP. Response to First ECT in Depression- a Predictor ofOutcome? Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1998; 40: 322-326.
  • Gupta S, Kulhara P, Verma SK. Quality of Life inSchizophrenia and Dysthymia. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1998: 97, 290-296.
  • Gupta S, Sharan P. Seasonal Recuurent Mania Following Head Injury. National Medical Journal of India 1998: 11, 300-301.
  • Khurana H, Mattoo SK. Management of tobacco dependence. Current MedicalJournal1998; 4: 47-52.
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi, A, Gupta N, Das MK, Nehra R, Shekhar Rao, Singh G. Life Events and Social Support in Married Schizophrenics. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1998; 40(4): 376-382.
  • Kulhara P, Marwaha R, Das K, Aga V. Burden of care in parents of children with haematological malignancies. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1998; 40: 13-21.
  • Kulhara P. International classification of psychiatric disorders and Asian experience. Asian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1998; 1: 11-13 and 27-29.
  • Kulhara P. Management of Schizophrenia: an Update. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1998: 40, 120-134.
  • Mattoo SK, Malhotra R. Self efficacy Scale: Hindi Tranlation and Factor Structure. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology 1998; 25: 154-158.
  • Sharan P, Saxena S. Treatment Resistant Depression: Clinical Significance, Concept and Management. National Medical Journal of India 1998; 11: 69-79.
  • Singh SP, Santosh PJ, Avasthi A, Kulhara P. A Psychosocial Study of “Self Immolators” in India. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1998; 97: 71-75.
  • Susser E, Varma VK, Mattoo SK, Finnerty M, Mojatabai R, Tripathi BM, Misra AK, Wig NN. Long-term Course of Acute Brief Psychosis in a Developing Country Setting. British Journal of Psychiatry 1998; 173: 226-230.
  • Verma SK, Kaur R, Mohanty M. Self-Awareness of Suicidal Risks in Human Beings. Theories of Personality and Clinical Studies 1998: 14, 23-25.
  • Verma SK, Nehra A. IQ Levels in the Mentally Retarded. Recent Researches in Education 1998:3, 16-17.
  • Verma SK, Nehra A. Projective Psychotherapy, SIS Journal of Projective of Psychology and Mental Health 1998: 5, 59-62.
  • Avasthi A, Nehra R, Kumar B, Perhad D. Quantification of knowledge and Attitude towards Use of Condom, Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology 1999; 25: 159-164.
  • Avasthi A, Rozario A. Psychotherapy in Indian Context. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry – India 1999; 3: 26-36.
  • Avasthi A, Sharma A, Malhotra S, Gupta N, Kulhara P, Malhotra S. Rapid cycling affective disorder: a descriptive study from North India. Journal of Affective Disorders 1999; 54:67-73.
  • Avasthi A, Singh G. Management of Social Phobia: Critical review. Psychiatric Management Update 1999; 1: 32-34.
  • Basu D, Gupta N, Kumar D. Pharmacoprophylaxis of alcoholism relapse: developments after disulfiram. Drugs Bulletin 1999; 23: 22-35.
  • Basu D, Malhotra A, Bhagat A, Varma VK. Cannabis Psychosis and Acute Schizophrenia – A Case-Control Study from India. European Addiction Research, 1999: 5, 71-73.
  • Basu D, Mattoo SK. Epidemiology of Substance Abuse in India. Methodological Issues and Future Perspectives. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1999: 41, 145-153.
  • Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P, Ramana AL. Management of schizophrenia. Guidelines for minimum standards of care. Psychosocial treatment. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 1999; 15, 14-26.
  • Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P. Family burden of caring for people with mental illness. Letter to Editor. British Journal of Psychiatry 1999; 174: 463.
  • Chakraborti S, Aga M. Postictal Mania Following Primary Generalised Seizures. Neurology India 1999: 47, 332-333.
  • Das SK, Malhotra S, Basu D. Family Study of Acute and Transient Psychiotic Disorders: Comparison with Schizophrenia. Social Psychiary and Psychiatric Epidemiolgy 1999: 34, 328-332.
  • Das SK, Malhotra S, Gupta N. Play therapy in treatment of children with psychiatric disorders. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 1999; 15 (1-4): 27-34.
  • Deodhar SD, Singh B, Pathak CM, Sharan P, Kulhara P. Thyroid Functions in Lithium Treated Psychiatric Patients-A Cross Sectional Study. Biological Trace Element Research 1999: 67, 151-163.
  • Gupta N, Basu D. The Ongoing Quest for Subtyping Substance Abuse: Current Status. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1999: 41: 289-299.
  • Gupta N, Sharan P. Is Electroconvulsive Therapy Used Adequately? Time to Move Beyond Polemics. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour. 1999: 4, 104-106.
  • Khurana H, Mattoo SK. Bhang abuse. Current MedicalJournal 1999; 5: 29-33.
  • Kohli A, Nehra A, Chari P. Psychological Assessment of Patients Requesting for Aesthetic Improvement. PGI Bulletin, 1999: 3, 65-70.
  • Kohli A. Drawings as a Mode of Evaluating Psychological Disorders in Children: A Case Report. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1999: 26, 229-233.
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Sharan P, Gupta N, Rao A. Late onset schizophrenia: a preliminary study from India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1999; 41: 333-336.
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Sharan P, Gupta N, Rao AS. Clinical Validity of Late Onset Schizophrenia: A Preliminary Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1999: 41, 333-335.
  • Kulhara P, Basu D, Mattoo S.K., Sharan P, Chopra R. Lithium Prophylaxis of Recurrent Bipolar Affective Disorder: Long Term Outcome and its Psychosocial Correlates. Journal of Affective Disorders 1999: 33, 65-70.
  • Kumar P, Avasthi A, Basu D. Distress in Wives of Psychosexually Dysfucntional Patients: A Correlational Study. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 1999: 4, 11-20.
  • Kumar P, Avasthi A, Basu D. Distress in Wives of Patients with Psychosexual Dysfuction: an Exploratory Study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1999: 41, 24-29.
  • Malhotra D, Singh GD. Current approaches to management of childhood psychiatric disorders. Current Medical Journal 1999; 5: 13-18.
  • Malhotra S and Gupta N. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: A Review. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1999: 29, 491-498.
  • Malhotra S, Aga V.M. Bedi B., Gupta N. Conduct Disorder and Hyperkinetic Conduct Disorder: A Comparative Study from North India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1999: 41, 111-121.
  • Malhotra S, Aga VM, Bedi B, Gupta N. Comparison of Conduct disorder and hyperkinetic conduct disorder; a retrospective clinical study from north India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 1999; 41:22-32.
  • Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S. Psychogenic cough-a case report. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 1999; 53: 127-129.
  • Malhotra S, Gupta N, Singh G. Retrospective study of affective disorders in children attending a psychiatry clinic. Indian Journal of Medical Research 1999; Feb, 71-75.
  • Malhotra S, Singh GD. Pharmacotherapy of childhood psychiatric disorders. Drugs Bulletin 1999; 23(2): 28-35.
  • Malhotra S. Malhotra S. Basu D. A Comparison of the Beliefs of Indian Alcohol-Dependent Patients and their Close Family on their Reasons for Relapse Addiction, 1999: 94, 709-713.
  • Mattoo S.K., Basu D, Balaji M., Sharma A, Malhotra A. Subtypes of Codeine Cough Syrup Abusers. Indain Journal of Medical Sciences, 1999: 53, 97-102.
  • Mattoo SK, Khurana H. Huntigton’s Disease and Alcohol Abuse. Neurology India, 1999: 47, 68-69.
  • Mohanty M, Sharan P. Nehra R, Pershad. D. Punjabi Adaptation of the Eating Attitudes Test-Preliminary findings. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 1999: 4, 73-77.
  • Pal H.R., Kulhara P, Verma S.K. Thought, Language and Communication Disorders in Mania and Schizophrenia. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 1999: 4, 67-71.
  • Sharan P, Mehta M, Chaudhry VP. Psychiatric Morbidity in Children Suffering from Acute Lymphobiastic Leukaemia. Paediatric Haematology and Oncology 1999; 16: 49-54.
  • Sharma Y, Mattoo SK. Buprenorphine Abuse in India: An Update. Indian Jounrnal of Psychiatry 1999: 41, 154-159.
  • Basu D, Mattoo SK, Malhotra A, Gupta N, Malhotra R. A longitudinal study of male buprenorphine addicts attending an addiction clinic in India. Addiction 2000; 95: 1363-1372.
  • Basu D. Allenation: Roots, Concept andRelevance to Social Psychiatry. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2000: 16, 59-70.
  • Basu D, Gupta N. Management of “Dual Diagnosis” Patients: consensus, Controversies and Considerations. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2000: 42, 34-47.
  • Basu D, Gupta N, Singh N, Mattoo SK, Kulhara P. Endorsement and Concordance of ICD-10 Versus DSM-IV Criteria for Substance Dependence, Indian Perspective. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2000: 42, 21-28.
  • Basu D, Marudkar M, Khurana H. Abuse of Neuroleptic Dugs by Psychiatric Patients. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2000: 54, 59-62.
  • Basu D., Mattoo S.K, Mlhotra A. A Longitudinal Study of Male Bupernorphine Addicts Attending an Addiction Clinic in India. Addiction, 2000: 95, 1363-1372.
  • Basu D, Mattoo SK, Khurana H, Malhotra S., Kulhara P. Risperidone. Truly Non-Cataleptogenic? Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry 2000: 10, 2-5.
  • Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P. Patterns of Antidepresent Prescriptions: I Acute Phase Treatments. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2000: 42, 21-28.
  • Chakraborti S., Kulhara P. Patterns of Antidepressant Prescriptions: I Continuation Phase Treatments. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2000: 42, 29-33.
  • Changulani M. Mattoo SK. Drug abuse in India: recent developments. Current MedicalJournal 2000;6: 16-20.
  • Gupta N, Avasthi A, Kulhara P. Clinical variables as predictors of response to Electroconvulsive Therapy in endogenous depression. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2000; 42: 60-65.
  • Gupta N. Chavan BS. The Risk of injury and Alochol Consumption. Addiction, 2000: 95, 1707-1708.
  • Gupta N. Issues Related to Psychological Aspects of RecurrentAbdominal Pain. Indian Pediatrics, 2000: 37, 1400-1401.
  • Gupta N, Avasthi A, Kulhara P. Clinical Variables as Predictors of Response to Electroconvulsive Therapy in Endogenous Depression. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2000:42, 60-65.
  • Gupta N, Mattoo SK, Basu D, Lobana A. Psychometric Properties of Quality of Life Scales (Q.L.S.): A Brief Report from India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2000: 12, 415-420.
  • Gupta R, Kaur M, Basu D, Mattoo SK, Malhotra A. Patients Lost to Follow-up: A Comparative Study of Letter Versus Home Visit in Eliciting Response. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2000: 16, 91-93.
  • Kohli A, Verma VK, Nehra R. Comparison of efficacy of psychorelaxation vs pharmacotherapy in generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies 2000; 16: 43-48.
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A. Magico-Religious Beliefs in Schizophrenia: A study from North India. Psychopathology 2000; 33: 62-68.
  • Kulhara P, Chakraborty S, Ramana AL. Management of Schizophrenia: Guidelines for Minimum Standards of Care: Somatic Treatment. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2000; 16: 30-43.
  • Kumar P., Basu D. Substance Abuse by Medical Students and Doctors. Journal of the Indian Medical Association, 2000: 98, 447-452.
  • Kumar S, Malhotra A. Brief Interventions in Drug Abuse. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2000: 42, 172-183.
  • Malhotra A, Waraich BK. Biofeedback in Clinical Practice. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2000: 16, 43-46.
  • Malhotra A., Mohan A. National Policies to Meet the Challenge of Substance Abuse: Programmes and Implementation. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2000: 42, 370-377.
  • Malhotra S, Arun P, Kohli A. Applicability of Rutter-B scale on Indian population. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2000; 42 (1): 66-72.
  • Malhotra S, Gupta N, Singh G. Clozapine in childhood onset schizophrenia. Clinical Child Psychiatry and Psychology 2000; 5: 403-410.
  • Malhotra S, Malhotra S, Fernades P, Ghosh D. Gelastic Epilepsy Possibly Following Rabies Vaccine. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2000; 54: 140-144.
  • Malhotra S, Singh G. Efficacy of ECT in Children and Adolescents. Archives of Indian Psychiatry 2000; 6: 115-118.
  • Mattoo SK, Malhtora R. Relapse Precipitants Inventory: Hindi Adaptation and Factor Structure. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology 2000; 27: 278-285.
  • Sharan P. “Do what you must……?” Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2000: 16, 10-15.
DECADE V (2001-2010)
  • Avasthi A, Sharma A, Gupta N, Kulhara P, Varma VK, Malhotra S, Mattoo SK. Seasonality and Affective Disorders: A Report from North India. Journal of Affective Disorders 2001; 64: 145-154.
  • Avasthi A. Clinical Predictors of Response to ECT in Severe Depression (letter). Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 43: 91.
  • Avasthi A. Book Review: Advances in Psychiatry (ed. Chitranjan Andrade). Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 43 (3): 269.
  • Chakraborti S., Malhotra S. Thyroid hormones in Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2001: 55, 499-505.
  • Chakraborti S., Sharma D., Singh G. Neurological Sequelae of Neuroleptic malignanat Syndrome. Hong Kong Jounral of psychiatry, 2001: 11: 18-20.
  • Changulani M., Avasthi A. impulseConrol Disorders: Nosology and Concept. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2001: 213, 206-212.
  • Das S, Malhotra S, Basu D, Malhotra R. Testing the stress-vulnerability hypothesis in ICD-10-diagnosed acute & transient psychotic disorders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2001; 104: 56-58.
  • Gupta N. Autism: Some conceptual issues. Indian Pediatrics, 2001: 38, 1065-1066.
  • Gupta N. Difficult Clinical Problems in Psychiatry (book review). India Journal of Psychiatry, 2001: 43, 96-96.
  • Gupta N. More Details on Spectrum of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Indian Pediatrics, 2001: 38, 435-437.
  • Gupta N. Psychosocial Aspects of Bronchial Asthma in Children: Further Contemplation. Indian Paediatrics, 2001: 38, 1327-1328.
  • Gupta N. Effectiveness of Continuation ECT forChronic Depression (letter). American Journal of Psychiatry, 2001: 158, 1933-1933.
  • Gupta N. Guidelines for Lithium Monitoring: Are They Ideal…..? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2001: 76-76.
  • Gupta N. Venalafaxine Induced Hypomanic Symptoms in Bipolar Depression. Candadian Journal of Psychiatry, 2001: 46, 760-761.
  • Gupta N., BasuD. Reduction of Comorbid Substance Abuse with Risperidone. Candian Journal of psychiatry, 2001: 46, 862-863.
  • Gupta N., Kulhara P, Co-occurrence of Panic Attacks in Delusional Disorder (letter). Psychiatry andClinical Neurosicences, 2001: 55, 63-63.
  • Harrison G, Hopper K, Craig T, Laska E, Seigel C, Wanderling J, Bube KC, Ganev K, Giel R, Ander Heiden W, Holmberg SK, Janca A, Lee PWH, L4eon CA, Malhotra S, Marsella AJ, Nakane Y, Sartorius N, Shen Y, Skoda C, Thara R, Tsirkin SJ, Varma VK, Walsh D, Wiersma D. Recovery from psychotic illness: 15- and 25- year international follow-up study. British Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 178: 506-517.
  • Kulhara P., Charaborti S. Culture and Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders. Psychiatric clinics of North America, 2001: 24, 449-464.
  • Kumar D, Basu D, Kulhara P, Sharan P. Psychosocial correlates of subsyndromal symptoms and functioning of bipolar patients stabilized on prophylactic lithium. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 43: 199-205.
  • Lobana A., Mattoo S.K, Basu D., Gupta N. Quality of Life in Schizophrenia in India: Comparison of Three Approaches Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2001: 104, 51-55.
  • Malhotra A, Kaur M, Basu D. Five-year profile of licit alcoholic beverages in north India: production, sale, and revenue. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2001; 17: 58-61.
