Community Psychiatry

The Department runs four community satellite clinics, located at the General Hospital Naraingarh (Haryana), Community Health Centre Raipur Rani (Haryana), Civil Hospital Kharar (Punjab), Primary Health Centre Boothgarh (Punjab) and a field community psychiatry service in NandpurKallor (Punjab). Several community services, like School Mental health Services, preventive group session for pregnant women, group session for people with alcohol or drug use disorders, information-education-communication (IEC) activities in the community, are conducted in the village Nandpur Kallor. Adult PsychiatryAddiction Psychiatry and CAP attend to the aforementioned community services.

Duties of Senior Resident (SR) posted in Community Psychiatry
  • To attend Community Psychiatry clinics as per the schedule
  • To meet medical officers at these centers, appraise them about availability of psychiatric services at their centers and request them to refer patients in need of psychiatric evaluation/treatment
  • To supervise JRs in assessment and management of patients attending these clinics. SR must review the cases seen by JRs, formulate management plan (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) and supervise the implementation of same by JRs
  • To ensure complete and accurate recording of information (socio-demographic details, history, examination, diagnosis, management plan, follow-up notes) in proforma meant for Community Psychiatry clinics
  • To coordinate with administrative I/C (SMO) of respective centers regarding availability of medicines required for psychiatric management of patients and difficulties being faced at the centers
  • To meet the faculty I/C of community services on Monday and Friday, discuss cases seen at community clinics and appraise them with progress in services & problems faced at Community Psychiatry clinics
  • In event of a complicated case being referred to parent Department for management, the reason for the same must be recorded on prescription by SR
  • To regularly report to and take directions from consultant I/C of community services
Administrative duties
  • To liaison with Dept. of Community Medicine and local governing bodies of respective centers to conduct activities to increase awareness about psychiatric disorders among general public & medical officers of the centers as well as about the availability of psychiatric services at these centers
  • To ensure that details of all cases seen are entered in SPSS data sheet for Community

Psychiatry. SR must check the data sheet on weekly basis and report the same to faculty I/C one week before completion of his/her posting

Academic duties
  • To attend academic activities of the Department
  • To allot and supervise academic tasks to JRs on weekly basis and present the same to faculty I/C on Monday/Friday
Research activities

To plan research activities at community centers under supervision of Faculty I/C of community services

Duties of Junior Resident (JR) posted in Community Psychiatry
  • To attend Community Psychiatry clinics as per the prevailing schedule
  • To assess patients attending these clinics, record their clinical as well as socio-demographic information on proforma meant for the same and formulate management plan
  • To discuss the case with SR, finalize the plan of management (pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological) and implement the same
  • To meet the faculty I/C of community services on Monday and Friday, discuss cases seen at community clinics, record instructions given by faculty I/C and implement the same on follow-up of patients
  • To participate in awareness programs/activities planned at community clinics from time to time
  • To enter the patient record in SPSS data sheet on daily basis
  • To carry out academic activities allotted under supervision of SR and present the same to faculty I/C on Monday/Friday
Duties for the Social Worker posted in Community

Psychiatry Clinical Work Assignments

  • Brief Psychosocial assessment and intervention should be done on the same day as work up of the patient and it should be attached in the file
  • To fill the socio-demographic profile sheet of the Walk-In Proforma of all the new patients attending the satellite clinics
  • To assess the needy patients for poor free status and facilitate the same if there is a need
  • Liaison closely with SRs posted in the respective areas for assistance and completion of work allotted to them
  • To conduct public awareness programmes regarding mental illness including SUDs
  • The do detailed psychosocial work up as per the format assigned to them by various faculty members
  • Explaining CL procedure and follow up on the patients referred to higher centers (PGIMER) for special treatments
  • Participate actively in the follow-up of the cases (through telephone, home visits etc.,) where brief psychosocial work up was done and record the same in the file
  • To arrange and do home visits, meeting with employers, visiting workplace, rehabilitation services, legal services, attend courts etc., for the patients assigned to them by various faculty members or the Department
  • To organize various camps, and educational programs of the Department
  • Liaison with hospital authorities, in the respective satellite clinics to facilitate poor free status, supply of free medications for patients. Also liaison with village leaders, religious leaders etc., in making arrangements for follow-ups
  • Liaison with MSWs of Department and other Department s of PGIMER for treatment of patients etc.
  • Liaison with different stakeholders (Sarpanch, Religious Leaders, NGO‖s, etc.,) for the benefit of the patients
  • Liaison with other agencies for C-L, arranging medicines for patients, etc.
  • To discuss working and planning for smooth functioning and research work in community services with the consultant I/C.
  • Attend the Departmental Academics – Case Conference (except when in community duty); Seminar (Whole Departmental). Can actively contribute for their part of assessments and intervention
  • May be assigned teaching responsibilities for various educational courses run in the institute like physiotherapy, speech and audiology
  • To participate in the research projects of various faculty members
  • To take initiative in conducting research under the guidance of faculty members
  • May be assigned clinical and administrative tasks as per the need of the Department
  • To attend various Departmental administrative meeting
  • To meet different stakeholders (sarpanch, religious leaders, NGOs, etc.,) for making arrangements for community programmes and arranging camps
  • Mainly responsible to organize and procuring of medicines for community camps

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