  • Malhotra A, Malhotra S, Basu D. Social and cognitive approach in relapse prevention. Bengal Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 10: 79-87.
  • Malhotra A, Malhotra S, Basu D. Social and Cognitive Approach in Relapse Prevention. Bengal Journal of Psychiary 2001; 10: 79-87.
  • Malhotra A., Kumar S., Gupta N. Behavioural Interventions for Chronic Pain. NIMHANS Journal. 1999: 17, 259-269.
  • Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Kumar S, Gupta R. A study of drop out of children and adolescents from a psychiatric walk-in-clinic. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2001; 17: 22-25
  • Malhotra S, Changulani M, Gupta R. Behavioural Disorders in Children: The Indian Scene. Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2001; 3 (2): 97-103.
  • Malhotra S, Das S, Chakrabarti S. Erotomania – an unusual psychiatric syndrome: atypical presentation in Indian settings? Bulletin PGIMER 2001; 35: 157-158.
  • Malhotra S, Gill S. Psychosocial Deprivation & Child Development. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2001; 17(1-4): 42-49.
  • Malhotra S, Guupta N,Kumar D. Asperger’s Syndrome: A Disorder with Need for Better Indentification. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2001; 3: 17-24.
  • Malhotra S., Changulani M., Gupta R, Behavioural Disorders in Children. The Indian Scene. Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics 2001; 3: 97-103.
  • Mattoo SK, Handa S, Kaurl I, Gupta N, Malhotra R. Psychiatric Morbidity in Vitilgo and Psoriasis: A Comparative Study from India. Journal of Dematology 2001; 28: 424-432.
  • Mattoo SK, Varma VK, Singh RA, Kurana H, Kaur R, Sharma SK. Alienation, Sensation Seeking ad Multiphasic Personality Questionnaire Profile in men being Treated for Alcohol and/or Opioid Dependence. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 43: 317-326.
  • Mojtabai R, Varma VK, Malhotra S, Mattoo SK, Misra AK, Wig NN, Susser E. Mortality and long-term course in schizophrenia with a poor 2-year course: a study in a developing country. British Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 178: 71-75.
  • Singh G., Avasthi A., Pravin D. Dhat Syndrome in a Female. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2001: 43, 345-348.
  • Singh P, Malhotra A. Religion and Psychiatry, Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2001; 17; 50- 57.
  • Avasthi A, Singh G. Behvioural Techniques in the Management of Sexual Dysfunctions in Clinical Practice. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2002: 7, 61-66.
  • Chakrabarti S, Gill S. Coping and its correlates among caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder: a preliminary study. Bipolar Disorders 2002; 4: 50 – 60.
  • Chakraborti S., Chand P.K. Lithium-Induced Tardive Dystonia Treated with Clozapine. Neurology India, 2002: 40, 473-475.
  • Chakraborti S., Gill S. Coping and its Correlates Among Caregivers of Patients with Bipolar Disorder. A Preliminary Study. Bipolar Disorders. 2002: 4, 50-60.
  • De B., Mattoo S.K., Basu D. Age at Onset Typology in Opioid Dependent Men: An Exploratory Sutdy. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2002: 44, 150-160.
  • Gupta N, Malhotra P. Olanzapine: A Proarrythimic drug…..? Candian Journal of Psychiatry, 2002, 47, 683-684.
  • Gupta R., Gupta N., Avasthi A. Benzodiazepene withdrawal in GAD (letter). American Journal of Psychiatry, 2002: 159, 321.
  • Khurana P., Sharma P.S.V.N., Avasthi A. Prevalence of Delirium in Geriatric Hospitalized General Medical Population. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2002, 44, 41-46.
  • Khurana P.S., Sharma P.S.V.N., Avasthi A. Risk Factors in Delirious Geriatric General Medical in Patients. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2002: 44, 266-272.
  • Kohli A., Kaur R.P. Rorschach Profile and its Relationship with PEN Questionnaire in Borderline Psychosis. Journal of Projective Psychology and Mental Health, 2002, 9, 109-113.
  • Lobana A., Mattoo S.K, Basu D., Gupta N. Convergent Validity of Quality of Life Interview (QOLI) in Indian Setting: Preliminary Findings. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2002: 44, 118-124.
  • Malhotra A., Chand P., Kumar D. Relaxation Therapies. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2002, 18, 29-39
  • Malhotra A., Malhotra R., Kaur R.P., Gupta. N. Personality Profile of Addictive Patients. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2002: 18, 56-62.
  • Malhotra S, Basu D. Help seeking in relapsed alcohol dependent patients: triggers and barriers. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2002; 18: 17-28.
  • Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Nehra A. Psychological intervention with parents of autistic children. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2002; 44: 108-117.
  • Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S., Nehra A. Psychological intervention with parents of autistic children. Indian Journal of psychiatry 2002; 44: 108-117.
  • Malhotra S, Gupta N. Childhood Disintegrative Disorders: Re-examination of the current concept: European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2002; 11: 108-114.
  • Malhotra S, Kohli A, Arun P. Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in school children in India. Indian Journal Medical Research 2002; 116: 21-28.
  • Malhotra S, Kumar D, Gupta N. Rett’s Syndrome- a neurodevelopmental disorder: Report of two cases. Neurology India 2002; 50: 330-333.
  • Malhotra S, Malhotra S, Bau D. Help Seeking in Relapsed Alochol Dependent Patients: Triggers and Barriers 2002: 18, 17-28.
  • Malhotra S, Singh GD. Psychosocial aspects of chronic illness in adolescence. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2002; 69: 145-148.
  • Malhotra S., Kohli A, Arun P. Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in School Children in Indian Jounral of Medical Research 2002: 116, 21-28.
  • Mattoo S.K., Gupta N., Lobana A., Bedi B. Mass Family Hysteria: A Report from India. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2002: 56, 643-646.
  • Mattoo SK, Basu D, Malhotra A, Malhotra R. Motivation for Addiction Treatment (Hindi) Scale: Development andFactor Stuctire. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2002: 44, 131-137.
  • Mattoo SK, Handa S, Kaur I, Gupta N, Malhotra R. Psyhciatric Morbidity in Vitiligo: Prevalene and Correlates in India. Journal of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2002: 16, 573-578.
  • Mattoo SK, Singh GD, Gupta N, Basu D, Kaur M. Community De-addiction Clinic by a Teritary Care Team: First 100 Cases. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2002: 7, 15-23.
  • Misra AK, Basu D, Mattoo SK. Working in the Community as a Field Research Worker: Sharing Some Useful Experiences. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2002; 17, 26-31.
  • Nehra R, Mohanty M, Verma, SK. “Assessment of Adaptive functions of Children 2-6 Years of age”. PRASĀR: Contemporary Journal of Population &Adult Education 2002; Vol1 (2): 208 – 211.
  • Nehra R, Mohanty M., Sharan P., Gupta N., Khurana P. Assessment of Psychometric Propoerties of Eating Attitudes Test EAT 26 in a Targeted Population. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2002: 28, 241-245.
  • Nehra R. Kulhara P. Applicability of Social Support Questionnaire in Clinical Population. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 2002: 7, 53-60.
  • Nehra R., Chakraborty S., Sharma R., Kaur R. Psychometric Propoerties of the Hindi Version of the Coping Checklist of Scazulca nd Kupiers. Indian Jounral of Clinical Psychology 2002: 29, 79-84.
  • Sharma P, Avasthi A., Chakraborti S. Clinical Profile of Depression in Hospitalized Medically Ill Patients. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2002: 7, 3-14.
  • Sharma P, Gupta N. Obsessive-Compulsive Phenomenon and Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 2002: 72, 420-421.
  • Sharma P, Gupta N. Social Phobia in Spasmodic Torticollis: Some Conceptual issues. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2002; 73: 461.
  • Sharma P., Avasthi A., Chakraborti S., Varma S. Depression Among Hospitalised Medically Ill Patients: A Two-Stage Screening Study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2002: 70, 205-209.
  • Singh G, Sharan P, Kulhara P. Attitude Towards Hallucinations in Schizophrenia. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry, 2002: 12, 2-5.
  • Avasthi A, Gupta N, Kulhara P, Sharan P, Singh G, Kaur RP, Sharma R. Seasonality in Affective Disorders Using SPAQ. Indian Journal of Psychiary 2003: 45, 166-173.
  • Avasthi A, Mohan A. Dysthymia: Evolution and current status of the concept. Eastern Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 7: 7-19.
  • Avasthi A, Sharan P, Nehra R. Practicing Behavioural Sex Therapy in India: Selection, Modifications, Outcome and Dropout. Sexuality and Disability 2003; 21: 107-112.
  • Basu D. Book review on ‘Substance Use and Abuse: Cultural and Historical Perspectives’ (eds. Durrant R, Thakker JO). National Medical Journal of India 2003; 16: 282-283.
  • De B, Mattoo SK, Basu D, Malhotra R. Age at onset typology in opioid- dependent men: an exploratory study from India. American Journal of Addictions 2003; 12: 336-345.
  • Goswami S, Siingh GD, Mattoo SK, Basu D. Courses ofSubstance use and Schizophrenia in the Dual-Diagnosis Patients: Is There a Relationship. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2003: 57, 338-346.
  • Grover S, Mattoo SK. Treating depression with antidepressant drugs. Current Medical Journal 2003; 9:59-70.
  • Jhirwal OP, Avasthi A. Ziprasidone – induced skin reaction: a case report from Indian sub continent. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 45(1): 64-65.
  • Jhirwal OP, Chakrabarti S. Somatoform pain disorder: a valid diagnosis? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2003; 108: 75.
  • Jhirwal OP, Chakrabarti S. Venlafaxine withdrawal in organic anxiety disorder. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2003; 57: 559-560.
  • Joshi K, Avasthi, A, Kumar R. Health – Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) among the Elderly in Northern India. Health and Population – Perspectives and Issues 2003; 26: 141-153.
  • Joshi K, Kumar R, Avasthi A. Morbidity profile and its relationship with disability and psychological distress amongelderly people in North India. International Journal of Epidemiology 2003: 32: 978-987
  • Khurana P, Sharma PSVN, Avasthi A. A Study of Delirium in Geriatric General Medical Patiehnts. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2003; 8: 25-38.
  • Kohli A, Chakrabarti S. Psychological assessment and management of an adolescent with a history of childhood sexual abuse. Bulletin PGIMER 2003; 37: 16-21
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A. Influence of Depressive Symptoms and Premorbid Adjustment on Factor Structure of Phenomenology of Schizophrenia. A Study from India. European Psychiatry 2003: 226-232.
  • Kulhara P, Chakrabarti S. Schizophrenia in the developing world. Schizophrenia Monitor 2003; 13: 37-44.
  • Malhotra A, D Basu, SK Mattoo, Gupta N, Malhotra R. Acceptability of Naltrexone in Patients with opioid dependence: an Indian perspective, Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 13: 6-13.
  • Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Gupta N, Kumar P, Gill S. Pervasive developmental disorders and its subtypes: sociodemographic and clinical profile. German Journal of Psychiatry2003; 6: 33-39.
  • Malhotra S, Malhotra S. Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorders: Comparison with Schizophrenia. Current Psychiatry Reports 2003; 5: 178-186.
  • Malhotra S. Music and Mental Health. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2003; 19: 7-15.
  • Mattoo S.K., Basu D., Malhotra A., Malhotra R. Relapse Precipitants, Life Events, and Dysfunction in Alcohol andOpioid Dependent Men. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2003: 45, 39-44.
  • Mattoo SK, Singh GD, Vikas A. Akathisia – diagnostic dilemma and behavioural treatment. Neurology India 2003; 51: 254-256.
  • Mitra S, Sinha PK, Gombar KK, Basu D. Comparison of temperament and character profiles of anesthesiologists and surgeons: a preliminary study. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2003; 57: 431-436.
  • Nehra A, Chakrabarti S. Coping in patients with panic disorder: is there a unique profile? Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies 2003; 19: 275-280.
  • Relan P, Gupta N and Mattoo SK. A case of Risperidone-induced priapism. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2003; 64: 482-483.
  • Sharma Y, Mattoo S K, Kulhara P, Sharma S, Sharan P. Stress and Coping in women with cervical and breast cancer in India. German Journal of Psychiatry 2003; 6: 40-48.
  • Avasthi A, Biswas P. Pharmacotherapy in sexual dysfunctions: current status. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 46: 213-220.
  • Avasthi A, Kumar D. Phenomenology of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. JK Science: Journal of Medical Education and Research, 2004, 6, 9-14.
  • Avasthi A, Singh G. Schizophrenia research: Indian scene in last decade. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 46: 115-124.
  • Basu D, Ball SA, Feinn R, Gelernter J, Kranzler HR: Typologies of drug dependence: comparative validity of a multivariate and four univariate models. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2004, 73, 289-300.
  • Basu D, Jhirwal OP, Singh J, Kumar S, Mattoo SK. Inhalant abuse by adolescents: a new challenge for Indian physicians. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2004; 58: 245-249.
  • Basu D. Pseudoaneurysm in injecting drug abusers. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 2004; 102: 386.
  • Basu D. Quality of life issues in mental health care: past, present, and future. German Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 7: 35-43.
  • Chand PK, Mattoo SK, Sharan P. Quality of life and its correlates in patients with bipolar disorder stabilized on lithium prophylaxis. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2004; 58: 311-31.
  • Dhaliwal LK, Gupta KR, Gopalan S, Kulhara P. Psychological aspects of infertility due to various causes- a prospective study. International Journal of Infertility 2004; 49: 44-48.
  • Goswami S, Mattoo SK, Basu D, Singh GD. Substance-abusing schizophrenics: do they ‘self-medicate’? American Journal on Addictions 2004; 13: 139-150.
  • Grover S, Avasthi A. Risperidone in pregnancy: A case of oligohydramnios. German Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 7: 56-57.
  • Grover S, Basu D. Cannabis and psychopathology – update 2004. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 46: 299-310.
  • Grover S, Chakrabarti S. Dopamine systems and schizophrenia. Bulletin PGIMER 2004; 38: 108-118.
  • Jhirwal OP, Basu D. Ultra-rapid Opioid Detoxification Procedures in India. How Far are they Ethical? Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2004: 58, 132-133.
  • Jhirwal OP, Prasad D, Basu D. Skin hyperpigmentation induced by olanzapine, a novel antipsychotic agent. International Journal of Dermatology 2004; 43: 778-779.
  • Kiran CN, Chakrabarti S, Grover S. Insecticide phobia treated with exposure and response-prevention: a case report. German Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 7: 12-13.
  • Kohli A: Child Sexual Abuse. Bulletin PGIMER 2004; 38: 152-159.
  • Malhotra A, Sharma P, Basu D. HIV infection and injection drug use. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2004; 20: 11-15
  • Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Gupta N, Gill S. Pervasive developmental disorders: lessons from an attempted follow-up. Hong Kong Journal of Psychiatry. 2004; 14: 10-15.
  • Nehra R, Grover S, Gobin C. Frontal lobe deficits in Psychiatric disorders: A brief review. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2004; 25: 41-52.
  • Nehra R, Singh G, Kaur R. Cognitive dysfunction in treatment resistant schizophrenia and depression: A brief report. Indian Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies 2005; 20: 113-118.
  • Painuly N, Basu D. SSRI and suicide? Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2004; 73: 261-262.
  • Painuly N, Chakrabarti S. The continuing story of Dhat syndrome. British Journal of Psychiatry2004; 185: 260.
  • Painuly N, Gupta N, Avasthi A. Concept and management of treatment resistant schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2004; 46: 125-134.
  • Painuly N, Kulhara P. Psychosocial interventions in schizophrenia: an update. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2004; 25: 07-18.
  • Rai S, Chakrabarti S, Lobana A. Pancytopenia on switching from clozapine to olanzapine: a case-report and some unresolved issues. Indian Journal of Pharmacology 2004; 36: 186-187.
  • Sharma P, Basu D, Thapar S. Latency and Outcome of Prophylaxis in Bipolar Disorder: Role of Severity as a Confounding Variable? Acta Psyhciatrica Scandinavica 2004: 109, 157.
  • Singh J, Nehra R, Singh G. Behavioral parent training: an overview. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology. 2004; 31: 85-91.
  • Avasthi A, Grover S. Impact of Contemporary Media on Human Sexual Behaviour. Eastern Journal of Psychiatry, 2005; 9: 24-34.
  • Avasthi A, Grover S. Seasonal Affective Disorder: An Overview. Delhi Psychiatry Bulletin, 2005; 8: 30-42.
  • Avasthi A, Gupta N, Sharma P, Gupta R. A study to examine relationship of sexual knowledge and attitude with diagnosis and treatment adherence in male sexual dysfunction. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2005; 10(1-2):12-24.
  • Avasthi A, Kulhara P, Singh G, Sharma R, Kaur RP. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of moclobemide and imipramine in the treatment of depression in Indian patients. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2005; 47: 84-88.
  • Avasthi A, Painuly N. Mechanisms of Chronicity in Schizophrenia. JK – Practitioner 2005; 12(4): 216-219.
  • Basu D, Jhirwal OP, Mattoo SK. Clinical characterization of use of acamprosate and naltrexone: data from an addiction center in India. American Journal on Addictions 2005; 14: 381-395.
  • Basu D, Singh J. Drug and alcohol abuse: general physician’s perspective. Journal of Indian Medical Association 2005; 103(2): 88-98.
  • Bhateja G, Subodh BN, Grover S, Basu D. Ugly face of Pentazocine dependence: A Case report. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2005; 47: 39.
  • Biswas P, Grover S, Avasthi A. Retrospective study of Delusional Disorder. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 47: 30.
  • Chandra KN, Mattoo S, Chakrabarti S. Burden in caregivers of men with alcohol and opioid dependence. Indian Journal of Psychiatry2005;47 (Suppl.): 7.
  • Das PP, Grover S, Kumar S.Naltrexone Induced Delirium: A case report. German Journal of Psychiatry, 2005; 8: 101-103.
  • Grover S, Avasthi A, Chakrabarti S, Bhansali A, Kulhara P. Cost of care of schizophrenia: A study of Indian outpatient attenders. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2005; 112: 54-63.
  • Grover S, Kumar S, Mattoo SK, Painuly N, Bhateja G. Factitious schizophrenia- A case report. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2005; 47:169–172.
  • Grover S, Mattoo SK, Gupta N. Theories on mechanism of action of electroconvulsive therapy. German Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 8: 70-84.
  • Grover S., Avasthi A., Chakrabarti S., Kulhara, P. Invited Commentary: Cost of illness of schizophrenia – overview and emerging trends. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2005; 47: 205-217.
  • Harish T, Grover S, Basu D. Recurrent unipolar mania: does it warrant a separate nosological status? German Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 8(1): 8-15.
  • Kohli A, Kaur M, Malhotra R. Normative data on patterns of drawings of normal children- Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies 2005; 21: 137-145.
  • Kohli A, Malhotra S, Mohanty M, Khehra N, Kaur M. Specific learning disabilities in children-deficits and profile. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 2005; 28: 165-171.
  • Kulhara P, Banerjee A. Attitude towards antipsychotics among outpatients with schizophrenia- Letter to Editor. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2006; 114:297
  • Malhotra A, Basu D, Gupta N. Psychological treatment for substance abuse in adolescents. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2005; 28(2): 165-171.
  • Malhotra A, Basu D, Gupta N. Psychosocial treatment for substance abuse in adolescents. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2005; 1(1): 11-21.
  • Malhotra A, Singh J, Cheddar RK. Mental health problems following disaster: management in primary care setting. Indian Journal for the Practicing Doctors 2005; 2: 212-218.
  • Malhotra S. Destigmatizing Mental Illness: Editorial in PGI Bulletin 2005; 38(4): 149-151.
  • Malhotra S, Singh G, Mohan A. Somatoform and dissociative disorders in children and adolescents: a comparative study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2005; 47: 39-43.
  • Malhotra S, Vikas A. Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Indian Scene. Journal of Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2005; 1: Article 5.
  • Malhotra, S., Biswas P. Behavioral and psychological assessment of child sexual abuse in clinical practice. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 2006; 2: 17-28.
  • Malhotra, S., Biswas P. Child sexual abuse in clinical practice: identification and management. Journal of Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2005; 1: 6.
  • Mattoo SK, Handa S, Kaur I, Gupta N, Malhotra R. Psychiatric morbidity in psoriasis: prevalence and correlates in India. German Journal of Psychiatry, 2005; 8:17-22.
  • Medhi B, Jose VM, Prakash O, Chakrabarti S, Pandhi P. Seasonal variation in plasma levels of lithium in Indian population-is there a need to modify dosage? Experimental Biology/IUPS-Late Breaking Abstracts 2005; pp75.
  • Minz M., Udgiri, N. Kishore, Sharma, A., Heer, M.K., Kashyap, R., Nehra, R., and Sakhuja, V. Prospective Psychosocial Evaluation of Related Kidney Doners: Indian Perspective. Transplantation Proceedings, 2005.
  • Nehra R, Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P, Sharma R. Caregiver Coping in Bipolar Disorder and schizophrenia: A re – examination. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2005; 40: 329-336.
  • Nehra R, Kumar S, Grover S, Kaur R, Khehra N. Psychological profile and clinical correlates of patients presenting with deliberate self–harm. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 47: 71.
  • Painuly N, Grover S, Gupta N. Prevalence and construct of anger attacks in depressive and other neurotic, stress related and somatoform disorders. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 47: 4.
  • Painuly N, Sharan P, Mattoo SK. Relationship of anger and anger attacks with depression: a brief review. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2005; 255: 215-222.
  • Pradhan B, Sharan P, Avasthi A. Comorbid Dissociative, Anxiety and Bipolar disorders– a case report. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society 2005; 2(1): 49-51.
  • Singh J, Mattoo SK, Sharan P, Basu D. Quality of life and its correlates in patients with dual diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder and substance dependence. Bipolar Disorders 2005; 7: 187-191.
  • Avasthi A, Khurana PS, Saluja BS. Chronic major depression: a myth or a reality. Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour 2006; 11: 11-17
  • Banerjee A, Basu D, Malhotra A. How responsible is responsible drinking. A evidence based review. Journal of mental health and human behavior, 2006; 11(33):23-33
  • Bharadwaj R, Grover S, Basak GC. SSRI induced mania. JIACAM 2006; 2: 116-117.
  • Bhateja G, Subodh BN, Grover S, Basu D. Cutaneous complications with parenteral pentazocine dependence. German Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 9: 53-56.
  • Biswas P, Chakrabarti S. Cognitive style in bipolar disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 189:85.
  • Biswas P, Malhotra S, Malhotra A, Gupta N. Comparative study of neuropsychological correlates in schizophrenia with onset in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. European Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2006; 15: 360-366.
  • Chadda RK, Malhotra A. An experience of provision of psychiatric services in earthquake affected area of Kashmir in India. International Psychiatry 2006;3:3-5
  • Chavan BS, Kumar S, Priti Arun, Chander Bala, Singh T. ECT: Knowledge and attitude among patients and their relatives. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2006; 48: 34-38.
  • Grover S, Avasthi A, Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P. Cost of illness of Schizophrenia: A review. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society, 2006; 3:12-20.
  • Grover S, Avasthi A, Sharma Y. Psychotropics in pregnancy: weighing the risks. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2006; 123: 497-512.
  • Grover S, Basu D, Bhateja G. Pharmacoprophylaxis of alcohol dependence: review and update. Part II: Efficacy. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2006:.
  • Grover S, Bhateja G, Basu D. Pharmacoprophylaxis of alcohol dependence: review and update. Part I: Pharmacology. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2006 .
  • Grover S, Gupta N, Mattoo SK. Delusional Disorders: An Overview. German Journal of Psychiatry, 2006; 1:53-56.
  • Grover S, Kulhara P. Antiparkinsonian prescription and extrapyramidal symptoms. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2006; 188: 492.
  • Grover S, Malhotra A. Cognitive therapy in substance abuse. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2006; 26: 119-136.
  • Grover S, Padhy SK, Das CP, Vasishta RK, Sharan P, Chakrabarti S. Mania as a First Presentation in Mitochondrial Myopathy: A Case Report. Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 2006; 60:774-775.
  • Grover S, Sharan P, Gupta N. Aripiprazole worsens psychosis. Primary care companion JCP, 2006; 8: 380-381.
  • Gupta N, Basu D. Antipsychotic drugs and schizophrenia (Letter to Editor). New England Journal of Medicine 2006; 354: 299.
  • Irapati AS, Avasthi A, Sharan P. Study of stress and vulnerability in patients with somatoform and dissociative disorders in a psychiatric clinics in North India. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2006; 60:570-574.
  • Kulhara P, Kumar S, Rajagopal R. Disability in Schizophrenia: Conceptual Issues. Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour 2006; 11: 57-63.
  • Kumar S, Grover S, Mattoo SK. Reply to “Critical appraisal of an article on factitious schizophrenia”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2006; 48:203-204.
  • Kumar S, Kulhara P, Grover S, Malhotra R. Preliminary Experiences with use of Disability Assessment Scales at Mental Disability Clinic, PGIMER, Chandigarh. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2006; 11: 39-43.
  • Kumar S, Warikoo N, Moirangthem S. Abnormal Illness Behavior causing severe disability- Diagnostic issues. Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour 2006; 11: 90-99.
  • Malhotra A, Biswas P. cannabis and performance. Journal of Indian association for child and adolescent Mental Health, 2006;2(2):59-67
  • Malhotra A, Sahoo M, Grover S. Alcohol and Global Burden of disease. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2006; 26: 13-30.
  • Malhotra S, Banerjee A. “Current Concepts in Management of Depression”, Drugs Bulletin, PGIMER, Chandigarh, PGI Bulletin.
  • Malhotra S, Gupta N, Bhattacharya A, Kapoor M. Study of Childhood Onset Schizophrenia (COS) using SPECT and Neuropsychological Assessment. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 48: p 215-222.
  • Mattoo SK. Review for Book [Substance use among young people in urban environments’ by Obote IS and Saxena S (editors), World Health Organization, Geneva, 2005]. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2006; 124: 460-462
  • Medhi B, Sukhija M, Sumedh G, Jose VM, Chakrabarti S, Pandhi P. Lithium therapeutic drug monitoring pattern at a tertiary care hospital in India. JK-Practitioner 2006; 13: 15-17.
  • Mohanty M, Kumar S Comprehensive management of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- A case Study. Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour 2006; 11: 100-104.
  • Nehra R, Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P, Sharma R. Family burden and its correlates among caregivers of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2006; 11: 78-84
  • Nehra R, Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P, Sharma R. Family Burden and its correlates among caregivers of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Affective Disorder: Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2006; 11(2): 78-84.
  • Nehra R, Chakrabarti S, Pradhan BK, Khehra N. Comparison of cognitive functions between first- and multi-episode bipolar affective disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders 2006; 93:185-192.
  • Nehra R, Chakrabarti S, Sharma R, Painuly N. Can Mini Mental state Examination (MMSE) Scores Predict Short-Term Impairments in Memory During Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) German J.Psychiatry, 2006; 10: 8-12.
  • Nehra R, Mohanty M, Sharan P, Gupta N, Khurana P. Assessment of Psychomertic properties of Body Shape Questionnaire in a targeted population. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2006; 33: 122-126.
  • Nehra R, Singh SM, Bharadwaj V. Projective psychodiagnostics-relevance in practice of contemporary psychiatry. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behavior 2006; 5: 64-72.
  • Nehra R, Singh SM, Bharadwaj V. Protective Psychodiagnostics Relevance in Practice of Contemporary Psychiatry (Review Article). Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 2006; 11: 64-72.
  • Painuly N, Chakrabarti S. Combined use of ECT and antipsychotics in schizophrenia: the Indian evidence. A review and a meta-analysis. Journal of ECT 2006; 22: 59-66.
  • Prasant MP, Mattoo SK, Basu D. Substance use and other psychiatric disorders in first-degree relatives of opioid dependent males: a controlled study from India. Addiction 2006; 101: 413-419.
  • Pravin D, Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Dash RJ. Frequency of major affective disorders in first-degree relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Indian J Med Res 2006; 124: pp 291-298.
  • Saluja BS, Grover S, Irpati AS, Mattoo SK, Basu D. Drug dependence in adolescents 1978-2003: a clinic-based observation from north India. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2006.
  • Subodh BN, Grover S, Sharan P. Asperger’s Disorder with co-morbid Social Anxiety Disorder: a Case Report. JIACAM, 2006; 2: 68-69.
  • Verma RK, Panda NK, Basu D, Raghunathan M. Audiovestibular dysfunction in alcohol dependence. Are we worried? American Journal of Otolaryngology 2006; 27: 225-228.
  • Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-Normative data and Experiences, Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2006, 48, 3, 181-184.
  • Aggarwal M, Basu D. Mood disorders and anxiety disorders: how much is the overlap? And what are the implications? Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2007; 12: 59-71.
  • Avasthi A, Khehra N, Gupta N: A follow-up study of seasonality in affective disorders: a preliminary study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2007; 49:49-51.
  • Banerjee A, Jain G, Grover S, Singh J: Interferon-induced mania. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 2007; 53:150.
  • Basu D, Barnwal P. Omega-3 fatty acid for recurrent self-harm: unanswered questions (Letter to Editor). British Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 191: 264.
  • Benegal V, Bajpai A, Basu D, Bohra N, Chatterji S, Galgali RB, Goel DS, Isaac MK, Jhanwar V, Lenin RK, Madhavan PM, Mittal AK, Mohandas E, Murali T, Murthy P, Nagpal R, Nambi S, Subramaniam CR, Parkar S, Rao P, Reddy MS, Sarin A, Sudhakar TP, Tripathi BM, Varghese M. Proposal to the Indian Psychiatric Society for adopting a specialty section on addiction medicine (alcohol and other substance abuse). Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 49: 277-282.
  • Bharadwaj R, Grover S. Mortality and ECT. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2007; 191: 362-363.
  • Bharadwaj R, Kumar S: Somnambulism: Diagnosis and treatment. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2007; 49: 123-125.
  • Biswas P, Malhotra S, Malhotra A, Gupta N. Comparative Study of Neurological Soft Signs (SNS) in Schizophrenia with Onset in Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2007; 115:295-303.
  • Chabungbam G, Avasthi A, Sharan P: Sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with relapse in schizophrenia. Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 2007; 61: 587-593.
  • Chakrabarti S, Das PP: Novel strategies in management of treatment-resistant depression. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 2007; 12: 21-25.
  • Das PP, Grover S. Diagnostic stability: Clinical Vs research. British Journal of Psychiatry, 2007; 191: 265.
  • Das PP, Sharan P, Grover S, Behera A: Parathyroid adenoma presenting as bipolar affective disorder. Psychosomatics, 2007; 48: 232-33.
  • Grover S, Basu D, Malhotra R, Malhotra A: 9-year serial follow-up of a HIV-positive man with mild neurocognitive deficit. German Journal of Psychiatry, 2007; 10:62-63.
  • Grover S, Biswas PS, Bhateja G, Kulhara P. Escitalopram associated hyponatremia. Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences 2007; 61:132-133.
  • Grover S, Bhateja G, Basu D. Pharmacoprophylaxis of alcohol dependence: review and update. Part II: efficacy. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 49: 26-33.
  • Grover S, Biswas P, Avasthi A: Delusional disorder: study from North-India. Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences, 2007; 61: 462-470.
  • Grover S, Chakrabarti S: Suicide and its prevention. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour, 2007; 12: 10-20.
  • Grover S, Gupta S: Narcolepsy: clinical presentation, differential diagnosis and management. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2007; 12: 100-105.
  • Gupta S, Grover S, Kohli A: Fronto-temporal Dementia Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2007; 12: 50-56.
  • Gupta S, Kulhara P. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of drug dependence: An overview and update. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 49: 85-90.
  • Jain G, Bhateja G, Grover S, Kulhara P. Serotonin Syndrome: a case report from India. German Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 10; 100-102.
  • Jain G, Bhateja G, Grover S, Kulhara P: Episodic serotonin syndrome: a case report from India. German Journal of Psychiatry, 2007; 10: 98-100.
  • Kohli A, Grover A, Grover K, Kaur M: Hassles and Quality of Life in myocardial Infarct Patients. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2007; 6:488-493.
  • Kohli A, Malhotra S, Khera N, Mohanty M. Deficits in clinical profile of the children with specific learning disability. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology 2007; 34 (2):173-181
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A. Teaching and Training in Psychiatry in India: potential benefits of links with the Royal College of Psychiatrists. International Psychiatry 2007; 4(2): 31-33.
  • Malhotra S, Biswas P, Sharan P, Grover S. Characteristics of patients visiting the Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic: A 26-year study from North India. JIACAM, 2007; 3: 53-60.
  • Malhotra S, Das PP. Understanding childhood depression. Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2007; 125:115-128.
  • Malhotra S. Acute and Transient Psychosis: A Paradigmatic approach, DLN Murthy Rao Oration. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 49(4):233-242.
  • Nehra R, Chakrabarti S, Sharma R, Nitesh Painuly N: Can Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores predict short-term impairments in memory during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)? German Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 10: 8-12.
  • Nehra R, Kumar S, Grover S, Kaur R, Khehra N. Psycho-social risk factors in suicide attempters. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology 2007; 34: 159-166.
  • Padhy S, Basu D. Is good school performance a risk factor for suicide in psychoses? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2007; 115: 413.
  • Painuly N, Basu D. Alcohol use disorders and anxiety disorders: concept, comorbidity, considerations. Eastern Journal of Psychiatry 2007; 10 (1-2): 40-43.
  • Painuly N, Sharan P, Mattoo SK. Antecedents, concomitants and consequences of anger attacks in depression. Psychiatry Research 2007; 153: 39-45.
  • Saluja BS, Grover S, Irpati AS, Mattoo SK, Basu D. Drug dependence in adolescents 1978-2003: A clinic-based observation from North-India. Indian Journal of Paediatrics, 2007; 74: 455-458.
  • Sharan P, Bharadwaj R, Grover S, Padhy S, Kumar V, Singh J. Adverse events with the use of zolpidem – a series of five cases. National Medical Journal of India, 2007; 20: 180-181.
  • Singh J, Avasthi A, Grover S. Malingering of psychiatric disorders: A review. German Journal of Psychiatry, 2007; 10:126-132.
  • Aggarwal M, Banerjee A, Basu D. Nosology of the substance use disorders: how deep is the ICD – DSM dichotomy? Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2008; 13: 18-24.
  • Avasthi A, Gupta R, Grover S. Benzodiazepines: Therapeutic vs. Abuse potential. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2008; 13: 64-74.
  • Avasthi A, Gupta R, Grover S. Benzodiazepines: therapeutic vs. abuse potential. Journal of Mental health and Human Behaviour 2008; 13: 64-74.
  • Avasthi A, Varma SC, Kulhara P, Nehra R, Grover S, Sharma S. Diagnosis of common mental disorders by using PRIME-MD Patient Health Questionnaire. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2008; 127: 159-164.
  • Avasthi A, Varma SC, Kulhara P, Nehra R, Grover S,Sharma S. Authors’ response. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2008; 127: 506.
  • Banerjee A, Kumar S, Kulhara P, Gupta A. Prevalence of depression and its effect on disability in patients with age related macular degeneration. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 56: 469-474.
  • Banerjee A, Mattoo SK, Aggarwal M. Alcohol dependence with seasonal bipolarity and self-medication for psychotic symptoms: a case report. Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour 2008; 12: 106-108.
  • Basu D, Painuly N, Sahoo M. Allergic to all medicines and red coloured urine. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology 2008; 74: 550.
  • Basu D, Singh SM. Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification: evidence of efficacy (or lack of it!). Eastern Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 11: 41-43.
  • Bharadwaj R, Grover S: Parkinsonism and akathisia with quetiapine: 3 case reports. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2008; 69:1189-1191
  • Bhardwaj R, Chakrabarti S, Mittal BR, Sharan P. A single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) study of regional cerebral blood flow in bipolar disorder. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2008; DOI:10.1080/15622970802575977.
  • Chakraborty K, Avasthi A, Kumar S, Grover S. Attitudes and beliefs of patients of first episode depression towards antidepressants. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 50: 39.
  • Das PP, Grover S, Avasthi A, Chakrabarti S, Malhotra S, Kumar S. Intentional self-harm seen in psychiatric referrals in a tertiary care hospital. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 50: 187-191.
  • Das PP, Grover S, Sahoo M. Amisulpride induced dystonia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 42:430-431.
  • Grover S, Dutt A, Malhotra S. Usefulness of Antipsychotics in Children and Adolescents with Schizophrenia: A review. Journal of Indian Association of Child and Adoloscent Mental health 2008; 4:76-87.
  • Grover S, Irpati AS, Saluja BS, Basu D, Mattoo SK. Drug dependence in the geriatric age group: a clinic-based study. German Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 11: 10-15.
  • Grover S, Kulhara P. Need of the Hour: psychosocial interventions. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2008; 13: 61-63.
  • Grover S, Kulhara P: Deficit schizophrenia: concept and validity. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2008; 50: 61-66.
  • Grover S. Acute and transient psychosis: an overview. Orissa Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 15: 24-35.
  • Jain G, Kumar V, Chakrabarti S, Grover S. The use of electroconvulsive therapy in the elderly: A study from the psychiatric unit of a north Indian teaching hospital. Journal of ECT 2008; 24:122-127.
  • Kulhara P, Banerjee A, Dutt A. Early Intervention in schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 50: 145-151.
  • Kulhara P, Chakrabarti S, Avasthi A, Sharma A, Sharma S. Psychoeducational intervention for caregivers of Indian patients with schizophrenia: a randomised-controlled trial. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 2008; 1–12: DOI: 10.1111/j.1600 0447.2008.01304.x
  • Kulhara P, Neogi R, Banerjee A, Grover S: Cotard Syndrome. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2008; 13: 95-100.
  • Kumar S, Grover S, Kulhara P, Das PP. Inter-rater reliability of “IDEAS”. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008;50: 26
  • Kumar S, Grover S, Kulhara P, Mattoo SK, Basu D, Biswas P, Shah R: Inhalant abuse: A clinic-based study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 50: 117-120.
  • Malhotra S, Grover S, Baweja R, Bhateja G: Trichotillomania: A study from tertiary centre in north India. Indian Paediatrics 2008; 45: 403-405.
  • Mattoo SK, Bhansali A, Gupta N, Grover S, Malhotra R. Psychosocial Morbidity in Acromegaly: a study from India. Endocrine 2008; 34: 17-22.
  • Mattoo SK, Biswas P, Sahoo M, Grover G: Catatonic syndrome in central pontine/extrapontine myelinolysis: a case report. Progress in Neurology and Neurosychiatry 2008; 32: 1344-1346.
  • Mattoo SK, Singh SM. Metabolic syndrome and psychiatric disorders. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2008: 128: 237-245.
  • Medhi B, Prakash O, Jose VM, Pradhan B, Chakrabarti S, Pandhi P. Seasonal variation in plasma levels of lithium in the Indian population-is there need to modify dose? Singapore Medical Journal 2008; 49:724-727.
  • Nehra R, Chakrabarti S, Khehra N, Sharma R, Painuly N. A profile of subjective memory impairments during brief- pulse bilateral modified ECT in patients with severe depression. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society 2008; 5: 16-21.
  • Pradhan B, Chakrabarti S, Nehra R, Mankotia A: Cognitive functions in bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia: a comparison. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 62: 515-525.
  • Singh SM, Chakrabarti S: A study in dualism: The strange case of Dr Jeykll and Mr. Hyde. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 50:221-223.
  • Singh SM, Mattoo SK, Dutt A, Chakraborty K, Nebhinani N, Kumar S, Basu D: Long-term outcome of in-patients with substance use disorders: a study from north India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008; 50: 71-77.
  • Singh SM, Mattoo SK: Metabolic Syndrome and psychiatric disorders – a brief review. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2008; 128: 237-245.
  • Subodh BN, Avasthi A, Chakrabarti S: Psychosocial impact of dysthymia: a study among married patients. Journal of Affective Disorders 2008; 109:199-204.
  • Avasthi A. Regional Roundup: Report on Mental Health Research in South Asia: selected excerpts from Jan-July 2008. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 2: 48-50.
  • Basu D, Aggarwal M: Mortality in patients with schizophrenia. Lancet 2009; 374: 1591.
  • Basu D, Banerjee A, Harish T, Mattoo SK. Disproportionately high rate of epileptic seizure in patients abusing dextropropoxyphene. American Journal of Addictions 2009; 18: 417-421.
  • Basu D, Chakraborty K. Combination treatment with quetiapine in bipolar disorder patients. American Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 166: 1185.
  • Basu D, Nebhinani N. Mephentermine dependence without psychosis. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 2009; 63: 117-119
  • Basu D, Sharma A, Nebhinani N. Disulfiram-induced delirium: diagnostic dilemma. Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour 2009; 14: 105-107.
  • Chakraborty K, Avasthi A, Kumar S, Grover S: Attitudes and beliefs of patients of first episode depression towards antidepressants and their adherence to treatment. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 2009; 44: 482- 488.
  • Chakraborty K, Basu D. Physical complications of intravenous drug abuse – a comprehensive review. Eastern Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 12: 49-59.
  • Das PP, Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Sharma S. Elevated Total Cholesterol in severely depressed patients-role in cardiovascular risk? The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2009. doi 10.1080/ 15622970902960889. First published on 22 May 2009.
  • Dan A, Bharadwaj R, Grover S: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome with quetiapine. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2009; 63:255-256.
  • Dogra M, Rana A, Das K, Avasthi A. An exploratory study on the effect of “Activity Scheduling” on the negative symptoms of patients with schizophrenia in Psychiatry Ward, Nehru Hospital, PGIMER, Chandigarh. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal 2009; 5: 107-115.
  • Dutt A, Grover S. Primary Derealization Syndrome. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2009; 14: 100-104.
  • Gaur N, Grover S: Outcome of group psychoeducation for stabilized bipolar disorders: needs further clarification. British Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 195: 180.
  • Grover S, Avasthi A: Views about clinical practice guidelines of the Indian Psychiatric Society: a survey of psychiatrists in India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 51: 127-33.
  • Grover S, Das PP: Can bupropion unmask psychosis? Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 51: 53-54.
  • Grover S, Malhotra S, Bharadwaj R, Subodh BN, Kumar S: Delirium in children and adolescents: a study from India. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 2009; 39: 179-187.
  • Grover S, Subodh BN, Avasthi A, Chakrabarti S, Kumar S, Sharan S, Malhotra S, Kulhara P, Mattoo SK, Basu D. Prevalence and clinical profile of Delirium: a study from a tertiary care hospital in north India. General Hospital Psychiatry 2009; 31:25-29.
  • Gupta S, Singh SM, Grover S. Estrogen abuse: a case report. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2009; 14: 57-59.
  • Kulhara P, Shah RJ, Grover S. Is the course and outcome of schizophrenia better in the ‘developing’ world? Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 2: 55-62.
  • Kumar V, Chakrabarti S, Modi M, Sahoo M. Late-onset obsessive compulsive disorder associated with possible gliomatosis cerebri. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2009; 10: 636-639.
  • Kumar V, Grover S: Concise Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (book review). Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 51: 240-241.
  • Malhotra S, Kohli A, Kapur M, Pradhan B: Incidence of child and adolescent psychiatric Disorders in India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 51, 101-107.
  • Malhotra S, Malhotra A, Kakkar N, Das PP, Singh J. The clinical and demographic profile of nicotine users among children and adolescents. German Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 12: 14-18.
  • Malhotra S, Malhotra A, Kakkar N, Das PP, Singh J. The clinical and demographic profile of nicotine users among children and adolescents. German Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 12: 14-18.
  • Malhotra S, Subodh BN. Informed consent and ethical issues in pediatric psychopharmacology. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2009; 129: 19-32
  • Mattoo SK, Bhansali AK, Gupta N, Grover S, Malhotra R: Psychosocial morbidity in Cushing’s disease: a study from India. Endocrine 2009; 35: 305-311.
  • Mattoo SK, Chakrabarti S and Anjaiah M: Psychosocial factors associated with relapse in men with alcohol and opioid dependence. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2009; 130: 702-708.
  • Mattoo SK, Shah R, Rajagopal R, Biswas P, Singh SM: Quetiapine: relatively safe in overdose? Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 51: 139-40.
  • Mattoo SK, Shah R, Rajagopal R, Biswas PS, Singh SM: Quetiapine: Relatively safe in overdose? Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2009; 51: 139-140.
  • Mattoo SK, Singh SM, Rahul B, Basu D, Kumar S, Kulhara P. Prevalence and correlates of epileptic seizure in substance-abusing subjects. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2009; 63: 580-582.
  • Mattoo SK, Singh SM. High risk behaviours & alcohol dependence. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2009; 129:354-6.
  • Nebhinani N, Avasthi A. Invited Commentary: Typical antipsychotics – current scenario. Indian Journal of Private Psychiatry 2009; 3: 40-48.
  • Nehra R, Grover S, Bhansali A, Khehra N. Effect of corrective surgery on neurocognitive functions in endogenous Cushing’s syndrome. The Endocrinologist 2009; 19:205-207.
  • Prakash O, Giri OP, Mishra AK, Kumar S, Kulhara P. Knowledge and attitude of Indian adolescents towards addiction: Findings from an exploratory survey, Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour 2009; 14: 74-79.
  • Shah R, Basu D.Topiramate: ‘small is beautiful’? Addiction 2009; 104: 1428.
  • Sharan P, Malhotra S. Telepsychiatry: The bridge across the Access Gap in Child and Adolescent Mental health. Editorial: Journal of Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental health 2009.
  • Sharma N, Rana AK, Avasthi A. Development of Nursing Assessment Document for patients with mental health problems. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal 2009; 5: 89-100.
  • Singh SM, Basu D, Kohli A, Prabhakar S. Auditory P300 event-related potentials and neurocognitive functions in opioid dependent men and their brothers. American Journal of Addiction 2009; 18:198-205.
  • Singh SM, Basu D. The P300 event-related potential and its possible role as an endophenotype for studying substance use disorders: a review. Addiction Biology 2009; 14:298-309.
  • Aggarwal M, Grover S, Basu D. Are mobile phones used in dependence pattern: A survey Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2010 Suppl. 1: S 41;52
  • Aggarwal M, Umamaheswari V, Basu D. Legislation, society, and substance use – impact of NDPS Act, 1985. Eastern Journal of Psychiatry. 2010; 13: 59-64.
  • Avasthi A, Das E.M., Gautam S, Grover S.Physical Health of Mentally ill. Editors: Indian Psychiatric Society, 2010.
  • Avasthi A, Agarwal M, Grover S, Khan MKR. Research on antipsychotics in India. Indian J Psychiatry, 2010; 52 (Suppl): S317 – S340.
  • Avasthi A, Grover S, Agarwal M. Research on antidepressants in India. Indian J Psychiatry 2010; 52 (Suppl): S341 – 354.
  • Avasthi A, Grover S, Agarwal M. Research on mood stabilizers in India. Indian J Psychiatry, 2010; 52 (Suppl): S355-361
  • Avasthi A, Grover S, Kaur R, Prakash O, Kulhara P. Impact of Nonorganic Erectile Dysfunction on Spouses: a study from India. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2010; 3666-3674.
  • Avasthi, A, Grover S, Aggarwal M., Research on antidepressants in India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 52: S 341-354 .
  • Avasthi, A. Presidential Address: Preserve and strengthen family to promote mental health. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 52(2): 113-126.
  • Avasthi, A; Grover, S; Aggarwal, M. Research on mood stabilizers in India. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 52: S 355-361.
  • Basu D, Das PP, Neogi R. Abuse of opium-containing Indian herbal medicines: a case report. American Journal of Addictions. 2010; 19:193- 194.
  • Basu D, Gaur N, Das PP, Mattoo SK. Herbal medicines: Perfect garb for opioid abuse? A case series from India. Am J Addict 2010; 20: 174-175.
  • Basu D. Overview of substance abuse and hepatitis C virus infection and co-infections in India. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 2010; 5: 496-506.
  • Bhardwaj R, Chakrabarti S, Mittal BR, Sharan P. A single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT) study of regional cerebral blood flow in bipolar disorder. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. 2010; 11: 334 – 343.
  • Chakrabarti S, Grover S, Rajagopal R. Electroconvulsive therapy: A review of knowledge, experience and attitudes of patients concerning the treatment. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. 2010; 11: 525–537.
  • Chakrabarti S, Grover S, Rajagopal R. erceptions and awareness of electroconvulsive therapy among patients and their families:a review of the research from developing countries. Journal of ECT. 2010Dec;26(4):317-22.
  • Chakraborty K, Avasthi A, Grover S, Kumar S. Functional somatic complaints in depression: A review. Asian J Psychiatry. 2010; 3: 99-107.
  • Chakraborty K, Basu D. Insight in schizophrenia – a comprehensive update. German Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 13: 17-30.
  • Chakraborty K, Basu D. Management of anorexia and bulimia nervosa: an evidence-based review. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 52: 174-186.
  • Chauhan N, Shah R, Grover S. Obsessive auditory imagery. African J Psychiatry. 2010; 13: 311.
  • Shah R, Basu D. Coercion in psychiatric care: global and Indian perspective [Guest Editorial]. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 52: 203-206
  • Das PP, Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Sharma S.Elevated total cholesterol in severely depressed patients: Role in cardiovascular risk?World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. 2010; 11: 321-328.
  • Dutt A, Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Basu D, Das PP. Effectiveness of clozapine: A study from North India. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2010; 3:16-19.
  • Dutt, A, Grover S, Chakrabarti S., Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Basu, D, Dass, P.P. Effectiveness of Clozapine: a study from North India. Asian Journal of Psychiatry.2010; 3: 16-19.
  • Gaur N, Grover S. Factors associated with weight gain with olanzapine. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. 2010; 11:156-157
  • Grover S, Avasthi A. Antipsychotic prescription pattern: a preliminary survey of psychiatrists in India. Indian J Psychiatry 2010; 52: 257-259.
  • Grover S, Chakraborty K, Basu D. Pattern of Internet use among professionals in India: critical look at a surprising survey result. Industrial Psychiatry Journal 2010; 19: 94–100.
  • Grover S, Dutt A, Avasthi A. Indian research: focus on clozapine. Indian J Psychiatry 2010; 52: 168-173.
  • Grover S, Dutt A, Avasthi A. Research on depression in India. Indian J Psychiatry 2010; 52 (Suppl): S178 – S188.
  • Grover S, Ghosh A. Ropinirole induced psychosis. Primary Care Companion of Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2010; 12: e1.
  • Grover S, Shah R, Ghosh A. Electroconvulsive therapy for lycanthropy and Cotard’s syndrome: A case report. J ECT. 2010; 26: 280-281.
  • Grover S. Book review: Joy of mental health. Indian J Psychiatry 2010; 52: 199.
  • Gupta PR, Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P. Lack of association between duration of untreated psychosis and outcome in an Indian cohort.World Psychiatry2010; 9: 124-125.
  • Gupta S., Kulhara P. What is schizophrenia- a neurodevelopmental, a neurodegenerative disorder or a combination of both? A critical analysis. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2010; 52: 21-27.
  • Gupta, P., Chakrabarti, S., Kulhara P. Lack of association between duration of untreated psychosis and outcome in Indian culture. World Psychiatry. 2010; 9: 124- 12.
  • Hypersomnia. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010; 22: e5-e6.
  • Kate N, Grover S, Agarwal M. Does B12 deficiency lead to lack of treatment response to conventional antidepressants? Psychiatr Edgemont. 2010; 7: 42-44
  • Kate N, Grover S. Pernicious anaemia presenting as bipolar disorder: A case report and review of Literature. German J Psychiatry, 2010; 13: 181-184.
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Grover S, Sharan P, Sharma P, Malhotra S, Gill S. Needs of schizophrenia patients. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2010; 45: 809 -818.
  • Kulhara P, Chakrabarti S. Psychoeducational intervention for caregivers of Indian patients with schizophrenia. Acta Psychiatr Scand.2010; 122: 517.
  • Kulhara, P., Avasthi, A., Grover, S., Sharan, P., Sharma, P., Malhotra, S. and Gill, S. (2010) Needs of Indian schizophrenia patients. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology2010; 45: 809-818
  • Kumar V, Chakrabarti S, Grover S. Comparative efficacy of typical and atypical antipsychotics in delirium. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2010; 52 (Suppl): 22.
  • Mattoo SK and Singh SM. Prevalence and correlates of metabolic syndrome in psychiatric inpatients in a general hospital in North India. Indian Journal of Medical Research.2010;131: 46-52.
  • Mattoo SK, Grover S, Gupta N. Delirium in general practice: A brief review. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2010; 131: 387-398.
  • Mattoo SK, Singh SM. Prevalence and correlates of metabolic syndrome in psychiatric inpatients in a general hospital in North India. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2010; 131: 46-52.
  • Prabhakar H, Grover S. Risk factors for suicide. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2010; 196:415.
  • Raval A, Dhanaraj E, Bhansali A, Grover S, Tiwari P. Prevalence & determinants of depression in type 2 diabetes patients in a tertiary care centre. Indian J Med Res. 2010; 132: 195-200.
  • Sahoo, MK; Avasthi, A; Sahoo, M; Modi, M; Biswas, P. Psychiatric manifestations of Wilson’s disease and treatment with electroconvulsive therapy. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;52: 66-68.
  • Shah R, Grover S, Uma M, Kate N, Malhotra N. Acute akathisia with quetiapine: A case report and review of literature. Indian J Pharmacology. 2010; 42: 416-417.
  • Shah R, Somaiya M, Grover S. Trichotillomania comorbid with schizophrenia. German J Psychiatry. 2010; 13: 154-156.
  • Sharma A, Singh SM, Grover S, Malhotra S, Modi M. Complex partial seizure presenting as Kleine-Levin syndrome. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2010 Spring; 22(2):E5-6.
  • Sharma A, Singh SM, Grover S, Malhotra S, Modi M. Non Convulsive Status Epilepticus Presenting as Recurrent Hypersomnia. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical neurosciences.2010;22:247.e5-247.e6
  • Sharma A, Singh SM, Grover S, Malhotra S, Modi M. Non-convulsive status epilepticus presenting as recurrent hypersomnia. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2010; 22: e5-e6.
  • Soumya R, Grover S, Dutt A, Gaur N. Angioedema with risperidone. Gen Hosp Psychiatr. 2010; 32 (646): e1-e3.


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DECADE VI (2011-2020)
  • Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Khehra N, Rajagopal R. Does the experience of electroconvulsive therapy improve awareness and perceptions of treatment among relatives of patients? Journal of ECT. 2011 Mar;27(1):67-72
  • Aggarwal M, Avasthi A, Kumar S, Grover S. Experience of caregiving in schizophrenia: a study from India. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2011; 57: 224-236.
  • 1222. Avasthi A, Grover S, Bhansali A, Das RJ, Gupta N, Sharan P, Sharma S. Erectile dysfunction in diabetes mellitus leads to poor quality of life. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2011; 23: 93-99.
  • Avasthi A. Culture and psychiatry: an Indian perspective. Asian J Psychiatry 2011; 4 (Suppl 1): S5.
  • 1224.Avasthi, A, Grover S, Bhansali A, Dash RJ, Gupta N, Sharan P, Sharma S. Erectile dysfunction in diabetes mellitus contributes to poor quality of life. International Review of Psychiatry. 2011; 23(1): 93-99.
  • Basu D, Gaur N, Das PP, Mattoo SK.. Herbal medicines: a perfect garb for opioid abuse? A case series from India. Am J Addict 2011; 20: 174-175.
  • Basu D, Kumar V. Buprenorphine implants and opioid dependence. JAMA. 2011; 305: 253-254.
  • Bhadada S, Grover S, Kumar S, Bhansali A, Jaggi S. Psychological impact of type-1 diabetes mellitus on parents: an exploratory study from North India. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries. July- September 2011; 31(3):174–179.
  • Chakrabarti S. Family interventions in schizophrenia: Issues of relevance for Asian countries. World J Psychiatry 2011; 1: 4-7.
  • Chakrabarti S. Suicidal behaviour. Assessment of people-at-risk. Natl Med J India 2011; 24: 49.
  • Chakrabarti S. Thyroid functions and bipolar affective disorder. J Thyroid Res 2011; 1-13.
  • Chakraborty K, Grover S. Methylphenidate associated manic symptoms. Indian J Pharmacology. 2011; 43:80-81.
  • Chakraborty K, Neogi R, Basu D. Club drugs: review of the ‘rave’ with a note of concern for the Indian scenario. Indian J Med Res. 2011; 133: 594-604.
  • Chakraborty K, Neogi R, Basu D. Club drugs: review of the ‘rave’ with a note of concern for the Indian scenario. Indian J Med Res. 2011; 133: 594-604.
  • Dan A, Kumar S, Avasthi A, Grover S. A comparative study on quality of life of patients of schizophrenia with and without depression. Psychiatry Res. 2011Sep30; 189(2): 185 -9.
  • Ghormode D, Maheshwari U, Kate N, Grover S. Fahr’s Disease and psychiatric syndromes: a case series. Industrial Psychiatry J. 2011 Jul;20(2): 136-8.
  • Ghosh A, Chakraborty K, Mattoo SK. Newer molecules in the treatment of schizophrenia – a clinical update. Indian J Pharmacol. 2011; 43: 105-112.
  • Grover S, Agarwal M. Long term maintenance lorazepam for catatonia: A case report. Gen Hosp Psychiatr. 2011; 33: 82.e1 – e3.
  • Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Ghormode D, Dutt A, Kate N, Kulhara P. An Indian adaptation of the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire: similarities and differences in assessment of caregiver-burden. East Asian Arch Psychiatry. 2011; 21:142-51.
  • Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Khehra N, Rajagopal R. Does the experience of electroconvulsive therapy improve awareness and perceptions of treatment among relatives of patients? J ECT. 2011; 27: 67 -72.
  • Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Shah R, Kumar V. A factor analytic study of the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 in untreated patients with delirium. J Psychosomatic Res. 2011; 70: 473-478.
  • Grover S, Dutt A. Perceived burden and quality of life of caregivers in obsessive–compulsive disorder. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011; 65:416-422.
  • Grover S, Kumar V, Chakrabarti S. Comparative efficacy study of haloperidol, olanzapine and risperidone in delirium. J Psychosomatic Res. 2011; 71: 277-81.
  • Grover S, Mattoo SK, Gupta N. Usefulness of atypical antipsychotics and cholinesterase inhibitors in delirium: A review. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2011; 44:43
  • Grover S, Mattoo SK, Gupta N. Usefulness of atypical antipsychotics and cholineesterase inhibitors in delirium: A review. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2011: 44: 43-54.
  • Grover S, Nebhinani N, Chakrabarati S, Avasthi A, Kulhara P. Metabolic syndrome among patients receiving clozapine: a preliminary estimate. Indian J Pharmacol. 2011; 43: 591-595.
  • Grover S, Painuly N, Gupta N, Mattoo SK. Anger attacks in bipolar and recurrent depression. Turkish J Psychiatry 2011; 22: 239-244.
  • Grover S, Painuly N, Gupta N, Mattoo SK. Prevalence of anger attacks in depressive and anxiety disorders: implications for their construct. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011; 65: 165-174.
  • Grover S, Shah R. Distress due to delirium experience. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2011; 33: 637-39.
  • Jain G, Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P. Symptoms of delirium: an exploratory factor analytic study among referred patients. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2011; 33: 377 -385.
  • Krishna K, Avasthi A, Grover, S. Prevalence and psychological impact of antidepressant associated sexual dysfunction: A study from North India. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2011; 31: 457-462.
  • Mattoo SK, Chakraborty K, Basu D, Ghosh A, Vijayakumar KG, Kulhara P. Prevalence and correlates of metabolic syndrome in alcohol and opioid dependent inpatients. Indian J Med Res. 2011; 134: 341-348.
  • Mattoo SK, Gaur N and Das PP. Delerium with Zopiclone withdrawal – a case report. Indian Journal of Pharmacology.2011; 43: 729-730.
  • Nebhinani N, Mattoo SK, Wanchu A. Psychiatric morbidity in HIV infected subjects: a study from North India. J Psychosom Res. 2011; 70: 349-354.
  • Nebhinani N, Mattoo SK, Wanchu A. Psychiatric morbidity in HIV infected subjects: A study from North India. J Psychosom Res. 2011; 70: 349-354.
  • Padhy SK, Subodh BN, Bharadwaj R, K. Arun , Kumar S, Srivastava MK. Recurrent catatonia treated with lithium and carbamazepine: a series of 2 cases. Prim Care Companion. CNS Disord. 2011; 13: e1.
  • Painuly N, Grover S, Gupta N, Mattoo SK. Anger Attacks in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Industrial Psychiatry J. 2011 Jul;20(2):115-9.
  • Painuly N, Grover S, Gupta N, Mattoo SK.. Anger attacks in depression, anxiety and stress related disorder. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011; 65: 165-174.
  • Pradhan BK, Chakrabarti S, Irpati AS, Bhardwaj R. Distress due to lithium-induced polyuria: Exploratory study. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011; 65: 386–388.
  • Shah R, Grover S, Krishna K, Singh D. Use of modified electroconvulsive therapy in a case of polymyositis presenting with delusion of nihilism of proxy (Odysseus syndrome). J ECT 2011; 27: e32-e34.
  • Shah R, Kulhara P, Grover S, Kumar S, Malhotra R, Tyagi S. Contribution of spirituality to quality of life in patients with residual schizophrenia. Psychiatry Res. 2011; 190: 200-205.
  • Shah R, Kulhara P, Grover S, Kumar S, Malhotra R, Tyagi S. Relationship between spirituality/ religiousness and coping in patients with residual schizophrenia. Qual Llife Res. 2011; 20: 1053-1060.
  • Subodh BN, Deepak J, Chand PK, Vivek B, Pratima M. Lamotrigine induced manic switch. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2011; 13; e 5.
  • Verma AK, Basu D. Does Yoga therapy actually improve the emotion recognition deficits in schizophrenia? Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2011; 124: 234.
  • Vikas A, Avasthi, A, Sharan P. Psychosocial impact of obsessive compulsive disorder on patients and their caregivers: a comparative study with depressive disorder. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2011; 57: 45-56.
  • Aarya KR, Grover S Sharma A. An association of multiple psychiatric manifestations with CNS lupus and use of steroids: A case report. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S80.
  • Aarya KR, Mattoo SK, Grover S. A study of Phenomenology and etiology of delirium. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S68.
  • Aggarwal M, Aneja J, Grover S. Use of ECT in the presence of Glaucoma: A case report and review of literature. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S82
  • Aggarwal M, Ghai S, Basu D. Attitude of nursing students towards psychoactive substance use: Does training matter? International Journal of Nursing Education 2012 Sept; 5(3)
  • Aggarwal M, Grover S, Basu D. Mobile phone use by resident doctors: tendency to addiction-like behavior. German Journal of Psychiatry 2012; 15(2): 50-55.
  • Aggarwal M, Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Dutt A, Avasthi A, Kulhara P. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in unipolar depression: an exploratory study. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour 2012; 17: 15-24
  • Aggarwal M, Grover S. Evaluation of delirium in elderly: Needs further evaluation. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2012; 12: 171.
  • Avasthi, A; Ghosh, A. Career in academic set up. Indian Journal of Psychiatry: Special Supplement for Young Psychiatrists Forum2012; 7-14.
  • Avasthi, A; Varma, S. Depression in a patient with Cancer: Case Discussion. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour.2012 17(3) ; S 97 – 100
  • Basu D, Aggarwal M, Das PP, Mattoo SK, Kulhara P, Varma VK. Changing pattern of substance abuse in patients attending a de-addiction centre in north India. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2012 Jun; 135(6): 830-836.
  • Bharadwaj V, Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Avasthi A, Kate N. Clinical profile and outcome of bipolar disorder patients receiving electroconvulsive therapy: A study from north India. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: 41-47
  • Chakrabarti S, Berlanga C, Njenga F. Cultural issues in the classification and diagnosis of mood and anxiety disorders. World Psychiatry 2012; 11 (suppl. 1): 26-30
  • Chakrabarti S. Psychotic and catatonic presentations in bipolar and depressive disorders. World Psychiatry 2012; 11 (suppl. 1): 59-64.
  • Chakraborty K, Avasthi A, Kumar S, Grover S. Psychological and clinical correlates of functional somatic complaints in depression. Int J Soc Psychiatry 2012; 58: 87-95.
  • Chauhan N, Chakrabarti S, Grover S. Attitude of patients with bipolar affective disorder towards psychotropic medications: A study from India. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S80.
  • Gaikwad AK, Sharma S, Das K, Basu D. Effect of abdominal compression on blood pressure of patients with postural hypotension receiving antipsychotics/antidepressants. Journal of Nursing Science and Practice 2012; 2(3): 12-19.
  • Ghormode D, Agarwal M, Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Mattoo SK, Avasthi A, Sharma A. Prevalence and phenomenology of catatonia in psychiatric inpatients. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S93.
  • Ghormode D, Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Dutt A, Kate N, Kulhara P. Clinicians’ versus caregivers’ rating of burden in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2012; 28: A9-A10
  • Ghormode D, Grover S, Maheswari U, Kate N. Basal Ganglia Calcification and psychiatric syndromes: a case series. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S489Aggarwal M, Banerjee A, Singh SM, Mattoo SK, Basu D. Substance-induced psychotic disorders: 13-year data from a de-addiction centre and their clinical implications. Asian J Psychiatry. 2012Sep; 5(3): 220-4.
  • Ghosh A, Grover S. Behavioural addiction: an overview. Indian Journal of Private Psychiatry 2012; Special Suppl: 74-84.
  • Grover S, Aggarwal M, Chakrabarti S, Dutt A, Avasthi A, Kulhara P, Malhotra N, Somaiya M, Chauhan N. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in bipolar disorder: an exploratory study from North India, Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatr 2012; 36: 141-146.
  • Grover S, Aggarwal M, Dutt A, Chakrabarti S, Avasthi A, Kulhara P, Somaiya M, Malhotra N, Chauhan N. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Schizophrenia: a study from North India. Psychiatry Res 2012; 200: 1035-1037.
  • Grover S, Aggarwal M, Hegde A, Malhotra N, Somaiya M, Ghormode D. ECT in presence of Atrial Septal Defect: A Case report. J ECT 2012Jun; 28: e19-20.
  • Grover S, Chakrabarti S. Controlled trials in delirium. J Psychosomatic Res 2012; 72: 86.
  • Grover S, Kate N, Agarwal M, Mattoo SK, Avasthi A, Malhotra S, Kulhara P, Chakrabarti S, Basu D. Delirium in elderly: a study from a psychiatric liaison service in North India. Int Psychogeriatr. 2012; 24: 117-127.
  • Grover S, Madan R. Successful use of quetiapine in two consecutive pregnancies. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2012; 24: E38.
  • Grover S, Pokhrel P, Kate N. Relapse of Tourette Syndrome with Clozapine in a Patient of Paranoid Schizophrenia Journal of Clinical Case reports 2012:2:e112
  • Gupta S, Mattoo SK. Personality disorders: Prevalence and demography at a psychiatric outpatient in India. Int J Soc Psychiatry 2012; 58: 146-152.
  • Hegde A, Aggarwal M, Grover S. Olanzapine associated leucopenia and thrombocytopenia managed with lithium in a patient who had developed leucopenia with clozapine in the past: a case report. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S81.
  • Kate N, Grover S, Ghormode D. Clozapine associated thrombocytopenia. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S82.
  • Kate N, Grover S, Kulhara P, Nehra R. Relationship of caregiver burden with coping strategies, social support, psychological morbidity and quality of life in the caregivers of schizophrenia. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2012;28: A8
  • Kate N, Grover S, Kulhara P, Nehra R. Relationship of quality of life with coping skills in primary caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S109.
  • Kate N, Grover S, Kulhara P, Nehra R. Scale for Positive Aspects of Caregiving Experience: development, reliability and factor structure. East Asian Archives Psychiatry 2012; 22:62-69.
  • Kate N, Grover S, Kulhara P, Nehra R.Scale for Positive Aspects of Caregiving Experience (SPACE): development, reliability and factor structure, East Asian Archives of Psychiatry.2012 ; 22(2), 62-69.
  • Kate N, Grover S, Kulhara P. Aetiological Models and help seeking behaviour in patients with bipolar disorder. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2012;28: A53.
  • Kulhara P., Kate N., Grover S., Nehra, R. Positive aspects of caregiving in schizophrenia: A review .World Journal of Psychiatry.2012; 2: 43-48
  • Maheswari U, Avasthi A, Grover S. Risk factors for suicidal ideations in bipolar depression. Asian J Psychiatry 2012; 5: 116-117.
  • Malhotra N, Aggarwal M, Vijay KG, Grover S. Use of ECT in a patient with organic catatonia. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2012; 54: S83.
  • Malhotra S, Padhy SK Consultation-liaison psychiatry: conceptual issues. Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour; Supplement 2012; 13(3) S4-13.
  • Mattoo SK and Sarkar S. Validation of Hindi version of perceived stigma of substance abuse scale. Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry 2012; 28: 117-120.
  • Mattoo SK, Grover S, Chakravarty K, Trzepacz P, Meagher D, Gupta N . Symptom profile and etiology of delirium in a referral population in Northern India: factor analysis of the DRS-R98. Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences 2012; 24: 95-101.
  • Mattoo SK, Grover S, Chakravarty K, Trzepacz P, Meagher DJ, Gupta N. Symptom profile and etiology of delirium in a referral population in Northern India: Factor analysis of the DRS-R98. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2012; 24: 95-101.
  • Mattoo SK, Kate N, Verma A (2012). Refractory delirium tremens: A case report and a brief review. Innovations in Clinical Neurosciences 2012; 9: 19-22.
  • Mattoo SK, Nebhinani N, Modi M. Parkinson disease with paranoid schizophrenia: A difficult to manage case. Journal of Mental Health & Human Behavior 2012; 17: 129-133.
  • Mattoo SK, Parakh P. Mephentermine Dependence: An Emerging challenge. Case Report. CNS Neurosciences & Therapeutics 2012; 18: 509-510.
  • Narang T, Kanwar AJ, Kumaran MS, Singh SM. “Munchausen by proxy in a family.” Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology 2012 Nov -Dec; 78(6): 748-50.
  • Narang T, Singh SM; Kavita. Delusional infestation with fungus. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology. 2012; Sept-Oct78(5):645-6.
  • Nebhinani N, Grover S, Avasthi A. Sexual dysfunction in male subjects receiving trifluoperazine, risperidone & olanzapine: does the rate of sexual dysfunction vary with assessment questionnaire? Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders 2012; 14:e1-e7.
  • Nebhinani N, Grover S, Chakrabarti S, Mattoo SK, Avasthi A, Basu D. Indian J Psychiatry 2012; 54: S39.
  • Nebhinani N, Grover S. Clozapine v. chlorpromazine in treatment-naive first-episode schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry 2012; 200: 165.
  • Nebhinani N, Mattoo SK, Wanchu A. HIV stigma in north India: a preliminary report. Indian J Psychological Medicine 2012; 34: 330-337.
  • Nebhinani N, Sarkar S, Ghai S, Basu D. Reasons for help-seeking and associated fears in subjects with substance dependence. Indian J Psychological Medicine 2012; 34: 153–158.
  • Nebhinani N, Singh SM. Tramadol dependence: A case series from India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine; 2012.
  • Nehra R, Kate N, Grover S, Khehra N, Basu D. Does the excessive use of mobile phones in young adults reflect an emerging behavioral addiction? Journal of Postgraduate Medicine Education and Research 2012; 46: 177-182.
  • Nehra, R., Grover, S., Kate, N., Khehra, N., Basu, N. Does the excessive use of mobile phones In young adults reflect an emerging behavioural addiction?2012
  • Patra BN, Subodh BN. Family psychoeducation for major depression: randomised controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry 2012; 200: 82.
  • Rajagopal R, Chakrabarti S, Grover S, Khehra N. Knowledge, experience and attitudes concerning electroconvulsive therapy among patients and their relatives. Indian J Med Res 2012; 135: 201- 210.
  • Sahoo MK, Chakrabarti S, Kulhara P. Detection of prodomal symptoms of relapse in mania and unipolar depression by relatives and patients. Indian Journal of Medical Research 2012; 135: 177 – 83.
  • Sarkar S, Katana S, Mattoo SK .Managing dual diagnosis patients with psychosis and substance use disorders. Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour.2012; 17: 25–38.
  • Sarkar S, Kate N, Grover S. Consultation Liaison Psychiatry: Psychopharmacology do’s and Don’t. J Journal of Mental Health & Human Behaviour 2012; 17 (Suppl): S72-81.
  • Sarkar S, Nebhinani N, Singh S, Mattoo S, Basu D. Tramadol dependence: A case series from India. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine 2012 Jul-Sep; 34(3): 283-285.
  • Sharma A, Malhotra S, Grover S, Jindal SK. Incidence, prevalence, risk factor and outcome of delirium in intensive care unit: a study from India. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2012 Nov-Dec; 34(6): 639- 46.
  • Grover S, Nebhinani N, Chakrabarti S, Avasthi A, Kulhara P, Basu D, Mattoo SK, Malhotra S. Comparative Study of Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia from North India. Nord J Psychiatry. 2013 Jan 7
  • Hegde A, Chakrabarti S, Grover S. Validation of the Hindi version of the Duke-UNC Functional Social Support Questionnaire. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2013; 55 (Suppl): S 89.
  • Avasthi A, Ghosh A, Sarkar S, Grover S. Ethics in medical research- general principles and special reference to psychiatry research. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2013; 55:86-91.
  • Avasthi A, Kate N, Grover S. Indianization of Psychiatry utilizing Indian Mental concepts. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2013; 55:136-144.
  • Basu D, Kumar V, Sharma AK, Barnwal P, Mattoo SK. Seroprevalence of anti-Hepatitis C Virus (anti-HCV) antibody and HCV-related risk in injecting drug users in northern India: comparison with non-injecting drug users. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2013; 6: 52-55.
  • Grover S, Avasthi A, Kalita K, Dalal PK, Rao GP, Chadda RK, Lakdawala B, Bang G, Chakraborty K, Kumar S, Singh PK, Kathuria P, Thiruvukkunarasu M, Sharma PSVN, Shah N, Deka K. IPS Multicentric study: Functional Somatic symptoms in Depression. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2013;55:41-45.
  • Kaur J, Sharma S, Avasthi A. Development of Checklist on nursing management of patients undergoing Electro Convulsive Therapy. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal.
  • Kumar V, Mattoo SK, and Handa S. Psychiatric morbidity in pemphigus and psoriasis: A comparative study from India. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2013; 6: 151-156.
  • Malhotra S, Biswas PS, Singh J. “Early Onset Bipolar Affective Disorder and ADHD- A Diagnostic Dilemma”, Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
  • Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S, Shah R. Telepsychiatry: Promise, Potential and Challenges”, Indian Journal of Psychaitry 2013; 55: pp 3-11.
  • Nebhinani N, Aggarwal M, Basu D. Carisoprodol: an under recognized drug of abuse in north India. General Hospital Psychiatry 2013; 35: 89-92.
  • Rajlakshmi AK, Mattoo SK, Grover S. Relationship between cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms of delirium. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2013; 6: 106-112.
  • Shah R, Chakrabarti S. Neuropsychiatric manifestations and treatment of disseminated neurocysticercosis: a compilation of three cases. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2013; published online 01 March 2013.
  • Shah R, Mattoo SK, Krishna K. Dementia masquerading as mania – when should it be suspected? African Journal of Psychiatry 2013; 16: 53-54.

BOOK CHAPTERS (1963- 2013)

DECADE I (1963-1970)
  • Wig NN. Psychology of Drug Addiction. In: Some Aspects of Toxicology (Ed.) Ranjit Roy Chaudhury 1969, 81-87.
DECADE II (1971-1980)
  • Siddiqui RS, Pershad D. A Review of Psychometric Assessment of Cognitive Deficit in India. In a Handbook of PGI Battery of Brain Dysfunction (PGI BBD). (Eds. Pershad D, Verma SK). Pub. At Agra by National Psychological Corporation 1979, 159-172.
  • Carstairs GM. Depression as a Breakdown of Coping Behaviour. Depresive Illness: Rao AV, Devi SP. (Eds.) 1980, 213-221.
  • Naik U, Wig NN. A Study of Depressive Disorders in a General Hospital Outpatient Service. Depressive Illness (Eds. A Venkoba Rao and S Parvati Devi, Madurai) 1980, Chap. 13: pp. 163-168.
  • Varma VK, Singh A, Malhotra S, Malhotra A. Extent and Pattern of Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Problems in North India. In: Current research in Drug Abuse in India. D. Mohan, H.S. Sethi, and E. Tongue (eds.) Second National Research Conf. On Drug Abuse. New Delhi 1980, Chap 21, 185-197.
  • Wig NN, Ghosh A. Psychosomatic Problems Related to Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In Postgraduate Obstetrics and Gynaecology, M.K. Krishna Menon, P.K. Devi and K. Bhaskar Rao (eds..) 1980, 41: 408-417.
  • Wig NN. Depressive Illness in North India: A Review of Studies at PGIMER, Chandigarh, India. Depressive Illness by A.V. Rao and S.P. Devi (Eds.) 1980, Madurai, 32-35.
DECADE III (1981-1990)
  • Murthy RS, Wig NN. Community Psychiatry in India: Organization, Service and Training. Readings in Transcultural Psychiatry) Eds. Arikiev and A. Venkoba (Rao) Higginbothams Ltd. Madras, 1982 pp. 85-99.
  • Varma VK. Towards A Theory of Cultural Defenses. In Readings in Trancultural Psychiatry (Eds. A Kiev and A.V. Rao) Higginbothams Ltd. London 1982, pp. 31-46.
  • Dubey BL, Pershad D, Verma SK. Current Status of Rorschach Testing, 1982, Chap. 5, pp, 50-60.
  • Pershad D, Verma SK. Status of Memory Scales. In. Trends and Status of Psychological and Educational Testing in India. (Ed. S.P. Kulshreshtha) 1984, Chap. 7: 66-73.
  • Verma VK. Alcohol Policy in India. In Miller, P.M. and Nirenberg. T.d. (eds) 1984, Prevention of alcohol abuses. 1984, 185-197.
  • Verma SK, Pershad D. Psychometric Assessment in India. An Overview of the Literature in the Last Decade with Particular Emphasis on Cultural and Methodological issues. In. Trends and Status of Psychological Testing in India. (S.P. Kulshreshtha. Ed.) 1984, Chap. 1, pp 1-25.
  • Varma VK. The Management of Alcohol Related Problems in General Practice in India (Chandigarh). In Management of Alcohol Related Problmes in General Practice. 1984, WHO, Geneva. Pp 79-85.
  • Verma SK, Pershad D. Status of Testing Mental Health. In Trends and status of Psychological and Educational Testing in India. (Ed S.P. Kulshreshtha) 1984, Chap 6, 61-65.
  • Varma V.K. Psychosocial and Cultural Variables Relevant to Psychotherpay in the Developing Countries. In: Pichot P., Berner P., Wolf R. and Thau K. Psychiatry: The State of the Art. Vol. 4, Psychotherapy, 1986, pp
  • Verma SK. Indentifying Indicators of Quality of Family Life as Assessed by Satisfying and Satisfactory Conditions in the Families with Mentally Retarded Children. In. Bhatia. P.C. (Ed): Quality of Life, 1986: 5-11.
  • Verma S.K. Uses and Misuses of Statistics in Indian Psychiatric Research Observations Based on Papers Published in Indian Journal of Psychiatry.In: Shrivastava R., Verma B.L. and Shukla G.D. editors. Principles and Practice of Statistics in Medicine. 1987, 12; 88-93.
  • Pershad D. Intelligence, Aptitude and Achievement. In Concept and Assessment of Intelligence (Indian Perspective). (eds. Pershad D, Verma SK), Agra: National Psychological Corporation: 1988, 56-57.
  • Pershad D, Verma SK. Translation and Adaptation of WAIS-R Verbal Scale in Hindi. In Concept and Assessment of Intelligence (Indian Perspective). (eds. Pershad D, Verma SK), Agra: National Psychological Corporation: 1988, 71-89.
  • Pershad D. The Concept and Assessment of Intelligence in the Historical Perspective. In Concept and Assessment of Intelligence (Indian Perspective). (eds. Pershad D, Verma SK), Agra: National Psychological Corporation: 1988, 48-51.
  • Verma SK. Mental Illness and Treatment. In Psychology in India: The State of the Art. Vol. 3, Janak Pandey, 1988, pp. 289-337.
  • Verma SK, Pershad D, Shukla TR, Ojha KN, Khorana S, Misra MN, Gupta LN, Singh TB. Standardization of Hindi WAIS-R Verbal. In Concept and Assessment of Intelligence. Indian Perspective. (eds. Pershad D, Verma SK), Agra: National Psychological Corporation, 1988, 90-120.
  • Malhotra S. Varying Risk and Outcomes: An Indian Perspective. In. Clinical an Educatinal Application of Temperament Research (Ed. W.B. Carey in S.c. McDevitt) 1989, Chapter 7, pp. 91-95.
  • Pershad D. Management of Tension in Hospitalised Patients.(Eds. Goel S and Kumar R). In Hospital Administration and Management. New Delhi: Deep and Deep. Pub., 1990, 2, 207-210.
  • Varma VK. The Psychiatric and Social issues in the Third World. In. C.N. Stefanis et al (Eds.) Psychiatry: A World Perspective 1990, 54-60.
  • Varma VK, Avasthi A. Sexual Myths and Attitudes in India. In Stefanis C.N. et al (Eds.): Psychiatry: A World Perspective 1990, 227-233.
DECADE IV (1991-2000)
  • Jatana A, Verma A, Verma SK. Some Experience with a Rapid Test of Mental Functions in the Elderly. In Quality Ageing (Collected papers. Ed. Indira Jai Parkash) 1991, pp 179-185.
  • Malhotra S. Temperamental Differences in Children: An Overview. In Child Mental Health in India (Eds. Malhotra S., Malhotra. A. and Varma V.K.), Delhi, Macmillan India Ltd. 1992, 189-201.
  • Malhotra S. Child Mental Health in India: Needs and Priorities. In Child Mental Health in India (Eds. Malhotra S., Malhotra A. and Varma V.K.), Delhi, Macmillan India Ltd., 1992, 1-14.
  • Pershad D, Kohli A. Child Development- Issues from An Indian Perspective. Ind Child Mental Health in India (Eds. Malhotra S., Vrma V.K. and Malhtora A.) Delhi, Macmillan India Ltd, 1992, 202- 211.
  • Sitholey P, Chakrabarti S. Child Psychiatric Research in India. Epidemiology Assessment and Temperament. In Child Mental Health in India. (Edu. Malhtora S., Malhotra A. and Varma V.K.) Delhi: Macmillan India. Ltd. 1992, 42-65.
  • Verma SK. Measurement in Psychiatry. Postgraduate Psychiatry, 1992, Chapter. 24, 353-367.
  • Varma VK. Transcultural Psychiatry. Postgraduate Psychiatry 1992, Chap. 45, 611-635.
  • Varma VK. Child Psychiatry as an Academic Super-specialty in India. Relevance and Feasibility. In Child Mental Health in India (Eds. Malhtora S., Malhotra A and Varma V.K.) Delhi, Macmillan India Ltd. 1992, 15-26.
  • Malhotra S. Temperament of children: relationship with development and psychopathology. In: Child Mental Health: Proceeding of the Indo-US Symposium. Eds. Malavika Kapur, Sheppard Kellam, Ralph Tarter, Renate Wilson Pub. NIMHANS, Bangalore, 1993.
  • Kulhara P. Phenomenology and Diagnostic Criteria: A Perspective on Schizophrenia from Developing Countries: In: Decade of the Brain: (ed. Stephen H. Koslow, R. Srinivasa Murthy and George V. Coelho). India/ USA Research in Mental Health and Neurosciences pp 109-118. 1995.
  • Varma VK. Psychotherapy, Yoga and Medication. In: Decade of the Brain: India/USA Research in Mental Health and Neurosciences. (eds. Stephen H. Koslow R, Srinivasa Murthy, George V Coelho). National Institute of Mental Health, Rockville, MD, 1995, pp. 213-218.
  • Varma VK. Third World Perspectives on Social Psychiatry. In: Past, Present and Future of Psychiatry, World Congress of Psychiatry. (eds. A. Beigel, J.J. Lopez Ibor, Jr., and JA Costa a Silva). World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 1994, pp. 1375-1382.
  • Varma VK, Chakraborty S. Social Correlates and Cultrual Dynamics of Mental Illness in Traditional Society: India. In: Handbook of Culture and Mental Illness: An International Perspective. (Ed. I Al Issa) International Universities Press, Madison, CT, pp. 115-127. 14).
  • Verma SK. Assessment. In: Comprehensive Textbook of Child and Adolescent. Eds. M.S. Bhatia and N.K. Dhar) 1996, 2. 10-2.19.
  • Malhotra A, Basu D. Cannabis use and performance. In, Cannabis: Health Damage? Legislative Options (eds., Mohan D, Pal H). New Delhi: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 1997, pp. 98-109.
  • Malhotra S. Role of family in Child Psychiatric Emergencies. In Child Psychiatric Emergencies. Ed. E. Caffo, 1997, Pp 95-102.
  • Avasthi A, Pershad D, Jain A, Nehra R. A psychosocial study of treatment adherence in psychiatric patients. In: Social Psychiatry-A Global perspective. (Eds.) Verma, VK, Kulhara P, Masserman CM, Malhotra A, Malik SC. New Delhi: Macmillan India Limited, 1998, pp. 197-202.
  • Chakrabarti S. Biology of ADHD. In Research Endeavours in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry in India. Hedge R, Malhotra S, Shah LP. Goa, Hegde R. (eds.), 1999, pp. 150 –168.
  • Malhotra A. Typical Case of Opium Dependence. South Asia Drug Demand Reduction Report. UNDCP Regional Office for South East Asia, New Delhi, 1998.
  • Malhotra S. Challenges for providing mental health services for children and adolescents in India. In Designing Mental health Services and Systems for children and adolescents: A shrewd investment. Eds. J.Gerald. Young, P. Ferrari. Pub. Brunner/ Mazel USA, 1998, pp 321-334.
  • Malhotra S. Challenges in Providing Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents in India. In Designing Mental Health Services and Systems for Children andAdolescents: A Shrewd investment. ) eds. J.G. Young and P. Ferran), Bruner Mazel, P.A., U.S.A, 1998, pp-321-324.
  • Malhotra S. Child Mental Health: Perspectives from the Developing Work. In Social Psychiatry: A Global Perspective eds V.K. Varma. P. Kulhara, C. McGuire Masseman. A Malhotra ands.C. Malik), New Delhi, MacMillan India. Ltd, 1998, pp 71-80.
  • Varma VK, Malhotra A, Basu D, Sethi S. Alcohol Abuse in the Community: Screening by CAGE and MAST. In Social Psychiatry: A Global Perspective (eds. V.K. Vema, P. Kulhara, C.McGuire Masserman, A. Malhotra, S.C. Malik), New Delhi, MacMillan India Ltd, 1998, pp 94-102.
  • Avasthi A, Khurana H. Family and Marital Therapy. In: Textbook of Postgraduate Psychiatry. Vol 2, (eds JN Vyas and N. Ahuja), 1999, 842-854.
  • Avasthi A, Suribatla S. Group Psychotherapy. In: Textbook of Postgraduate Psychiatry. Vol 2, (eds. JNVyas and N. Ahuja), 1999, 833-841.
  • Gupta N, Singh G. A Clinical Study of Affective Disorders in Children in India. In: Research Endeavours in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in India. (Eds. R. Hedge, S. Malhotra, L.P.Shah) 1999: 86-98.
  • Sharan P, Bhargava R. Psychological Trauma in Childhood: Psychology. In: Research Endeavours in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in India. (Eds. R. Hedge. S. Malhotra, L.P. Shah) 1999: 117-130.
  • Sharan P, Ramana L, Mehta M. Child Psychiatry. In Indian Academy of Pedaitrics: Textbook of Pediatrics (eds. A Parthasarathy. P.S.N. Menon and M.K.C. Nair), New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers, 1999, pp 718-731.
  • Avasthi A, Nehra R. Sexual Disorders: In: Mental Health in India (1950-2000). Essays in Honour of Professor Wig. (ed R. Srinivasa Murthy), 2000, 42-53.
  • Kulhara P. Course and outcome of schizophrenia in India: In: Mental Health in India 1959-2000: Essays in honour of Professor N. N. Wig (Ed. R. Srinivasa Murthy). People’s Action for Mental Health, Bangalore, India. 2000.
  • Malhotra A, Basu D. Psychosocial Treatment in Substance Use Disorder. A Manual for Physicians, (ed. Ray R.), 2000, 125-138.
  • Malhotra S, Malhotra S. Acute and Transient Psychosis in Mental Health in India (1950-2000). Essays in Honour of Professor Wig. (ed. Srinivasa Murthy R.) 2000, 17-41.
  • Nehra R. The administration. In A Practical Manual for the Rorschach test (Eds. D. Pershad, S. Paresh) 2000, 37-48.
DECADE V (2001-2010)
  • Gupta N, Singh GD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders: In Recent Adances in Pediatrics, (ed. S. Gupta) 2001, 486-505.
  • Sharan P., Ramana A.L, Mehta M. Child Psychiatry. In Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) Textbook of Pediatrics, 2nd Edition, (ed. A. Parthasarthy) 2002, 796-809.
  • Avasthi A, Singh G. Review of Psychopharmacological Studies and Research. In Indian Postgraduate Psychiatry by Ten Teachers. (ed. J.N. Vyas & S.S. Nathawal) 2003, 448-469.
  • Malhotra S. Sociocultural Diversity and Ethnocentrism in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. In Brain Culture andDevelopment (eds.J.G Young. P.Ferrai. S.Malhotra, S. Tyano, E.) Caffo 2003, 3-13.
  • Malhotra S. Protecting Adolescents from High Risk Situation: Alcohol Drugs, STI/HIV/AIDS“In Adolescence and Life Skills” Ed Dr. Bhagbanprakash. Pub. Tata McGraw-Hill New Delhi, 2003, 227-242.
  • Kulhara P, Gupta, N. Mental Health Related Research: the need for new directions. In: Mental Health: An Indian perspective, 1946-2003. (Ed: S.P Agarwal) Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi, Published by Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India Private Limited, New Delhi India, 2004, Pp. 189-192.
  • Kulhara P, Chakrabarti S. Postgraduate psychiatric training in India. In Mental Health. An Indian perspective, 1946-2003. Agarwal SP, Goel DS, Ichhpujani RL, Salhan RN, Shrivastava S. (eds.), New Delhi, Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd., 2004, pp. 215-217.
  • Nehra RGill S. Parental training in childhood psychiatric disorders. Essentials of Postgraduate Psychiatry. (Vyas JN, Nathawat SS, Gada M, and Razdan VK. Ed.) Paras Medical Publishers, 2004; 1316 – 1319.
  • Malhotra S. Child and adolescent psychiatry in India: slow beginning and rapid growth. In Mental Health: An Indian perspective. 1946-2003. (Agarwal SP ed.), Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004; 227-232.
  • Malhotra A, Chetna B. Psychosocial Interventions in Tobacco Cessation. In Tobacco Control in India. (Srinath-Reddy K, Gupta PC eds.), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. New Delhi, 2004; 317-319.
  • Origins and growth of General Hospital Psychiatry. In: Mental Health – an Indian perspective, 1946-2003 (ed: SP Agarwal), Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India. Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India Pvt. Limited, New Delhi, 2004, pp101-107.
  • Avasthi A, Grover S, Malhotra S, Bhugra D. Acute and Transient Psychosis. In: Handbook of Psychiatry – a south asian perspective (eds: Dinesh Bhugra, Gopinath Ranjith, Vikram Patel), Byword Viva Publishers Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi, 2005; pp 195-207.
  • Avasthi A, Khurana H: Schizoaffectve disorders. In Handbook of Psychiatry. A South Asian Perspective. (Bhugra D, Ranjith G, Patel V eds.), Byword Viva Publishers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2005; 208-220.
  • Avasthi A, Jhirwal OP. Dhat syndrome – a culture bound sex neurosis of Indian subcontinent. In Sexually Transmitted Infections (B. Kumar and S. Gupta eds.). Elsevier, New Delhi, 2005; 955-958.
  • Basu D, Grover S. Alcohol dependence syndrome: management of complicated withdrawal state. In, Case book Substance Use disorders: A Physicians Manual (supplementary to the training manual for physicians); (Eds) Dr Hem Raj Pal. Published by National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2005.
  • Changulani M, Malhotra S, Chakrabarti S. Externalizing and Internalizing Disorders: Validation of a Broad Classificatory Approach. In: Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Need and Strategies for Intervention. Editor in Chief S. Malhotra, Pub. CBS Publications, New Delhi, 2005, pp 17-36.
  • Contributing Editor, Essentials of Postgraduate Psychiatry, Paras Medical Publishers, Hyderabad (2005)
  • Dysthymia: Concept and management. In: Essentials of Post Graduate Psychiatry (ed. JN Vyas, SS Nathawat, Manilal Gada, VK Razdan) pp 626-633, Paras Medical Publishers, Hyderabad (2005).
  • Group Psychotherapy (ed. JN Vyas, SS Nathawat, Manilal Gada) pp 1420-1429, Paras Medical Publishers, Hyderabad (2005).
  • Kulhara P, Basu D. Prevention of substance abuse in India. In, Substance Use Disorder: Manual for Physicians (ed. Lal R). New Delhi: National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 2005, Chapter 14, pp. 138-145.
  • Kulhara P, Basu D. Research design. In, Handbook of Psychiatry for South Asia (eds., Bhugra D, Gopinath R, Patel V). New Delhi: Byword Viva Publishers, 2005, Chapter 6, pp. 69-85.
  • Kulhara P, Chakrabarti S. Schizophrenia and delusional disorders. In Handbook of Psychiatry. A South Asian Perspective. (Bhugra D, Ranjith G, Patel V Eds.) Byword Viva Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2005; 164-194.
  • Kulhara, P. and Basu, D. Prevention of substance abuse in India. In: Substance Use Disorder: Manual for Physicians (Ed. Lal, R.), National Drug Dependence and Treatment Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2005, Pp 138-147.
  • Kumar S, Misra AK, Kulhara P, Saluja BS, Kaur M, Biswas P. An Examination of Impact of Yoga on Short-Term Outcome of Addictive Behaviors. In: Psychotherapy, Yoga and Spirituality (Ed: Shankar, G.), Jagadamba Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2005, Pp. 159-160.
  • Malhotra A, Grover S. Cognitive therapy in substance abuse in mental disorders in children and adolescents. In Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Needs and Strategies for Intervention. (Malhotra S, Sharan P, Gupta N, Malhotra A, Gill S. eds.), CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2005; 177-194.
  • Malhotra A, Kumar S, Basu D. Cognitive therapy. In, Handbook of Psychiatry for South Asia (eds., Bhugra D, Gopinath R, Patel V). New Delhi: Byword Viva Publishers, 2005, Chapter 28, pp. 485-493.
  • Malhotra A, Sahoo M, Rana DS. Hypnosis, biofeedback and other relaxation techniques applicable to adolescents and adults In Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Needs and Strategies for Intervention. (Malhotra S, Sharan P, Gupta N, Malhotra A, Gill S. eds.), CBS Publishers and Distributors., Delhi, 2005; 195-207.
  • Malhotra S, Gupta N. Sexual Abuse in Children. In Sexually Transmitted Infections. Eds Bhushan Kumar, Soomesh Gupta. Elsevier Publications. New Delhi, 2005, P 959-965.
  • Malhotra S, Malhotra A, Bhagirath C. Preventive intervention for tobacco use among adolescents. In Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Needs and Strategies for Intervention. (Malhotra S, Sharan P, Gupta N, Malhotra A, Gill S. eds.), CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 2005; 268-274.
  • Malhotra S, Malhotra S, Bhugra D. Psychiatry in children and adolescents. In Handbook of Psychiatry. A South Asian Perspective. (Bhugra D, Ranjith G, Patel V eds.), Byword Viva Publishers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2005; 343-372.
  • Malhotra S, Saluja BS. Somatoform disorders. In Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Needs and Strategies for Intervention (Malhotra S, Sharan P, Gupta N, Malhotra A, Gill S. eds.), CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 2005; 70-81.
  • Malhotra, S, Kohli, A. School mental health programme: Chandigarh experience. In Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Needs and Strategies for Intervention. (Malhotra S, Sharan P, Gupta N, Malhotra A, Gill S. eds.), CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 2005; 245-267.
  • Malhotra S. Mental health in childhood and adolescence: global agenda. In: Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Needs and Strategies for Intervention. (Malhotra S, Sharan P, Gupta N, Malhotra A, Gill S. eds.), CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 2005; 3-14.
  • Malhotra S, Gupta N. Childhood sexual abuse. In: Comprehensive Textbook of Sexual medicine. (Kar N, Kar, GC eds.), Pub Jay Pee Brothers, New Delhi, 2005; 335-351.
  • Psychopharmacological studies and research in India (ed. JN Vyas, SS Nathawat, Manilal Gada) pp 1217-1234, Paras Medical Publishers, Hyderabad (2005).
  • Sharan P, Kulhara P. Personality disorders. In Handbook of Psychiatry. A South Asian Perspective. (Bhugra D, Ranjith G, Patel V eds.), Byword Viva Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005; 297-322.
  • Sharan P, Saxena S, Belfer M. Mental health services for children and adolescents in low- and middle-income countries. Mental disorders in Children and Adolescents: Needs and Services (Malhotra S, Sharan P, Gupta N, Malhotra A, Gill S.), National Book Trust, New Delhi, 2005; 283-297.
  • Varma VK, Malhotra S. Determinants of Outcome of Severe Mental Disorders (DOSMeD): Chandigarh, India. In: Recovery from Schizophrenia: An International Perspective. A Report from the WHO Collaborative Project. The International Study of Schizophrenia. Hopper K, Harrison G, Janca A, Sartorius N (eds), Oxford University Press, 2007; 113-128.
  • Avasthi A, Grover S. Dhat Syndrome: A sexual disorder of Indian Sub continent. In: Culture and Mental Health. Kala AK, Kala R, Singh DJ (eds), Pradipika Publishers, Ludhiana 2008, 104-111.
  • Chakrabarti S, Singh, SM: Effective models of community care. In: Culture and Mental Health. Kala AK, Kala R, Singh DJ (eds), Pradipka Publishers, Ludhiana, 2008;175- 179.
  • Grover S: Research on acute and transient psychosis. In: Culture and Mental Health. Kala AK, Kala R, Singh DJ (eds), Pradipka Publishers, Ludhiana, 2008; 60-73.
  • Kulhara P. Phenomenology, course and outcome of schizophrenia. In Culture and Mental Health (Eds. Kala, A. K., Kala, R. and Singh, D. J.) Pradipika Publishers, Ludhiana, 2008, Pp 170-174.
  • Kulhara P, Grover S. Classification and phenomenology of schizophrenia. In Culture, Personality and Mental Illness: A Perspective of Traditional Societies (Eds: Varma, V.K., Kala, A.K. and Gupta, N.) Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2008, Pp. 238-257.
  • Kumar S: Rehabilitation of patients with severe mental illness- a global scene. In Culture and Mental Health. Kala AK, Kala R, Singh DJ (eds), Pradipika Publishers, Ludhiana, 2008; 122-129.
  • Mattoo S, Singh SM. Mental health problems of women: non pharmacological interventions. In: Singh A, Dhaliwal LK, Walia I, ed. Demedicalising women’s health. New Delhi: Gyan Publishers; 2008.
  • Malhotra S, Banerjee A. Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in India Part I: Psychiatric Disorders. In Culture, Personality and Mental Illness: A Perspective Of Traditional Societies”, Pub: Jaypee Brothers, Eds: VK Varma, AK Kala, Nitin Gupta, 2009, 298-322
  • Malhotra S, Banerjee A. Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in India Part II: Assessment, Intervention and Services. In Culture, Personality And Mental Illness: A Perspective Of Traditional Societies”, Pub: Jaypee Brothers 2009. Eds: VK Varma, AK Kala, Nitin Gupta. 323-341
  • Malhotra S, Malhotra S. Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorders: Re-examination of the Concept. In “Culture, Personality And Mental Illness: A Perspective Of Traditional Societies”, Pub: Jaypee Brothers, Eds: VK Varma, AK Kala, Nitin Gupta, 2009, 287-297
  • Malhotra S, Banerjee A. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the text Book of South Asian Psychiatry. Eds Bhugra D, 2009.
  • Mattoo SK, Singh SM. Mental health problems of women: nonpharmacological interventions. In Demedicalizing Women’s Health (Eds. Singh A, Dhaliwal LK, and Walia I), Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi, 2009; Vol 2, pp 367-386.
  • Grover S. Suicide in war veterans. In: Sher L, Vilens A (editors). War and suicide. Hauppauge NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2010; 235- 47.
  • Malhotra S, Shah R. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in India: In: book by the Directorate General Health Services, Govt of India, 2010.
  • Nehra, R. Post-departmental research on Dysfunction Analysis Questionnaire. In : Pershad D, Verma SK, Malhotra A, Malhotra S, editors. Measurement of Dysfunctional Analysis Questionnaire,Agra, National Psychological Corporation 2010, p. 42-46.


  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Verma SK. Outcome of Schizophrenia. In Schizophrenia: the Indian Scene. Searle India Limited, MumbaI, 1997.
  • Malhotra S. World Health Organization and Schizophrenia Research with particular reference to India and developing world. In Schizophrenia: the Indian Scene. Eds P. Kulhara, A. Avasthi, S.K. Verma. Printed by Searle (India) Ltd. Mumbai, India, 1997, pp 98-113.
  • Depression in Schizophrenia: The Indian Scene. In: Schizophrenia – The Indian Scene. (eds. P. Kulhara, A. Avasthi, S.K. Verma), Searle (India) Ltd. Mumbai, India (1997), pp 85-97.
  • Chakrabarti S. Sociocultural issues in Affective Disorders. In Affective Disorders: The Indian Scene, (Eds. P. Kulhara, a. Avasthi, P. Sharan), 2000, 53-77.
  • Mattoo S.K., Ramana A.L. Comorbidity of Substance Abuse and Affective Disorders. In Affective Disorders: The Indian Scene, (eds P. Kulhara, A. Avasthi, P. Sharan). 2000, 84-97.
  • Depression in Schizophrenia. In: Schizophrenia – The Indian Scene (Eds: Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Grover, S.), PSYPROM, PGIMER, Chandigarh, 2010, pp 140-158.
  • Kulhara, P. and Grover, S. Course and outcome of schizophrenia: global perspective and review of Indian research. In Schizophrenia: the Indian Scene (Eds: Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Grover, S.) PSYPROM, PGIMER, Chandigarh, 2010, Pp 301-334
  • Malhotra S. World Health Organization and Schizophrenia Research with particular reference to India and developing world. In Schizophrenia: the Indian Scene. Eds P. Kulhara, A. Avasthi, S.K. Verma. Printed by Searle (India) Ltd. Mumbai, India, 1997, pp 98-113.
  • Avasthi A, Bannerjee A. Depression in schizophrenia. In: Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Grover S, editors. Schizophrenia – The Indian Scene. Chandigarh, PSYPROM, PGIMER 2010, p. 140-158.
  • Basu D, Chakroborty K. Substance abuse and schizophrenia in the Indian context. In: Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Grover S, editors. Schizophrenia – The Indian Scene. Chandigarh, PSYPROM, PGIMER 2010, p. 189 – 214.
  • Chakrabarti S. Impact of schizophrenia on caregivers: the Indian perspective. In: Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Grover S, editors. Schizophrenia – The Indian Scene. Chandigarh, PSYPROM, PGIMER 2010, p. 215 – 262.
  • Kulhara P, Grover S. Course and outcome of schizophrenia: global perspective and review of Indian research. In: Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Grover S, editors. Schizophrenia – The Indian Scene. Chandigarh, PSYPROM, PGIMER 2010, p. 301 -334.
  • Malhotra S, Gaur N. World Health Organization and schizophrenia research with particular reference to India and developing world. In: Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Grover S, editors. Schizophrenia – The Indian Scene. Chandigarh, PSYPROM, PGIMER 2010, p. 159-188.


  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Schizophrenia. (Chairman: Shiv Gautam, Convener: Ajit Avasthi). Published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2005).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Bipolar Affective (Mood) Disorders. In: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force (Chiarman: Shiv Gautam, Convener: Ajit Avasthi) pp 120-151, Published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2005)
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Depressive Disorder. (Chairman: Shiv Gautam, Convener: Ajit Avasthi). Published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2005).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Anxiety Disorders. (Chairman: Shiv Gautam, Convener: Ajit Avasthi). Published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2005).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of OCD. (Chairman: Shiv Gautam, Convener: Ajit Avasthi). Published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2005).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Substance Use Disorders, Sexual Dysfunctions and Sleep Disorders (Chairman: Shiv Gautam; Convener: Ajit Avasthi) Published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2006).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Sexual Dysfunctions. In: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force (Chairman: Shiv Gautam; Convener: Ajit Avasthi) pp. 144-231, published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2006)
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Treatment of Depression in Elderly. In: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force (Chairman: Shiv Gautam; Convener: Ajit Avasthi) pp. 51-150, published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2007)
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Geriatric Psychiatric Disorders (Chairman: Shiv Gautam; Convener: Ajit Avasthi) Published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2007).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Chairman: Shiv Gautam; Conveners: Ajit Avasthi, Savita Malhotra) Published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2008).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Treatment of Depression in Children and Adolescents. In: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force (Chairman: Shiv Gautam; Conveners: Ajit Avasthi, Savita Malhotra) pp 101-153, published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2008).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Forensic Psychiatry (Chairman: Shiv Gautam, Convener: Ajit Avasthi) Published by Indian Psychiatric Society (2009).
  • Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychiatrists in India. Indian Psychiatric Society Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines for Ethical and Legal issues in Psychotherapy. (Chairman: Shiv Gautam; Convener: Ajit Avasthi) pp 148-163, published by Indian Psychiatric Society(2009)
  • Avasthi A, Kumar S. Spiritual Aspects in psychiatry – the way forward for the future. In: Spirituality and Mental Health. Sharma A (ed), Indian Psychiatric Society. 2009; 425-432.
  • Grover S, Avasthi A. Neurotrophins in psychiatric disorders. In: Mohan Das E, Avasthi A, Venkatasubramanian G (editors). Neurobiology of psychiatric disorder. Jaipur: Publication Committee, Indian Psychiatric Society, 2010; 32-58.
  • Kulhara P, Holikatti P, Gupta S. Neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia. In: Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders (Eds. Mohan Das E, Avasthi A, Venkatasubramanian G), Published by the Indian Psychiatric Society, 2010, Pp 135-150.
  • Malhotra S, Shah R. Women and Mental Health in India: An Overview. In: Women’s Mental Health an IPS publication, 2010.
  • Mohandas E, Avasthi A, Subramanian V. Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders. Published by Indian Psychiatric Society, 2010.


  • Wig NN. Psychiatric Symptoms Following Family Planning Procedures: A Report on Some Epidemiological Studies from India. International Symposium on Epidemiological Studies in Psychiatry. Tehran. Editors: Denis Leigh and Javed Nooraksh, 1974, pp, 274-284.
  • Wig NN. Training of psychiatrists. Mental Health Services in Developing Countries, WHO (General), 1975, pp. 111 -117.
  • Wig NN. Methodology of Data Collection – Field Surveys, Design and Implementation. WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region EM/SEM, APPL, Psy, EPID/9, 1975.
  • Varma VK. Development of Training Programmes in Psychopahtology and Psychotherapy University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya Campus. WHO, Searo, 1976, SEA/Ment/32, 1-5.
  • Varma VK. Development of Mental Health Training and Services in Sri Lanka. WHO-SEA/Ment/75, 1984, pp. 1-11.
DECADE VI (2011-2020)
  • Malhotra S, Banarjee A. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Disorders. In: Text Book of Asian Psychiatry. (eds. D.Bhugra and SK. Chaturvedi.), Byword Viva Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2011
  • Avasthi A, Grover S, Jhirwal OP. Dhat syndrome: A culture-bound sex related disorder in Indian subcontinent. In: Gupta S, Kumar B, editors. Sexually transmitted infections. 2nd edition. New Delhi: Elsevier 2012. p. 1225-1230.
  • Basu D, Aggarwal M, Umamaheswari V. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. In, Community Mental Health in India (eds., Chavan BS, Gupta N, Arun P, Sidana A, Jadhav S)Invited book chapter. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2012, pp. 176-183.
  • Chakrabarti S. Epidemiology of mental disorders in India. In: Textbook of Mental Disorders. IGNOU, 2012.
  • BS Chavan, N. Gupta, P. Arun, A. Sidana, S. Jadhav editors Models for Research in the Community. In: Community Mental Health in India, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi 2012 ; 413-420.
  • Kate N, Grover S. Techniques of interviewing and case history taking. In: resource book for a distance education PG Diploma in mental health being started by IGNOU, 2012.
  • Malhotra S, Gaur N. Community Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. In: Textbook of Community Psychiatry in India; Editors: BS Chavan, N Gupta, P Arun, AK Sidana, S Jadhav.; Publishers: Jaypeee Brothers, New Delhi, 2012, pp213-221.
  • Avasthi A, Grover S, Dutt A. Dysthymia: Conceptual evolution and current status. In: Seminars in General Adult Psychiatry. Eds J N Vyas. Makalu Publication House, Dillibazaar, Kathmandu, 2013, pp366-382.
  • Avasthi A, Khurana H, Grover S, Agarwal M. Family and marital therapy In: Seminars in General Adult Psychiatry. Eds J N Vyas. Makalu Publication House, Dillibazaar, Kathmandu, 2013, pp366-382.
  • Nehra R, Kulhara P. Psychometric Assessment Tools: Indian Perspective of Clinical Psychology. Published by Publication Committee, Indian Psychiatric Society, 2011.
  • Kulhara P, Avasthi A, Thirunavukarasu M. Themes and Issues in Contemporary Indian Psychiatry, Published by Publication Committee, Indian Psychiatric Society, 2011.
  • Avasthi A, Nebhinani N, Grover S. Postgraduate training in India: Agenda for Indian Psychiatric Society. In: Psychiatry in India: training and training centres. Eds: T SS Rao, Indian Psychiatric Soceity, Ramya Creations, Mysore, India, 2011; pp 21-28.
  • Nehra R, Sharma S, Sharma A. Introduction. In: Psychometric Assessment Tools: Indian Perspective of Clinical Psychology (eds Ritu Nehra and Parmanand Kulhara), Indian psychiatric Society, 2011; 1-4.
  • Grover S, Avasthi A. Management of bipolar disorders in pregnancy. In: Sharma I, Parial S, Tripathi MN, editors. Women’s’ mental health- Treatment of psychiatric disorders in women during pregnancy and lactation. Varanasi: Indian Psychiatric Society 2011. p. 81-1.
  • Malhotra S, Gaur N. Community Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. In: Textbook of Community Psychiatry in India; Editors: Prakash B Behere and Lalit Batra. Publishers: Indian Psychiatric Society, 2013, pp 59-84.

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